Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Carlos Cascos

Good day all. 

I do not speak for the Republican Party. I speak for myself. 

In my opinion, a Trump nomination would in all liklihood not only result in a Biden victory, but would be a detriment to down ballot candidates in South Texas. 

Biden has been a disaster for the nation as a whole, however, Trump's character, personality & failure to accept his 2020 defeat will be a detriment to his candidacy. 

Unfortunately, many candidates are elected, not on their public policy positions, platforms or qualifications, but rather on their personalities & likeableness, as we have seen recently & in past elections. 

As in all elections, we should vote for those candidates that we believe will better our lives, thru sound public policy, viable & sustainable platforms, regardless of political affiliations.

People cast votes, not parties. As always, I stand ready to support those candidates that I believe have our community's interests at the forefront, free from bias, personal agendas or self enrichment. 

Carlos Cascos


  1. Excellent observation and well crafted argument! You have always been the voice of reason in your words and deeds!

    1. I totally agree, Judge Cascos, has always been a voice of reason and as transparent as crystal water.

  2. Traditional conservatives align more closely with Democrats than with the current state of the Republican Party. Is the MAGA movement something you want to be associated with? Taking away freedoms from Americans, punishing public school education, making mass shootings easier to accomplish, imposing tax cuts for billionaires and corporations that explode the deficit, disassembling democracy? Party of Freedom? Democrats. Party of Fiscal Responsibility? Democrats. Upholding democracy? Democrats. Democratic Party isn’t perfect by any means, but the Republican Party is fueled on fear mongering and disinformation.

    1. I do not speak for Carlos, but the accomplishments of President Trump's term and the MAGA movement speak for themselves once you look past the media noise. Three Supreme Court Justices, the lowest African American unemployment rate in U.S. history, The highest DOW in U.S. history, etc.

      With all do respect, the most recent mass shootings all share a common theme within the LGBTQetc. spectrum.

      Public school has become "too big to fail" and needs to be decentralized. Essentially, public school is now a form of welfare with vouchers a good next step.

      But look no further than the leadership of the Democratic Party to see its true self. Using racism, disinformation, wealth redistribution (for personal gain no less) to keep fear in the party...all controlled by a senile white-man, President Biden.

  3. Is Biden more of a disaster than Donald Trump was? Are you suggesting that another Donald Trump term would be better than another Biden term? I understand you don’t want either, but if it comes down to those two options, what do you do? Will you be able look your children and grandchildren in the eyes and tell them you voted for Donald Trump, not once, not twice, but three times? Imagine the shame.

  4. Come Back Home Carlos. The Dems will greet you with open arms. Realize the GOP is dying before your very eyes. You only need to look at the last election for County Judge. You are a better candidate and office holder in my opinion, you did a noble job. Most people don't follow politics too closely. I wish they would. Run again, as a Blue Dog Democrat.

    1. It is unfortunate that the Blue Dog Democrats have gone the way of the Dodo. On the other hand, the GOP is stronger than ever with the most diverse and experienced leadership in the U.S. The GOP will take over South Texas. The Democrats have gone, colloquially....tan loco.

  5. https://www.facebook.com/kunkleforcongress/

  6. Every social studies class in Cameron County should take a field trip to visit Mr. Cascos as their is no man that has contributed greater in municipal, county, and state service. He is a pillar of his community and truly wants what is best for the people of South Texas.

    Yet, I disagree with his assessment above. It is a very exciting time for the Republican Party as the pool of presidential candidates stems the most diverse background including a former President. Tim Scott, Ron Desantis, Nicki Haley, all with sound experience and would make an excellent President of the United States.

    Although Mr. Cascos brings up sound arguments with respect to the re-election of former President Trump, one thing he fails to mention is the fact that the method in which President Trump won, previously, was because of his character and personality. After the midterms, it seems President Trump's campaign has moved on to the attack rather than rehashing the past.

    With respect to the down ballot candidates, I believe whomever the Republican Nominee is will do best to hold events in South Texas in collaboration with local elections. Trump, DeSantis, Scott...The constituents of South Texas are prime for ignition as the policies over the past 50 years have fueled a passion for change.

    It is true I have voted for President Trump since the 2016 Primary Election, however, he does not own it, and this year is exciting.

    1. please correct my "their" to "there" in the second line. I should have proof read it.
