Wednesday, July 28, 2021



 EL PASO, Texas  – The president of Mexico says conditions are ripe for ending non-essential travel restrictions with the United States, given a recent, dramatic increase in vaccination rates south of the border.

“We are looking to reopen the border, it’s to the benefit of both governments,” President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Tuesday at a news conference broadcast on YouTube. “We are vaccinating (people); we have reached the same level of vaccination as California in Baja California and (elsewhere) along the border.”

The U.S. and Mexico agreed to close their land borders to non-essential travel in March 2020 to slow the spread of COVID-19. The restrictions were recently extended through August 21.

Mexican officials on Tuesday displayed a map showing a partial vaccination rate of adults in Baja of 91%, with Sonora standing at 75%, Chihuahua at 81%, Nuevo Leon at 93% and Coahuila at 88%. No data was shown for Tamaulipas, which borders South Texas. Mexican health officials said the first doses of the Pfizer vaccine would be applied this week in the Tamaulipas border cities of Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, Matamoros, Rio Bravo, Valle Hermoso and others.

“We have good relations with the United States, there is cooperation, and we need each other,” Lopez Obrador said. “We cannot have the border closed for a long time because we have economic and commercial ties that are strategic to Mexico and the United States. […] It is a fact that keeping a closed border for a longer time will affect commerce, especially in California and Texas.”

Lopez Obrador said Mexico has administered 61.8 million COVID-19 vaccines to date, is administering an average of 900,000 per day and is on pace to vaccinate “all adults in Mexico” by the end of October.

The Ministry of Defense distributes and supervises the application of the vaccine throughout the country, so the figures could not be independently verified. International news platforms put Mexico’s COVID-19 overall partial vaccination rate at 33% and its full vaccination rate at 19%.

Health Undersecretary Hugo Lopez Gatell said the vaccines have reduced COVID-19 mortality rates in Mexico, from 22% in July of 2020 to less than 2% now. He said 48% of Mexicans have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine so far, some of them the one-shot Johnson & Johnson variety.

More than 2 million Mexicans living in cities that border the United States are now partially vaccinated, the Mexican officials said.


  1. Outstripping? Absurd!

    USA population is 320 million
    Mexico population: 130 million

    OUTSTRIPPING? You are idiot.

    get a book on writing news, dumbass!!!

  2. Percentages, if you can grasp the concept Mr. Totally-obsessed-with-my-blog! Read a book! Find a girlfriend! Get a life! Get off your ass!

    1. Jim, how long has the McAllen lowlife been stalking you? At least ten years. Does that town not have a bingo parlor or senior center?

    2. I hate Trump!

  3. It's Trump's fault!

    1. Obviously, you're a Trumper with a sarcastic bent. That's fine. You will never open your eyes to the damage Trump has done to our country.

      It doesn't even register with you that twelve of Trump's aides have now been arrested, indicted or convicted of criminal activity, that the Trump administration was, by far, the most criminal in history.

      You laugh at the Mueller Report and its evidence of Russian collusion because Mueller, on principle, chose not to indict.

      Instead, you bought Attorney General Barr's whitewashing of the report, laughing with all the other brainwashed Trumpers.

      When Trump called the coronavirus a "Democratic hoax," you laughed at those of us who took the pandemic seriously.

      Even when Trump and/or his family are indicted, you will still call all this a witchhunt.

      When Trump said he could murder someone on 5th Avenue and his followers would not wane in their support, he was talking about you, a brainwashed Trumper.

    2. Jim did you open your eyes to the fact that the Hillary campaign paid (colluded) the Russian for the made up Russian Dossier. The FBI wiretapped the Trump campaign based on a Democrat paid dossier which was a lie (made up). Then people in the Trump administration were indicted for PERSONAL crimes committed way before Trump even ran for President. THESE ARE FACTS NOT OPINIONS. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE FACTS AND ALL YOUR OPINIONS. GIVE ME FACTS JIM. NOT OPINIONS.

    3. Jim, so I'm brainwashed for supporting President Trump and thinking he did good for our country. Basically respecting our President and having a different opinion than you. But you're NOT brainwashed for hating Trump and having a different opinion than mine and millions of other people right? Sure makes sense.

  4. Jim, all the hate you post towards Trump is your opinion. Which is fine. But instead of opinions give facts. Opinions are never wrong. We can have two different opinions and we'd both be wrong,right or both. Arguing with opinions is a waste of time. No facts that's different. GIVE ME FACTS JIM.

    1. You keep implying that recognizing Trump was an incompetent President is the equivalent of hatred. It is not. If you really want facts, they've been in the public domain for years now for anyone willing to recognize them. It's pointless to reiterate them here. Anyway, I've long understood that it's impossible to convince someone of something until they can actually see it for themselves.

    2. Is it possible to convince someone to have a different opinion than you or does it only apply when it's your opinions. You still gave no facts. "They're in the public domain" does not give any facts. There are all kinds of opinions in the public domain.
