Thursday, June 15, 2017

Local Environmentalists Horrified to Learn Eddie Lucio III on Payroll of Pipeline Giant

Channelview, Texas
Many years ago Nena signed us up for a travel plan that provided huge discounts to selected lodging. We got a very nice deal to stay at the Radisson Paraiso in Zacatecas, then she found us a motel deal on the outskirts of Houston, Channelview.

The motor inn in Channelview was technically "on the water" and clean enough, but not our vacation ideal.  The smell of several variations of fossil fuels filled the air, as well has smoke, steam and the sound of steel on steel.  

If local politicos, with palms well-greased, had their way, the Port of Brownsville, Highway 48 to Port Isabel and S.P.I., South Bay, the estuaries would collectively morph into Channelview.  The huge heat and pollutants generated by the enormous process of liquifying natural gas, reducing it to 1/600th of its volume, would go straight into our air, water and soil, our precious environment.   Crude oil pipelines would crisscross our bays and lagunas.  Residents could close their eyes and smell Channelview.

Representative Eddie Lucio III
A light bulb went off for a group opposing Valley Crossing Pipeline.  Why don't we enlist the help of State Representative Eddie Lucio III? Local advocate Mary Helen Flores made the call, being told initially that the state rep would return her call within the hour.  After an hour, she called back and was told by an office assistant that "Representative Lucio was unable to comment on the operations of Valley Crossing Pipeline as he represented them locally as an attorney.  What?  
Mary Helen Flores

Flores was livid, posting this comment on her Facebook page:  


Groups and locals working against turning our region into a petrochemical wasteland include: The Sierra Club, Save RGV from LNG, Mary Helen Flores, Teresa Saldivar, Joe Cantu, Denise Ramirez, Rob Nixon, Marlene Dougherty, Stefanie Herwek, John & Barbara and Scott Nicol.


  1. LNG on the way and there is no way the losers you listed can stop it ! You lost, we won! Thank you President Trump,and Gov. Perry! Great Jobs on the way.

  2. Stayed in Channel View to save 6 dollars? Brilliant move. You are truly an experienced traveler.

    1. It's cheaper, Jim, just to mooch off relatives. That's what I always do.

    2. Do you and Nenny reuse the same Economax 100 grit 1-ply toilet paper to save a buck? Do you save it in a bag so Diego, Jack and Mexican Jack can use it too? Maybe Nenny should have BWC sue the government for her pension check. He was dishonorably discharged and still makes more than you two combined.

    3. "Do you and Nenny reuse the same Economax 100 grit 1-ply toilet paper to save a buck? Do you save it in a bag so Diego, Jack and Mexican Jack can use it too? Maybe Nenny should have BWC sue the government for her pension check. He was dishonorably discharged and still makes more than you two combined."

      You're such a dumbass, Duardo. Generally, intellectually-challenged folk have a saving grace, but you do not. I'm not Dr. Phil. I don't have a clinic or rehab waiting in the wings to guide your life. Is there no one in your life that can advocate for your mental health? Go see your daughter in South Dallas if she's willing to see you. Scan the internet for restaurant reviews. Do something, but quit stalking this blog!

    4. For the record duardo, i was honorably discharged - not that facts would ever get in your way. And for the record if you do not care about Jim's blog or what he says why do read it and then feel compelled to respond to something you do not care about. If I had a dollar for every time you have said you are done with me and Jim I would be a millionaire. Yes Duardo we know is giving you your working orders. And that is going to come to an end real fast.

  3. That's why four generations of south Texans refer to this man as Sucio Lucio.

  4. 30.00 BBQ tickets! LMAO !!! Who want to go eat crap BBQ with a bunch of pissed off out of town retirees from Long Island!!! Did you all hear that the EPA and sierra club are being defunded by TRUMP ? It's gonna take more than $5,000.00 you losers. Scott Nicol and stefane are hilarious they are so pissed off they shake when they talk.

    1. Hi Rodrigo, you Matamoros fake. Ain't no American. You Mexicans, all about the money whatever you can steal or hustle. Proud to sell out our beaches and tourism. Making the US look like that shithole of a country you are fleeing, but why? Go back if you love that smell of an oil slick fossil fuel dump so much.

    2. The anti jobs coalition are also racist. Typical liberals. How was the $30.00 BBQ?

    3. ANyone else notice how the alleged 'Democrat' Lucios are only defended by Trump loving GOP dumbfucks? Who are these people?

  5. Sucio Lucio going down. Don't have the politiqueras to protect him anymore. Bye bye

    1. The Lucios aren't going anywhere. No one listens to that nut Mary Helen!

    2. Sucio Lucio going down. No more straight ticket palanca voting. No more politiqueras in nursing homes.

      Wait a minute. Where else did Sucio Lucios get votes? From the golf course and liquor stores they frequent with the taxpayers money? Uh oh. The truth is they do not have a base. All he had is daddy's name, and carpetbagging on Demo palanca votes. But without the palanca, or the politiquera, that means every single voter has to choose to bubble in his name or not on the next ballot. And what shrimper, fisher, tax payer, Democrat, or valley resident in their right mind would do that? Why? Because Eddie needs to keep taking money from LNG? Because we need to keep supporting his golf games? LOL. A real opponent for this silver spoon Republican-lite, way overdue

  6. The poison fruit doesn't fall far off the poison fruit tree. Like two vultures late for supper, Los Dos Sucios are making sure no valuable resources are left to kill, even if it means destroying our air, water, and a major tourism industry. How can they possibly be elected year after year when they do nothing, actually we'd be better off if they did do nothing, al least they wouldn't be screwing us over.

  7. Please tell me that Rep. Lucio specializes in oil and gas law and law relating to pipelines for oil and gas. I can't bring myself to believe that the big bucks he is getting from this pipeline company is a fat legislative bribe disguised as retainers for legal services.

    1. What type of lawsuit is needed for this conflict of interest? He's supposed to be representing his voters, his constituents, not the LNG special interest. How are they getting away with paying him directly?

  8. Valley Crossing Pipeline Update: Construction has started, eminent domain Petitions For Condemnation have been served.

    We're being treated like mangy stray dogs, like road kill, like bugs splatted on the windshields of the company's 18 wheelers running over everything and everyone in its path.

    The Valley Crossing Pipeline is being built from the Aqua Dulce Hub southwest of Corpus, northwest of Kingsville, down to our local Port of Brownsville.  Then it's to go under our ship channel, under South Bay, over Brazos Island, then under the Gulf of Mexico to the US-Mexico border about 30 miles off our coast.  There it's supposed to connect with the Sur de Texas-Tuxpan Pipeline being built to connect the Aqua Dulce Hub with Veracruz, Mexico.

    Valley Crossing is a 168 mile natural gas pipeline.  The pipeline being laid from the Aqua Dulce Hub to our Port is 48 inches in diameter.  The part from our Port to the Sur de Texas-Tuxpan Pipeline is to be 42 inches in diameter.

    Last I heard, the pipeline was approaching Sarita, TX. 

    Valley Crossing has already filed eminent domain Petitions For Condemnation against some Cameron County landowners.  One landowner was offered $2,000 by Valley Crossing but the judge awarded him $60,000.  Valley Crossing may appeal the judge's decision.  We'll have to wait and see.  Valley Crossing has also cited at least two landowners by publication (a 03-17-2017 Public Notice in the Classifieds section of the Brownsville Herald, see  I've also heard that Valley Crossing has already marked a route along Hwy 48.

    Bottom line: If you own land along the pipeline route, you may want to get a lawyer.  If you think you might own land on the pipeline route, or know someone who might, I can send you a detailed map of the route.

    What's the big deal?  Most if this pipeline is 48-inches in diameter.  The 30 miles or so of it that's suppose to be 42-inches will run under the South Bay and Gulf of Mexico waters.  We haven't been told how much pressure the pipelines will be under, so we have no idea how large the Blast Zone along the pipeline will be. 

    The "Blast Zone" (also called "Incineration Zone" and "Burn Zone") is the area that will be burnt to a crisp within seconds if there is leak and resulting explosion (leaks result in explosions because of the heat from the high pressure ignites the escaping gas). 

    We also want to know the High Consequence Areas (HCA) along the pipeline.  These are areas that will require additional protection for people with limited mobility such as day care centers, old age homes, and prisons.

    We also want to know the location and extent of the Evacuation Zones.  These are areas an unprotected human would need to leave in order to avoid burn injuries if there is a pipeline explosion, fire, or leak.

    We also want to know the Worst Case Scenarios.  If everything goes wrong, what's the maximum danger and damage that's possible.  For sure we want our first responders to know what's possible, to have the equipment needed, and to have the training the need to get to and deal with Worst Case Scenarios.

    So far, I haven't been able to find a chart on the Blast Zone for any pipeline with a diameter larger than 42-inches.

    So far the only real information we've gotten about this mostly 48-inch pipeline is about the 1,000 feet Valley Crossing calls the "Border Crossing Project" -- where it's to connect with the Sur de Texas-Tuxpan pipeline.

    So far, there have be no public hearings on this pipeline.  Valley Crossing wants the Environmental Assessment to be limited to just its 1,000 foot Border Crossing Project segment.

    1. Ooohhh Noooo !!! Run for your life !!!The pussy ass, anti-jobs Libtards have been triggered. I have an idea. Please protest by blocking HWY 48. Pretty pleaseeeee.... not so great turn out at your BB Q ? I saw maybe 25 or 30 people there. Again as most of your events, mostly snowbird retirees who decided to stay here for the cheap Mexican pills. Now you will have to look at all the pipelines nad LNG Plants when you drive to Matamoros. The majority has voted. We want the jobs that industry brings. Time to pack up your trailers and move back to where you came from.

  9. Well if it isn't LNG and Pipelines, the Lucios will be just fine swindling municipal funds as "consultants" to contractors and engineers. Pay to play. I'm not against it, it keeps them from stealing the radios out of cars at Sunrise Mall, I guess.



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