Wednesday, April 1, 2015

United Brownsville's Late Entry in City Commissioner Race Running Full-Page Ads in the Brownsville Herald

Gerardo Martinez at United Brownsville, 
The first full page ad by Gerardo Martinez in the Brownsville Herald piqued our interest.  Why would a late entry in the City Commissioner, At Large "A" race lay down the money for such a large ad in the local "newspaper?"(Young Gerardo bought another color full-pager in today's edition.) 

After Juan's March 30 article in El Rrun Rrun, describing the young man as a United Brownsville plant,  my recollection was refreshed.  We had seen Gerardo as a newly baptized member of United Brownsville, introduced at their July 1, 2014 meeting.  At that meeting, we sat directly behind Tri-Chairman Fred Rusteberg.  Gerardo Martinez was at the meeting, representing Index Matamoros, an affiliation representing the majority of Matamoros maquilas.  During Gerardo's testimony, we overheard Rusteberg, as he leaned toward City Finance Director Pete Gonzalez, whisper:  "Have they paid their ($25,000) dues?"  Gonzalez whispered back: "I think so."

Here is a summary of Gerardo's participation in the United Brownsville meeting from our July 1, 2014 Mean Mister Brownsville article:
Pete Gonzalez, Fred Rusteberg at left
"By this time United Brownsville Director Mike Gonzalez had steered the conversation to the $8 billion there for the taking in the binational corridor. A rep from Index Matamoros, a new member to the UB family, was sharing his insights on creating, rather than simply shipping products.  Index Matamoros represents 89 of 117 Matamoros maquilas. I thought I heard Finance Director Pete Gonzalez whisper they'd paid their $25,000 entry fee to join the group."

Mike Gonzalez, former mayor of Kyle, Texas, recruited as United Brownsville Director, chaired the meeting, giddily comparing Brownsville/Matamoros to the San Diego/Tijuana corridor, stressing coordination to maximize profits.  Recall that a resolution, essentially yielding control of development in the so-called industrial corridor, including the Port of Brownsville and FM 511, passed the City Commission March 4, 2014.  The resolution read:  

"Consideration and ACTION on Resolution Number 2014-034, in support of the creation of a Bioned(sic) Coordinating Board to be made up by Equal Representation from United Brownsville, Imagina Matamoros, and the City of Harlingen in order to promote and plan the development of the Bi-Ned Zone. (Commissioners D. Portillo/R. Gowen)"

Remember that the Carlos Marin controlled Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation had awarded $454,000 for a "study" of the industrial corridor.  This, from the Mean Mister Brownsville archives:
MMB with Robin McCaffrey
McCaffrey did as instructed, creating a 600 page Greater Brownsville Infrastructure & Development Plan, selling it for $454,592.08. The Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation gave quick approval to the purchase of the study, although the actual cost was not mentioned at the meeting of that board. It took several weeks of back and forth with former GBIC board member Ruben Gallegos, Jr. to get the actual cost of the study, which we learned was split three ways between the GBIC, Brownsville Public Utilities Board and the Port of Brownsville. Not surprisingly, the taxpayer purchased plan suggests United Brownsville as the entity to control the industrial corridor's multi-billion dollar development.

After this "plan" was paid for with taxpayer dollars, the dubious GBIC saw the need to award another contract to "implement" the plan.  Here is a MMB report from last June, detailing the implementation plan:
Oscar Garcia, Jr.
"After spending $454,000 tax and rate payer dollars on the Greater Brownsville Infrastructure & Development Plan, GBIC or the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, agreed to spend another $185,000 to "implement" Phase I of the plan. 

Only one firm, Jacob's Engineering, replied to the Request for Quotation, RFQ, on the project, initially bidding $750,000 to implement the project in 3 phases.

Jason Hilts, BEDC Director, introduced to the GBIC Board, represented by 3 actual board members along with Finance Director Pete Gonzalez and legal representative Mark Sossi, to Jacob's Engineering's Project Manager, Oscar Garcia, Jr. Garcia, the son of outgoing UTB President Juliet Garcia, was also Project Manager for Su Clinica Familar, the Carlos Marin-owned medical clinic on Alton Gloor.

Hilts explained to the board that Jacob's Engineering, the only firm responding to their RFQ, had agreed to work for only $185,000 by breaking their initial bid up into 3 phases. Phase 1 will find "funding" for the industrial corridor project and also locate investors during a 4 month timetable."

Connecting the dots, it's not difficult to realize that a vote for Gerardo Martinez in the City Commissioner At Large "A" race is a vote to expand and solidify the control of the unelected shadow government, United Brownsville.
(all photos by Nena Barton)


  1. Thanks Jim! With so much cheese at stake the rats are bound to be there, or bined there.

  2. Tony Martinez has allowed United Brownsville, an unelected gaggle of peopled put together by Juliet Garcia to save her and UTB, (they failed miserably as did Juliet) and as a result the city spent millions on property to save Julirt. Now the city has a lot of property that does not serve the city. Lots of infrastructure projects were neglected by the city as the tried to serve Juliet and United Brownsville. United Brownsville and Tony Martinez don't serve or represent the citizens, they represent themselves and their families......Juliet's kids all have jobs related to issues or projects of United Brownsville. Tony Martinez must go!!!!

  3. Jim are you sure the guy in the picture above is the same Gerardo as the one running for office ?

  4. Sounds like more of that BiNed bullshit



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...