Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, the Anti-Conspiracy Theory Conspiracist

Brownsville Blogger Robert(Bobby)Wightman-Cervantes
I lifted this from the Halcyon Mental Health website under Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

The most telling thing that narcissists do is contradict themselves. They will do this virtually in the same sentence, without even stopping to take a breath. It can be trivial (e.g., about what they want for lunch) or it can be serious (e.g., about whether or not they love you). When you ask them which one they mean, they'll deny ever saying the first one, though it may literally have been only seconds since they said it -- really, how could you think they'd ever have said that? You need to have your head examined! They will contradict FACTS. They will lie to you about things that you did together. They will misquote you to yourself. If you disagree with them, they'll say you're lying, making stuff up, or are crazy. [At this point, if you're like me, you sort of panic and want to talk to anyone who will listen about what is going on: this is a healthy reaction; it's a reality check ("who's the crazy one here?"); that you're confused by the narcissist's contrariness, that you turn to another person to help you keep your bearings, that you know something is seriously wrong and worry that it might be you are all signs that you are not a narcissist.

Am I saying this description fits local blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes?  I'm not.  The reader can make his or her own decision on that.  But, in my lifetime, I've never observed ANYONE so self-contradictory, reversing field on every issue, every person, and then, oblivious to all the deviations.  

But the royal headache stems, not only from the herky-jerky alliances, with friends becoming foes in a millisecond, respect turning instantly into derision, canonization to condemnation on-the-fly, but Bobby presents the arguments with such illogical, unstructured written speech, that brain cells are fried trying to piece the arguments together.

In his latest diatribe, Bobby, after chastising local bloggers for engaging in conspiracy theories, comes out next sentence with a doozy of his own; that Tad Hasse is now being supported by Mike Hernandez III's OP 10.33 in his efforts to see to it that the public, not the County Commissioner's Court, names our next tax assessor:

"Now the only reason you are not reading claims by Montoya and Barton that Hasse is now taking money from Hernandez is because Tad Hasse is protected from their made up conspiracy theories.
Someone I have never heard of and was not at Tad Hasse's event I believe was claiming an interest in running for Tax Assessor as a write in and was taking Hernandez to task for associating with Eddie Lucio III.
Hernandez demanded proof that Lucio III was bad. I sent him an article from the Herald which Hernandez termed gossip and should be posted on the blog and not on his FB page."

The beauty in an accusation initiated by Bobby is that no one understands what he's trying to say.  "No harm, no foul," as they say.  I've read my name on Bobby's blog, next to the word "racist," and the phrase "con artist," but, after trying to understand his statement, realized it was, not only incredible, but no one would be able to make "heads or tails" of it.

Tad will likely smile, if and when he reads Bobby's latest anti-conspiracy, conspiracy theory involving him. No one has received more amusement over the years from Bobby's blog offerings than Tad. 

Brownsville's so-called 11th commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Talk to Bobby Wightman" has been broken time and again by inexperienced local politicos, typically to their peril.  Bobby's first article will praise you, but his second or third will put the knife squarely in your back.

Actually, Mike Hernandez III's initial interest  in consulting with Bobby Wightman was one of the early red flags that he did not comprehend the lay of the local land.  While the other bloggers seemed to view Hernandez as having "more money than sense," Wightman came out from the get-go as a supporter. For those of us who have observed Wightman for years, the back-tracking and reversal of field now developing was inevitable.  Such is the Wightman psyche.

For Mike Hernandez III's initial venture into Brownsville politics, its been an expensive learning experience.  But, it may be years before he realizes that those forming alliances with him have done so merely to take advantage of his money and political "naivete" to further their own agendas.  He will also find Tad Hasse not to be in that group.


  1. I see this process doomed to failure. Tad's an egotist with a messiah complex that turns a lot of people off. It's diffucult to watch the proceedings without being distracted by Tad's quixotic nature. I know many of his friends with come stones in hand to silence me for my dissent. The people are tired of charismatic cult leaders and their small army of radicals. OP10.33 is going to be the final nail in Tad's coffin. Tad's real friends need to tell him that associating with OP10.33 will destroy this movement. Or is Tad "so above reproach, so uncorruptable" that the concerns of the people are beneath his consideration.

    1. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. The claim that Hasse is somehow associated with OP 10.33 is a figment of Bobby Wightman's fertile imagination.

    2. That's exactly why he was disbarred and probably even why he relocated to our town.

  2. In no way, shape, or form would Tad Hasse be involved with OP10.33.

  3. For a second there, when you were describing a "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" I thought you were doing a commentary on Donald Trump.

  4. MIKE HERNANDEZ, III!June 22, 2016 at 12:11 AM

    To whomever it may concern:

    If you don't stop bad mouthing my organization and myself I WILL KILL MYSELF!

    Respectfully yours.
    Mike Hernandez, III

  5. com/2014/02/many-have-questioned-disbarred-lawyers.html?m=1

    Juanito wrote a piece that explains the history of this troubled man.

  6. People with narcissistic personality disorder are characterized by their persistent grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, and a disdain and lack of empathy for others.[5][6] These individuals often display arrogance, a sense of superiority, and power-seeking behaviors.[7] Narcissistic personality disorder is different from having a strong sense of self-confidence. This is because people with NPD typically value themselves over others to the extent that they disregard the feelings and wishes of others and expect to be treated as superior regardless of their actual status or achievements.[5][8] In addition, people with NPD may exhibit fragile egos, an inability to tolerate criticism, and a tendency to belittle others in an attempt to validate their own superiority.[8]

    1. Thanks again, Jim. But you're overdoing it.

  7. The grotesque ball of lard, blimp, has always listened to the many voices that call his noggin home Jimbo....what they tell him now is that Mike Hernandez is bacing Hasse because of a comment Mike wrote on his FB page, which he writes that he supports Hasse's efforts. Period. Does not mean that Hasse is taking orders or money from the goof-ball Mike Hernandez. But when has the truth ever stopped the round mound of ass pound Jim? The gay blogging blimp makes up shit as he goes along...lol!

    The bigger question is, how dumb is Mike Hernandez dudes? Not only does he associate with the garbage that he says he wants to get rid of in Cameron County....he would let the blimp in on what his plans were! Talk about a big mistake! We all know how associations with the crazy blimp go dudes....he calls all people who talk to him crazy, dumb as shit, corrupt, idiotic...etc,etc.....all adjectives that are better suited for the blimp himself!

    I think the reason why MIke gravitated to the blimp was because of the Prozac the two share in common...lol! Do us all a favor blimp ....listen to that voice in your head that is screaming at you to take a cyanide cupcake dude!

  8. Regardless of Wightman's personality, what is he lying about?

    1. His importance in the broad scheme of things for one?

      But really, Bobby lies to himself more than anybody else. Sad case, really.

  9. Bobby "Blimp" Wightman floated in from Dallas trying to take advantage of our hispanic culture and public officials just like Mike Hernandez and Carlos Q. Tad and Jim Barton have both had a significant role in protecting Brownsville citizens from these clowns. Mike is running candidates, Carlos Q tried the same mess, and Bobby Blimp uses his unbought and unread blog to try and manipulate our political scene.

  10. HERE IT IS!
    The PROOF that Tad is nothing more than a puppet to OP1033!,That was far more than the civil "Thank you" that it appeared to be on the surface. It was a secret code that was a pledge of fealty. And I have DOCUMENTED sources that I cannot reveal at this time, who say things only to me so I can bring to you my interpreted view of what these people, who may or may not exist really meant when they expressed their personal opinion as FACT on matters where they may or may not have any personal knowledge. NEVER FORGET that I have VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE whose motives are pure and I have never suspected to have a PERSONAL AGENDA. You may recall that yesterday I said the exact opposite, but you are WRONG. That perception was put out by paid media hacks in attempt to defame and discredit THE ONLY UNBOUGHT VOICE. If you recall, I said it then and I'll say it now, that I am the only source of the TRUTH! If the facts lead you to another conclusion, then you are a distraction, but I'll talk about my interpretation of what I thought you said without burdening my readers with your distractions. I don't play that game!

  11. Will the bloggers go after Tad Hasse if there is evidence of an influx of money to help him with the write in candidate idea ?- which will fail such as every other political endeavor tried by Hasse. But Mike Hernandez sees a chance to influence the process and praises Hasse.

  12. From the Desk of MIKE HERNANDEZ, III!June 22, 2016 at 9:26 PM

    To whomever it may concern:

    I am pleased to announce my newest initiative today. I call it the "Piss On Disabled Veterans Foundation" or PADA. Studies I have funded have shown that urinating on disabled veterans improves their mobility over disabled veterans who weren't urinated on. The effect, while temporary, was profound to say the least. This, in conjunction with the well-known antiseptic properties of urine, may improve the overall well being of veterans. Some disabled veterans even showed increased dopamine levels as a result of undergoing urinotheraphy. This shows a direct link between increased dopamine levels and receiving urinotheraphy treatment. If this initative is successful, we could employ thousands of health care providers to administer urinotheraphy treatment to disabled veterans. Additionally, the therapeutic effects of urinotheraphy are being tested on mentally disabled wards of the state. I will publish the results of this new study shortly.

    Respectfully yours.
    Mike Hernandez, III
    Founder, OP.10.33
