Sunday, April 21, 2019


From the editor:  Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, the editor of the BROWNSVILLE VOICE, sent us this coherent response to our article on his announced intention to seek advertising from lawyers, businessmen and candidates.

In his response, Bobby uncovers my deep, irrational "hatred" for City Commissioner Ricardo Longoria, Jr., exposes how I protect Nurith Galonsky by editing his less-than-celebratory comments about her and warns my fiancee, Ana, that I'm not exactly the man of her dreams.

Bobby also explains that he was not bemoaning the fact that his desktop is 17 years old, but instead revealing its value as an heirloom so the Cameron County Appraisal District could accurately assess his tax liability.

And, of course, Bobby issues the ultimate threat:  "It is no longer possible to be nice" to me.

Bobby's full, unedited response is posted below:

"You know Jim being nice to you is not possible.

You just out right lie left and right in this post. You simply choose to make it appear I need new equiptment when I made no such statement. I clearly stated these are my assets for tax purposes and I would claim a DBA so the county appraisal district can tax me. Do you really believe your readers cannot understand the difference between being up front about paying taxes and me trying to suggest I need new euiptment. My rolltop is worth over 10K. It is solid Oak. My hardrive is portable and new. The computer is just a processor. As to comments, you just pull this shit out of your ass. It has nothing to do with the pod cast. It has to do you with being do desperate for comments you encourage the lying deceiving trolls. The BV does not need those comments for readers. Even Jerry and Duardo gets that issue. You do not. Further my post makes clear I am doing fine financially. I just decided after so many lawyers asking me about ads, I needed to reconsider my approach but set out clear rules.

God Jim, does the truth even matter to you. We all know your problem. You are hiding it from no one. You hate Rick Longoria and I am telling the truth about Nurith. Grow a pair Jim and learn to be a man. You cannot stand I speak the truth about Nurith and have to attack whenever any speaks ill of the candidate you support.You are so blinded by your hatred for Rick you cannot see just how bad Nurith is for Brownsville.

Every time I try an be nice you have to go on an attack with lies and deception. What the hell is wrong with you?

It is funny how you moderated out my comments which were not troll comments but did not celebrate Nurith, but now raise them while you continue to post the worthless troll comments. Your standards are non existent and soon enough Ana will see you are not want she wants. She cannot be that stupid.

Bobby Wc"


  1. Bobby Wightman Cervantes: "I am the Unbought voice of Brownsville"
    "Oh but make me an offer, I'll advertise you, I need cash, you got $250 I'll take it. "

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Blimp under attack? Ha ha ha ha ha. Aha-ha, Aha-ha.

  2. Ana is that stupid but really wants to get the hell out of the Philippines.

  3. Being nice????? What the fuck is he talking about.
