Monday, September 10, 2018


Editor, Brownsville Observer
Two of my friends squared off in a philosophical discussion considering work ethic, dependency and, yes, race.  

Tad Hasse, a skinny, chain-smoking nerd, the best friend of anyone in need in the city and a candidate for the State Board of Education, Place 2, opens the discussion.

A smart man, who frequently says dumb stuff, Hasse inhales daily the noxious fumes of Breitbart and Fox News, making the occasional brain fart inevitable.  The gas has to go somewhere.

In the other corner is Michael Garza, of Brownsville, a water systems representative.

OK, we start with Tad:

Tad Hasse
Driving back from an errand, I saw a older guy at a street corner with a cup. He wasn't one of the "usual suspects". His clothing was utilitarian, some of it obviously military surplus but with no indication that he was trying to imply he was a vet. The fellow was Hispanic, which is rare in my eyes to be seen begging. I hadn't seen anyone give him anything. I did a little social experiment to validate my opinion.
When I pulled up near him, I waved him over and gave him a $5 bill. He thanked me profusely. As I was driving away, I saw what I knew I would see. He was walking away from the corner to be on about his business. He got what he needed and didn't hang around to see if he could get more.

This is one of the things that bothers me the most about things like welfare. It takes a proud people and turns them into a dependent class. The attitude among many younger Hispanics along the border reflects this. Dependency creates more dependency.

To break the cycle of poverty, we have to create opportunities, not deal with it by writing checks. We'll never stop writing checks that people are accepting at the cost of their pride.

Oh, well! Enough preaching from me for one day

Now, a counterpoint from Michael Garza:

Michael Garza
As a hispanic, and a conservative I might add, from a military family, living in the Rio Grande Valley (right along the border) I find these remarks deeply disturbing. 

I believe that it not so subtly insinuates that hispanic are mere receivers of handouts and as a "dependant class." 

Really...Really!! I challenge this Mr. Hasse to drive by a construction sight, ANY construction sight (they will all be the same) and see who is building the future of this great state. Hispanics!!

Many of them young. Other areas in which hispanic workers work tiredlessly to earn a living and contribute to this country are too numerous to name here. 

Furthermore, his "observation" serves only to perpetuate stereotypes rather than provide insight in to the corupting influence of the social safety nets. 

Man..this is unbelievable. Hispanic are working the hardest, dirtiest, most dangerous jobs under the Texas scorching sun and we still can't be looked upon as hard working people!! 


Mr. Hasse I will not be voting for you and I will do my best to convince AS MANY PEOPLE AS I CAN TO VOTE FOR YOUR OPPONENT. 

This is not the Republican party I grew up in.

While propagating these myths might settle well with "the base." Anyone with an "honest" eye can go to most workplaces and see who is toilling for America whether any one notices or appreciates it!

Another comment:

David Montemayor Tad, my take away to your post was different than Mr. Garza's, but I did find it strange that you mentioned the homeless person's race, and like Mr. Garza I don't see how it is relevant to your story what race he was.

As someone lucky enough to have traveled the world, I can tell you poor people and homeless people come from all races. Of that I am sure.


  1. 100 % with Mr. Garza, Hasse is a well known racist, withe supremacist

  2. Wrong Michael Garza

  3. Tad’s hood is showing.

  4. "He was walking away from the corner to be on about his business..." typical trumpian dogwhistle. it's up to the reader to infer what hasse implied. wink wink. no facts, just fear and loathing. so one homeless vet speaks for the homeless hispanic condition? and this guy has a chance to get elected?

  5. Tad is a Harmless FUCKING FLEA. Looks like he hasn't had pussy since Y2K! LOL

  6. I know a lot of Republicans like Michael GARZA who will not vote for Ted Hasse.

  7. Is this Garza related to Eric Garza? Go away, Eric. We don’t need you..

  8. Retrouvez un large choix de chaussures de danse.
