Saturday, August 4, 2018


County Chair Jared Hockema Presides Over Monthly Meeting at Pepe's Mexican Restaurant

Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino stood between two long tables of Democrat precinct chairs and candidates, blasting any in attendance who would even think about voting for his Republican opponent in November.

"Anyone planning on doing that shouldn't even attend a meeting like this," stated Trevino without mentioning the name of his opponent.

Someone behind me whispered "Cascos."

Trevino agreed with Cameron County Democratic Chair Jared Hockema that Democrats sometimes vote in the primaries, but forget to vote in the general election, especially in a non-presidential election year.

Tito Mata(pictured at left), minutes after being selected as the local party's Sergeant at Arms, admitted to being "pissed off" at BISD leadership, carefully excluding BISD Trustee Sylvia Atkinson, seated at his table.

"I don't mean you, Sylvia.  You're doing a great job," Mata explained.

"How could BISD give a junior high coach who went 1-36 a senior high coaching job?" Mata asked rhetorically.

Continuing with his grievances Mata said: "I mean.  I'm a former teacher.  I had to pay for supplies myself.  It should't be like this."

Jeff Duvall, one of the party's local brains, familiar with the rules and policies of both local parties, also stood up to vent, claiming that local 
Republicans were not even following party rules.

Today's meeting was largely business, though.  Former County Chair Amber Medina, not present at today's meeting, was selected Vice-Chair with Berta Guerra named Secretary, Denise Chavez Treasurer and Tito Mata Sergeant at Arms.

Hockema also announced a new party office at 851 Palm Boulevard, asking for volunteers to "man" the office.

Hockema stated that many of the deficiencies of state government felt by valley residents, especially in health care, were due to Republican control of state government.

"If Democrats voted, especially those along the border, Democrats could actually control state government, which would mean better health services, more revenue for doctors and hospitals in our area," Hockema stated.

Pictures above:  Mario Saenz conferring with Eddie Trevino, BISD Board Candidate Erasmo Castro, Jared Hockema with Cindy Hinojosa in foreground.


  1. Is it true that Jeff Duval is supporting local Republicans like Tad Hasse? If it’s not Jeff, who is Eddie Treviรฑo talking about?

  2. I’m just here for the comments.

  3. I too was at the meeting. I support the democrat party but I don't support Trevino. He's a sniffling, dishonest individual who hurts our party. He has no business lecturing anyone about loyalty.

    1. If you were there, what was Jeff wearing?

  4. Eddie is a greasy little rodent nibbling on the anus of corruption like a piece of rancid cheese. He always looks sloppy and oily and dirty and he’s moodier than any vieja I’ve ever met. Some people just say they support him because they’re afraid of what he will do to them for revenge because he’s insecure and petty.

    Your time’s almost up, Grease Squeeker.

    1. Rodents don’t nibble on anuses. Bad analogy. Did your mother teach you that?

  5. Did Eddie talk to you like Carlos does?

  6. It looks like a meeting of whiners and complainers. If Cascos wins the election will these Democrats recognize the election results? Or will they whine, complain and hate because they lost like they are doing with President Trump?

  7. It looks like a meeting of movers and shakers who know how to get people elected. Sharp contrast to meeting of old ladies and nobodies Jim reported on last month. If local Democrats win will those Republicans the local election results? Or will they get on their wheelchairs, wait for their social security check to come in and wait to lose another election?

  8. The only thing moving and shaking is Treviรฑo in his boots every time a newnpoll comes out. Ask him.
