Friday, November 9, 2018


Hesel at the Top of Cebu Restaurant
An undeserved honeymoon, an acknowledgement of what I've long known, that I'm  Citizen of the World, and a roller coaster ride in a Toyota van through the twists and turns of the mountains framing Cebu City are all in play here.

Our shuttle driver, Atay, is, in the immortal words of the Dustin Hoffman character in Rain Man, an
"excellent driver."

On the way back down from the mountains, after touring three botanical gardens, Hesel has Atay stop the van, so she can throw up.  Her car sickness is only cured with a three hour nap at the Castle Peak Hotel.

Attendant's Hat Says
"Anything for 20 Pesos"
Driver Atay sings perfectly to James Taylor's "You've Got a Friend," while tapping his horn to pass road-dominant motorscooters,  frequently carrying three adults each.

Cebu City, stunningly framed by mountains and set alongside the sea, is a wonderful city ruined by horrendous traffic.  Thirty motorscooterists bob and weave their way to the head of every traffic stop.  Taxi drivers play "chicken" with each other, while colorful jitneys crammed with passengers hanging out the windows and back door, move along.  Box van and bus drivers  use the size of their vehicles to muscle in wherever.


  1. Did you check under the hood yet?

  2. She's beautiful. Congrats, Jim!

  3. Tell us already Jim, stop fucking around with your readers already. Did you fornicate or not, dammit!! Does she have a you’re sister or cousin! I’ll be over on the next flight!

  4. Good for you. She is lovely and you both deserve to be happy!
