Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Private Citizen Frank Morris Lobbies for Oscar X; Abbott Appoints De Coss

Former County Republican Chairman Frank Morris
Former Cameron County Republican Chairman Frank Morris, finally retired as a local party official, has nonetheless been active recently, as a private citizen, lobbying Governor Greg Abbott on behalf of Oscar X. Garcia, to fill the vacancy in 445th District Court left by Rolando Olvera, Jr.

The curious aspect of Morris' efforts is that Oscar X., evidently without core values, has recently flipped parties, perhaps evidenced by the predominance of blue in his campaign sign. He states in his Facebook announcement to the left that he's running as a Democrat.  What did Frank Morris know and when did he know it?

District Judge Renรฉ De Coss
Governor Abbott, however, went in a different direction, appointing local municipal judge,  Renรฉ De Coss, a native of Reynosa, naturalized as a U.S. citizen, to the district judgeship.

Current Republican County Chairman Morgan Graham, indicating she was consulted about the appointment, praised De Coss as "a bright guy, well-educated, honest and humble."  


  1. Morgan has done more in a month than Morris did in years. Take notes Morris, Morgan is about to show you how it's done.

  2. that is not a picture of judge de coss

  3. Frank Morris represents everything that has been wrong with the Republican Party of Cameron County as long as I have lived here.....too white, too religious and probably would be best suited to be a minister and not a politician. Oscar X. Garcia has flipped and flopped so many times he can't be trusted by either party. We need new Party blood and new Republican candidates who are articulate and willing to run for election. We have lots of voters ready to support the right candidate and get rid of the political corruption plague that the Democratic Party has brought to us.

    1. Morgan is gonna bring it! She actually takes our calls and listens. Good change.

  4. Wow. I wouldn't mind having to go before that judge. J/k.

  5. That photo of "De Coss". Lol.

    Jim, you're such a numbnut sometimes.

  6. Even when the corruption of the Democratic Party was public and elected officials were being investigated, Frank Morris could not effect change and success in the Republican Party. Frank Morris is not a leader and he failed as Party Chair. Good riddance.

  7. Typical Morris, glad Morgan isn't going with his old program!!

  8. Your picture of Frank portrays him as the sad man he is.


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