Friday, August 3, 2018


Castle Peak Hotel, Cebu City

My long-held belief that the real pleasure from vacations is in the retelling through pics, and, in the old days, boring slides to agonize friends and family, is being challenged in my own experience.

Just today, I reverted to my old pattern, reminding Diego Lee Rot of the time in the 80's, while trekking across the Navajo Nation, that we went into a video arcade on the reservation all badass like we were going to "teach" Galaga.  We looked up on the top of the game console, saw scores ranging from one to two million and quietly walked back out.  Yes, so funny!!! Ha ha ha!

Yet, my pending trip to the Philippines seems to be paying forward, giving me real interaction before I even leave home.

After several long conversations, I was quickly enamored with Helene, pictured at left, an extension agent for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, operating from an office in the city of Argao.

This heroic, young lady, 45 years my junior, is a dynamic force in her community, organizing a youth ministry, while managing a huge portion of Cebu's natural forests.

A diagnosis of cancer last year put a crimp in her activity, but, after the totality of chemo, she's been declared cancer free with one last checkup due in September.

Helene told me she wasn't leaving the Philippines.  Her work was too important as well as her "youth ministry."  OK, fine with me.  I'm not leaving my son and grandson in the lurch either.  So, no deal. 

Today, without illusions of anything more than a lifetime friendship, I accepted her invitation to visit her home city of Argao.  She knows about my blog and feels the publicity may benefit her youth ministry.

The trip will be an easy one from the Castle Peak Hotel in Cebu, a simple 74.5 kilometer trip along the seacoast highway to Argao in an air-conditioned bus.  Helene only worries about the Cebu traffic from my hotel to the bus station.

Despite describing herself as "shy," Helene agreed to an interview in her office about her work on the island of Cebu.  

My concession to Helene will be attending a 4:00 AM mass at an enormous Catholic Church built against the side of a mountain, the Monastery of the Holy Eucharist(Simala Church) noted for healings and miracles.  She explained that we will be taken up the hill by tricycles, three-wheeled motorcycles with a side car, then, will walk up a large flight of stares, and, after taking off our shoes, wait in line to "see" a shrine of the Virgin Mary.

Helene assured me that I will be allowed to take pictures in side, but reminded me of the dress code, no flip-flops, short-sleeved shirts or shorts for me.

This particular shrine has been instrumental in many miracles and cancer survivor Helene believes.  Who am I to discount miracles?


The Monastery of the Holy Eucharist (Birhen sa Simala)



submitted by Mary Helen Flores Urgent update: SpaceX applied for a permit to dump polluted water into Boca Boca Chica Beach and community wi...