Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Cost of Implementing New Logo Approaching $1,000,000

Not-Well-Received New City Logo
The new city logo, not liked by 80% of Brownsville residents responding to Hahn Communications own survey,  is now being implemented by a new city board according to Brownsville Herald reporter Aisha Baskette.

Huckster Ron Oliveira, the slick spokesperson for Hahn Communications, presented the new logo to the City Commission as more than a mere lifeless image, but a branding plan.  The concept of a city or even an individual having or actually being the personification of a brand is patterned after NBA players like Lebron James, who speak of themselves and their brand simultaneously.  Hell, my nephew writes on Facebook about his "brand."  

Adding the initial $140,000 cost of the "branding plan" to the estimated cost of implementation puts the project's burden to the taxpayers up to nearly one million dollars:

"Rosas(Brownsville Public Information Officer, Roxanna Rosas) said that in the plan provided by HAHN, an itemized budget list was provided. Items included paid media (outdoor, print and digital), creative services, owned media, direct marketing, earned media and events, and research. The estimated budget HAHN provided for these services was $820,000."

The City Commission is falling victim to this same rope-a-dope strategy time and again; pay handsomely for a plan or strategy, then pay even more dearly to have that plan "implemented."  

The City of Brownsville now faces the daunting task of putting the new logo on stationary, ball point pens, baseball caps and even the city's fire trucks.  Expensive, indeed!  And, to think, the taxpayers didn't even want it!


  1. Capricious assholes will be voted out.

  2. I sure the printing, media, re-branding amenities, etc will probably be outsource to major companies instead of keeping things local. What a joke...

  3. This logo is important in promoting tourism and business. It is more important than providing basic services like bus stops, sidewalks and paved streets . Attention people of brownsville, you will always be a third world shit hole. Anonymous 12 :54 genius, just who the hell do you think that you are going to vote in ? erasimo? Robert Sanchez ? Amuda?

    1. Unfortunately, any of the three that you mentioned, would be an improvement compared to the shit we have now.

    2. I told you so about this mess from this commissioners and more mess is coming in the recyling bull.

  4. Yet another financial fiasco administered by Mayor Tony Martinez and his flailing idiots. Of course Tony doesn't give a rats ass, he has plenty of money and just wants to see his friends rake it in, as seen by the Oliviera Klan. Does this really surprise anyone????

  5. The mayor loves this logo so much, he should get a tattoo of it. What a failure this mayor is. I wonder when the people of Brownsville will open their eyes and smell the shit this guy is lying on us.

  6. Do you remember when Brownsville led the valley in every aspect? New businesses, tourism, etc.? A couple of years later people in Brownsville were hoping for mcallens scraps. Now current day, Brownsville is getting its ass kicked by city's like Weslaco, Pharr ,Harlingen and Shariland . Bville is now more like San Benito. Now Brownsville is in such a hole that it will never recover. This is what happens to a border community who identifies its self with a corrupt Mexican culture instead of freedom loving USA. Anyone worth 2 shits left long ago.

    1. ...and you left when?

    2. Doesn't matter if he left or not, he is on cue with his comment (Anon.@1:25pm). Brownsville by now should and could have, been leading the valley, and the shoulders of the larger cities in Texas with the right leadership.

    3. @ 7:29 I left 25 years ago and returned 5 years ago. I had to return for family health reasons. Now I have a very successful small business here. I wish in the near future I can take what I have built to a more diverse, less corrupt city in this great state of Texas. The valley has been experiencing a massive brain drain. Brownsville in particular. Bright people seeking a better education and way of life leave Brownsville in search of just the basics. Anyone who has experienced living somewhere nice as I have can relate to this. Everyday experiences here are unbearable. Horrible customer service in restaurants, stores, etc.. Incredibly dangerous driving habits of local mexicans. (This is not a racial comment, I am assuming 95% of Brownsville is Hispanic) ? Corruption at every level. Being ripped of by PUB. Narco wars next door, Horrible hospitals and even worse health care options for the elderly. Flooded streets and pissed off people with chips on their shoulders because they realize that they have no hope or opportunity to better themselves. I also have no hope but at least I have a little bit of money which makes all this somewhat bearable.

    4. You are absolutely right @ 10:14 AM, with your comment. It's ashamed cuz Brownsville could be 100% better than where its at now.

    5. "ashamed?".....please learn to spell before posting criticism .

  7. At least Brownsville has the yummy Mcrib



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...