Friday, June 28, 2019


Ray "Chess King" Martinez
with Students
This Sunday's Whine with Cheez podcast at Angelita's Casa de Café will feature Ray Martinez, a BISD teacher whose had marvelous success teaching young students the intricacies of chess.  The show airs as an internet podcast at 1:30 PM, although we also have a live audience at Angelita's.

We're in discussion with several newly elected to city government for a non-contentious show 7/13.  Hosting all four at once may not be possible as Commissioner Tetreau reminded me that would constitute a quorum, but that will work itself out.

John Chambers
I want to apologize to John Chambers, who sent me some documents a few days ago about his court case.  I scanned those and saw some interesting arguments I'd like to consider as a non-legal, but I'm been working hard on Ana's immigration the last few days.

Ana Adiong
Ana sent me this picture while waiting in the chair at World Dental Center in Cagayan de Oro.  She was having a bridge reset, but still has one more follow up procedure after this.  Ana tells me it's green mango harvesting time in her region with prices dropping to 10 pisos per kilo that's approximately .20 USD for 2.2 lbs.   


  1. Evangelicals were until recently pro-abortion. The original reason for the evangelical opposition to abortion was the need for protestant churches to grow as fast as the catholic church in the US in order to maintain power. Which is kind of logical as the reason the catholic church opposes abortion and contraceptives is also to maximize its growth rate.

    Over time this purely power-play policy became a tenet of faith, even though the bible is silent on the issue of abortion, and in Jesus' time post-birth abortions were common. That matters little, as current evangelical Christianity has zero similarity to the teachings of Jesus, and most of it is a complete reversal of everything Jesus preached.

    Opposing abortion is now just something you believe if you're an evangelical Christian, just like you love guns, money, and oppose immigration.

  2. What the fuck is a chess king?

  3. There are Grand Masters in chess. There is no such chess king.

  4. Chess King was a United States men's clothing retailer created by the Melville Corporation. From its founding in 1968 it grew to over 500 locations by the mid 1980s, before an eventual decline, sale, and closure of the chain in 1995. We had one in the old Sunrise mall.

  5. Se cree mucho este buey. He couldn’t sniff Bobby Fisher or Garry Kasparov’s shoes. Chess king? ¡¿¡Que chingado es un chess king!?!

  6. Show really needs Elizabeth Ramos

  7. This guy is a fluke and a con artist.

  8. Beware of this self acclaimed chess tutor/chess king,in reality this guy do not know or understand chess theories/principles and basics.He is just inventing things in teaching chess to the poor children.
