Friday, February 3, 2017

Is Shock Troller Milo Yiannopoulos Playing College Students Across the Country?

Milo Yiannopoulos
Milo Yiannopoulos, a British journalist, born in Greece, author of Dangerous Faggot, editor of Breitbart News, has been saying stupid stuff on college campuses across the country and then laughing hilariously when the kids get upset.

Recently, a Yiannopoulos speech, part of a nationwide lecture tour, was cancelled at the University of California when a riot broke out.

Milo is just a troll, guys!  When he blasts feminists, Muslims, the Black Lives Matter movement, etc., remember this exact Milo quote:  "I hope to offend every reader."

An article by Jesse Singal on the website, Outrage Culture, describes the Milo approach this way:

Here’s how it works: Yiannopoulos goes to a college. He says dumb and offensive trolly things. Students react with outrage and sadness, either during the talk itself or in gatherings afterward. Inevitably, some of them either freak out or burst into tears, because college students are college students. Breitbart and other right-wing outlets then trawl for student-paper coverage, footage of angry students, or both, and then cover these reactions as “proof” that everything Yiannopoulos says about colleges and modern society — something something free-speech SJWs feminazis lesbians — is true.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. Like a fiddle. And proving his point. What part of our population is more malleable and programmable while still being convinced they are free thinking individuals reinventing the wheel and willing to make a lot of noise to convince the rest of us?

    That's right. Young adults who are in the Petri dish known as the university campus.



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