Sunday, September 23, 2012

Did The Hernandez-Garcia Camp Get An Assist from The Bailiff?

Liza Parras

Attractive bailiff Liza Parras left her normal post at the courthouse door scanning visitors for hidden metal objects to position herself in the vestibule of the 357th court where reports indicated she attempted to screen certain visitors from entering the audience chambers.  No such hindrance was presented for Erin H. Garcia, who was followed by an entourage of known politiqueras to take their seats, awaiting Judge J. Bonner Dorsey for the September 3 hearing to deal with Yolanda Begum's claim that the Erin H. Garcia camp had been guilty of numerous instances of blatant, verifiable voter fraud.

Parras did also step in when some Begum supporters tried to share coffee and pastries with elderly witnesses who had responded to subpoenas  to testify about Garcia campaign election fraud.  Parras' inappropriate, arbitrary actions seems to harmonize with what may have been Attorney Michael Cowen's overall argument in this election fraud case:  that the actions of the Hernandez-Garcia camp were not merely isolated incidents of voter fraud, but a carefully orchestrated, criminal conspiracy to steal the election.

Reno 911
If Parras participated in this conspiracy, so did Herminia Becerra and Tomasita Chavez, not only in their unlawful work as politiqueras for the Hernandez-Garcia campaign, but in the blatant obstruction of justice observed at the adult high rise, where several witnesses testified they told residents NOT to appear in court as indicated by the subpoenas.  So, with politiqueras harvesting votes, adult day care employees delivering the feeble, challenged and elderly, carefully selected election judges controlling things in the polling places, lookouts announcing incoming vans with herded voters and illegally handled mail-in ballots, Norma, Erin and their politiqueras worked the election with Zeta-like precision.   Understandably, Parras, Erin H. Garcia and Linda Castro Dragustinovis celebrated in the courtroom the dismissal of the election fraud case with the same fervor shown by O.J. Simpson when he apparently couldn't get his hand into a glove and was aquitted of two murders.

Roger "The Dodger" Ortiz
Judge Dorsey's ruling to dismiss the case was not on merit, but on communication from Election Administrator Roger Ortiz that, should Begum win the case and Erin Hernandez appeal, it would invade the normal window needed to print ballots for the November election.  Of course, we find Ortiz in his accustomed role of explaining why voter fraud can't be uncovered, prosecuted, prevented or even discouraged.  Make no mistake, Ortiz is EXACTLY the person the 5 member Election Commission WANTS running local elections, as they are very much a part of this ongoing conspiracy.  .

Bailiff Parra's belligerent courtroom demeanor may have not been her only share in the JP primary.  Documents obtained by CAVA, Citizens Against Voter Abuse, indicate that she signed to vote twice in her pre-divorce name, Elizabeth P. Avitia to vote in early voting at the election office.   CAVA representatives were asked to leave the premises when they tried to investigate the situation before the trial.  Her angry stance at the residence seemed to make sense when they observed Parra's courtroom demeanor.

Adding to the mystery, while CAVA requested from the Election Administrator as early as July a complete list of all election judges and clerks, Ortiz has not been forthcoming.  CAVA has received, however a complete list of all who APPLIED for those positions.  The early voting clerk who signed the document apparently indicating that Parras voted twice was not on ANY of those lists of applicants.

Above Parras signed twice in the space for registered voters with her pre-divorce name, Elizabeth P. Avitia.  There may be some logical, honest explanation for this, but as of today, Election Administrator Roger Ortiz has not responded to CAVA's queries.

Here are the voter names and addresses corresponding with the bailiff's TWO signatures


  1. How sad that even the baliff is involved in corruption like this. Omar Lucio should be aware of this and it needs to be addressed to his office in writting to see what he will do about his employee committing voter fraud and intimidation with a badge. Are we in Mexico or Afganistan or some other 3 world country where the Badge is For Sale to the Highest Bidder or are we a Free Country that we are proud of the soldiers whom have died for our Deomocracy?

    1. Bailiffs are not under Lucio, they are under Pete Avila

    2. Pet avila is a BF with La Rata.... that should tell you something!

  2. Voting twice in person. Really, nothing surprises me anymore about Brownsville elections. Ortiz runs elctions in this county like he's working for the PRI in Matamoros

  3. So THAT's how Erin got those votes lol! The more I learn about Brownsville elections the more its a soap opera

    where does Villalobos the crooked DA fit in all this? The DA who never prosecuted Ernie Hernanez when THAT election was stolen! The DA who never prosecuted Ernie Hernandez when his brother in law had a test taken for him by a county employee to try to get him a job!

  4. I will repeat once more: THE PLAYERS ARE IN PLACE AND THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED. Alas, this posting is going nowhere. Sorry, but that's the history & culture of our little border town. Next stab at civilization?

  5. searching google you see some journalists in florida received the Pulitzer for an article they wrote on voter fraud.... this has the potential to be an award winning expose on border corruption. we already know Anderson Cooper is making headlines on it why not someone local? There's a goldmine here. Someone should write a book

  6. Why should this suprize anyone in Cameron County? Why should we expect Sheriff Omar Lucio to do anything....he is a part of the Democratic Party Corruption in Cameron Co. Sheriff Lucio looked the other way when Aurora de la Garza's son, Joey, committed fraud by stealing money from a hospice...stealing from the dying. Sheriff Lucio's loyalty was to Aurora de la Garza and the "Party", not to the people. We should not be surprized by this and....local government is corrupt fromm within and the culture of political corruption will only spread because local officials are looling out for themselves....not the public...not the citizens.

    1. Where there is a will, there is a way....and guess what? Jim WILL find it.

  7. Junior Andrade brags that he not only has Liza Parras in his back pocket but has had her period. The Andrades are South Texas most corrupt family that is protected by the sheriff and Abelardo Gomez. FBI should look at them very closley. Drugs, arcades, money laudering, voter fraud...etc..etc

  8. I believe she is the one that filed complaint against Joe Cisneros (former baliff) because he allegely "took her personal items" from the common area for the baliffs. She knows how to work it to her advantage.

    1. Yeah, Joe got charged with stealing the empty CD case she supposedly left on the break room table. Nice set up Liza and Omar!

  9. I support CAVA, but I don't see evidence of Parras' two signatures in this article. I see her voting as Avitia, but where is the evidence she voted as Parras, too? If she did, she needs to be prosecuted to the fullest!

    1. Who the hell signs to vote for another person? Did she hand Carlos Salazar's voting card to the judge and vote for him too? Nothing surprises anymore in these Brownsville elections

  10. What is Carlos Cascos waiting for??? that Roger manages his next election???? Jesus!!!

    1. Not hard to forget the John Wood debacle, I just can't believe Ortiz still has a job running elections

  11. I know we all make mistakes, but this Roger guy is not.....he's getting "paid" to do what he does. HELLOOOO!!!!

  12. Why are you blaming the voter when it was the election judges error. During the primary I voted the first day at Cameron Park. I saw the election judge make many errors during the short period that I was in there voting. such as allowing a voter to leave without their signature on the voter sheet, and then asking me if I was that voter. well that person had already left the building. She also almost allowed the voter who was with me from leaving the building without their signature on the voter sheet. This was done the morning of the first day of early voting during the primaries. I do not see how in this case that the error was the Parras voters fault. Blame the election judge.

    1. Conveniently, the elections office refuses to release the names of the election judges.

    2. Voting twice is illegal.



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