Thursday, December 19, 2019


One of Two Small Rooms Reserved by Cameron County Democratic Party at Antonio's

Cameron County Democratic Chair Jared Hockema arrived customarily late to the party's ballot drawing at Antonio's Mexican Restaurant Wednesday evening, toting a leather bag and a Tupperware storage container to mix up the candidate names for the drawings.

Hockema made up for lost time with a rapid-fire, frequently humorous ballot placement of 13 presidential, 11 senatorial, in addition to dozens of local justice of the peace, constable, sheriff and congressional candidates.  Jokingly, Hockema referred to a male party official assisting him in the drawings as "Vanna White."

Hockema made allowances for a couple absentees;  Representative Filemon Vela, who he described as "in Washington" for "an important vote(impeachment) and Eddie Lucio III who he said was with a hospitalized close friend.

When Ana and I took seats just outside the two small rooms reserved by the party, one of Antonio's waiters explained that the table was for customers.  No matter.  Once we departed to stand alongside the wall, Judge Linda Salazar and her red-shirted posse took over the table.(Actually, the venue was much too small as the group ended up swarming the entire restaurant.)

Several locals walked away with the prized numero uno position on the ballot, valued based on the accurate, proven assumption that many uniformed voters simple choose the first option;  Congressional candidate Filemon Vela(who doesn't need that advantage), judicial candidate Gabby Garcia, JP contender Cyndi Hinojosa, also candidates Amber Medina and Sara Stapleton Barrera.

As we left the building I shouted out to District Attorney Luis Saenz, attired as usual in a heavily-starched longsleeved white shirt with red tie:  "Congratulations Mr. Unopposed!"

"The only way I can win is if my wife Delia votes for me!"  Saenz responded.


  1. Senate Republicans would be relieved if Trump hung himself. They hate him and dealing with his folderol. Now that he's been impeached, skip the trial and proceed with the execution. A public exsanguination would be epic.

  2. No more photos of Ana? LOL

  3. Why are beating up on Jared? Did he cut you off on the highway?

    1. Stop with the silly agenda. Despite being late, no one could have chaired that meeting more efficiently than Hockema.

  4. I should of ran against Saenz. Boomer!!! Hey Jim, do you happen to know when is the deadline to file to run for TSC? I would appreciate if you can help me with this. I may run .Thanks.

    1. With that English, I'd say you should run over in Matamoros, with YOUR people.

    2. Ha ha ha ha ha. You win the Internet today!

    3. “YOUR people” lol πŸ˜‚ what a pendejo (a).
      Como dirΓ­a el piporro “ni de aquΓ­, ni de allΓ‘”

  5. The Republicans are not even making a pretense of an attempt at due process or objectivity. They are going out of their way to have the Senate trial be as much of blatant mockery of justice as they can. With the GOP openly coordinating with Trump, planning to ignore all the evidence and witness testimony gathered by the Democrats,contriving to ram the whole thing through and get it over and done with as quickly as possible with no concern with trying to find the truth, with Republican Senators publiclly bragging that they will ignore all the evidence and will vote for acquital no matter what comes out.

    This is Republican's idea of justice.

  6. To the many evangelicals who continue to support Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency. If we don’t reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come? Can we say with a straight face that abortion is a great evil that cannot be tolerated and, with the same straight face, say that the bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end?
