Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Commissioner Debbie Portillo Stands Up for Taxpayers at 10/7/14 City Com...


  1. Debbie for Mayor! The most sense I've heard out of this commission in my entire life.

  2. Did Debbie Portillo write her own remarks? She is wonderful!

  3. Wow! Debbie thank you for standing up for the citizen of Brownsville

  4. She is a piece of shit. Ask her how Oscar is...and Lincoln park.

  5. I believe she speaks her own mind.

    1. Than why does she have to read them from a teleprompter?

    2. Why so much attention on downtown many bussinesses have put money and opened and latter closed,don't forget the rest of brownville streets need repair use some of the money for.Merchants need to do their part by advertising and stop selling used clothes and Chinese goods .

  6. She sounds more like a city manager our current city manager. This is the mind of a business individual. Go Debbie!

    1. Deborah Portillo has not answered a single one of my calls in at least 8 months. This last time it rained and I had 2 inches of water in my living room and another city commisioner personally brought over sandbags because he felt bad for me. It's not right that we have potholes over 2 feet deep and a major saftey hazard on morrison road and she is traveling all over on tax payer dollars.
      It's really sad that I voted for such an irresponsible person who only cares about advancing her own career.
      If she was such a successful business person like she pretends to be, why does she make us poor taxpayers pay for her trips? That money shouldd be used on morrison before someone gets hurt.


  7. Sorry Jim- but I've heard from at least 4 other commisioners who say very disturbing things about her. She constantly travels on the taxpayer dime- colorado, houston, austin,lasvagas all within the last couple of months and then has the nerve to say she cares about these monies. She is a nothing more than a UB puppet who has her own agenda and only cares about herself . A speech written in advance (no doubt by united brownsville) is not going to earn her any points with us.
    Why hasn't she paved SAN MARCELO?????? Why doesn't she answer my calls when I have concerns and questions about why I have potholes a foot deep in my neighborhood? Because she is always out of town! I don't want a commisioner who is "business savy" as she calls herself. I want someone who will tell me why my country club has pot holes 2 feet deep, and she is wasting my tax dollars in las vegas!

  8. B I M B O. Considerd attractive by some in Brownsville who have never left the valley.

  9. The words that Ms. Portilllo read were given to her by Carlos Marin. Carlos Marin funded her campaign. Carlos Marin hand picked her to run for city commissioner, when she had a change of heart, he begged her again until he convinced her. Marin sits on the BEDC board, how convenient that Ms. Portillo read the words that Marin prepared for her, and said that BEDC already had a plan to spend the monies available. She goes after Tony Martinez because the Mayor kicked Marin to the curb and got Marin's puppet Henry Najera out of PUB. Portillo is to dumb to come up with those words by herself and she knows it. Marin is the one that hired her at Imagine Brownsville and he is the one that got her to run. Marin is now paying back the Mayor for breaking off from him. She read Marin's statement word for word. Marin uses the word leverage every other sentence. Portillo said it about thirty times.

  10. Portillo is such a piece of shit she makes the other commissioners look good. At least they don't read off of notecards or ignore us voters.

  11. What happened? Wasn't she one of Tonys "girls"?

  12. Bravo Commissioner Portillo! This is the first time hearing a City Commissioner speak displaying critical thinking skills that call "onto the carpet" bad practices by city staff, the BEDC and supporting City Commissioners who tried to interrupt her speech. I have no issues with Commissioner Portillo reading her speech as it allows her to stay on point.

    If Commissioner Portillo is not responding to inquiries from citizen's she is no different than Rose Gowen, John Villarreal or the Mayor as none of them will answer any inquiries if you have a mind of your own. I know this from experience.

    Commissioner Portillo is spot on to state that we the Tax Payers have already paid for studies, etc. so why are staff and the GBEC with the support of Longoria (heard him on the video) wanting to pay for additional studies or not presenting them to the public accordingly? What do they stand to gain for another bogus study?

    Commissioner is also spot on regarding the AEP funds. The Mayor and supporting commissioners have blown chunks with the AEP funds. Frivolous spending.

    Misappropriations of funds to the negative on our city books. Unacceptable.

    Impacts to the negative in dollars...that is why they attack her over this...those who attack must be the ones who would have gained from these flagrant pet projects and real estate purchases.

    1. Yes it was a nice speech...kudos to the white collar criminal Marin, nice speech. If Portillo is really for the citizens; where has she been all this time? Lincoln Park? Real estate bought by the mayor? How come she hasn't spoken out before? She is a mindless puppet controlled by Marin.

    2. She's also a rookie learning ,what about the other sharks aren't they more at fault?they said one word



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