Monday, December 17, 2018


Commissioner Rick Longoria Signing GBIC Paperwork After
Taking Oath(Board Member David Betancourt in Foreground, Board Member John Cowen in Background)

Last Thursday's meeting of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, a high-powered city board entrusted with the responsibility of dispersing $5 million Brownsville tax dollars annually to be used in economic development projects was on the verge of cancellation.

Only two of the four current members showed up, the outgoing chairman, David Betancourt and board member John Cowen, also soon departed.  Commissioner Cesar de Leon was a no-show, while board member Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa was running one half hour late.  Former board member Nurith Galonsky was removed from the board October 16.

At that point, BISD employee/DJ/City Commissioner Rick Longoria entered the City Commission chambers still toting his school backpack.

New GBIC Director Mario Lozoya quickly moved into action, swearing in the newly appointed Longoria to create the necessary quorum of three.

Whew!  Disaster averted?  

Not by a long shot!  The city commission's whole approach to the GBIC is a disaster!

The Development Corporation Act of 1979 was set up allowing cities to separate a portion of collected monies/taxes from the general fund for economic development keeping such out of the hands of politicians.  This would prevent mayors and city commissioners from dispersing so-called economic funding to their cronies and friends, even supporters.

The idea was to keep economic development separate from politics.  

Brownsville's city commission doesn't understand this and they keep giddily appointing each other to the 4A GBIC  "economic development" board and its "quality of life" projects sister, the BCIC.  In recent years, both boards have had city commission majorities for chissakes!

If the city commission is going to control the GBIC, simply pay off Director Mario Lozoya, dissolve the board and return the monies back to the General Fund.

During City Financial Director Lupe Granado III's reading of the GBIC Financial Report, board member John Cowen asked about an item added to the budget.  Granado deferred to GBIC Director Mario Lozoya who said something about 'borrowing a car" to connection with a visiting potential investor.  

I asked Granado about the incident after the meeting:  "Did Lozoya just ask for a car?"

"Yes," responded Granado, "no set price, but through procurement."


Sunday's Podcast with Erasmo Castro, Ben Neece, Jim Barton and Trey Mendez

Sunday's weekly political and government podcast livestreamed from Angelita's Casa de Cafe at 1:30 PM on Erasmo Castro's Facebook page was a treasure trove of information filling an hour and seventeen minutes.

Commissioner Ben Neece and mayoral candidate Trey Mendez shared talking points about efforts to add security downtown.  

Neece weighed in on three separate city audits that, even one initiated by former City Manager Charlie Cabler with the results going only to him.

Castro has been receiving upwards of 2,000 live viewers with dozens of questions going to his Facebook page during the show.

An open guest invitation has been extended to ALL mayoral and city commission candidates as the show will resume in 2019.

1 comment:

  1. You’re a fucking idiot Barton. Nurith Galonsky and John Cowen are not on GBIC anymore.
