Friday, September 7, 2018


"curiouser and curiouser"

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass

Robert "Captain Bob" Sanchez
Robert "Captain Bob" Sanchez, reportedly a nice young man, is easily manipulated.

As we reported in our last installment, someone within the Cameron County Republican Party thought it would be clever to convince Captain Bob to oppose County Judge Eddie Trevino in the 2018 Democrat primary, likely on the premise that a primary campaign for Eddie would make him utilize campaign funds, energy and rhetoric, weakening him for the general election.

Tad Hasse
No one, but the somewhat challenged "Captain," thought he could actually win against Eddie Trevino.  The idée brillante seems to have been orchestrated by Chris Valadez, County Judge Candidate Carlos Cascos's longtime assistant, while Captain Bob claimed that SBOE Candidate Tad Hasse handed him $600 toward the $1250 filing fee.

Rebecca Gomez
Tad is a friend, so we approached him about Robert's claim.  After some hesitation, Tad responded:
"I believe he got the money from Rebecca," referring to Rebecca Gomez, a political operative, part of the Balli family, who once laid claim to the intracoastal strip that is now South Padre Island.

Ms. Gomez did not respond to our questions.

Actually, our Facebook messenger was split four ways at that point; Tad Hasse, Robert Sanchez, Rebecca Gomez and Anna Aguilar-Puente, a young woman we'd agreed to meet at Gio's Villa the following night.

Our statement to Robert Sanchez: "Robert. . I asked Tad about the $600. . He thinks you got it from Rebecca Gomez."

After a VERY long delay, Captain Bob answered:  "Ok. i got it from her, sure. . . . . . . . . Yes , all ones."

Hasse stated that Rebecca Gomez initially agreed to be Robert Sanchez's campaign treasurer, but that the two of them "fucked up" the campaign finance reports.(Robert Sanchez lists no campaign treasurer on his one finance report and did not file the obligatory treasurer report.)

Carlos Cascos
We sent several questions very late to County Judge Candidate Carlos Cascos.  He has yet to respond, but will likely have some comments soon.

We were curious as to how this carefully-orchestrated plot would affect incumbent Eddie Trevino, so we checked his campaign finance reports.

County Judge Eddie Trevino, Jr.
In the February 5, 2018 filing, the same report that Robert Sanchez claimed $0.00 contributions and $0.00 expenditures, Eddie Trevino reported $37,600 in contributions and only $10,155 in expenses.

Trevino's 7/16/2018 report added another $17,950 in contributions, but also $70,000 in campaign loans.

Seemingly, Captain Bob's challenge to Eddie had an effect:  Eddie added $55,550 to his war chest in  addition to taking out a $70,000 loan.


To paraphrase our friend, Tad Hasse; sometimes you plan craftily, but, in the end,  you just "fuck up."


  1. Captain Bob got Eddie to spend $10,000 that cannot be used against Carlos… All part of the Republican plan.

  2. O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!

    1. Like Roman by using Barton’s blog to write this trash? It’s not a good look Jimmy boy!

  3. If you need a loan, you shouldn’t run for office.

    1. If you are willing to turn your back on our county for a better job, you shouldn't run for office.

    2. Both statements are true.

  4. I don't know any of the seedy characters you've named in this orchestration, but I am going to tell you my experience with Carlos Cascos. a few years ago he came to my door asking for my vote making all kinds of promises and great things he was going to bring to Cameron County. My entire family, colleges and friends voted for him. Shortly after Mr. Cascos wins his election with our help, he announces he has been ASKED to go serve the state. What about my 15 minutes of wasted time listening to his promises? And then to hear about the little games this man plays to try and get ahead? Im sorry but I do not believe this man is an ethical or responsible leader. My family, colleagues, and friends also will not be supporting this man for the same and similar reasons. We are tired of the politicians who think they can control us.

    1. Do tell. What promises did he make?

  5. Bob throws Rebecca under the bus to protect Hasse. A microcosm of Trump and all his best people.

    1. yeah, and Rebecca, tells on Hasse

  6. Why aren’t you cornering Morgan with this? She’s the one who is the common link with every single person listed.

    1. Barton is anemic in front of Morgan and Cascos. He won't do it.

    2. Because he doesn't give a shit about Roman's agenda

  7. Jim, they have you where they want you - running in circles. smh



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