Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Representative Rene Oliveira and Alex Dominguez

Alex Dominguez could simply have looked out over the packed Brownsville Central Library meeting room and told the packed crowd with conviction:  "I will never embarrass you."

Everyone in the room would have realized he was talking about the fact that Rene Oliveira is not just a boozer, but an irresponsible one, who, after 33 years in office has not learned the wisdom of using a designated driver.  

Well, actually, he had one available April 27, when he had his DWI accident at Boca Chica and Central Blvd.  Trailing in a separate car was Lorrie Sanchez, Restaurateur Captain Bob's ex-wife, named on the Brownsville PD report as "Mrs. Oliveira."

Oliveira, who should be in rehab, not running for office, may kill innocents some day, likely in Cameron County, if he continues his longtime pattern of driving drunk.(Someone reported that he consumed 7 glasses of Merlot at Cobbleheads that eventful Friday night.)

That was the night Oliveira handed the election to Dominguez, who had neither the political skill set or fortitude to grab it and simply fumbled it back to the incumbent.

The Rio Grande Valley League of Women Voters and Frontera Progressives hosted the campaign forum Wednesday evening, featuring three questions for each candidate delivered by what appeared to be a couple college age sons of a league member.

Longtime Cameron County Sheriff Javier Reyna sat by himself at the table, with his opponent for Justice of the Peace, 2-2, incumbent Jonathan Gracia, a no-show.  Reyna chided Gracia for not "respecting the public" enough to attend.

Reyna, after bragging about having a "great work ethic," explained that public servants are held to a "higher standard," can't "be seen in public doing bad things." (All I could think of was how his brother, Sheriff Gus Reyna, drunkenly wrecked at least two county vehicles without calling the police or reporting the accidents, but we don't hold siblings accountable for their brother's sins.)

50ish lawyers Carlos Masso and Alolfo Cordova gave almost identical statements in describing themselves as the best to hold the 197th District Court Judgeship.  Both favor a judicial poll, a secret survey critiquing judges.

Masso said that responsible public servants "don't go party," while Cordova reminisced about the influence of his grandmother living with his family during his formative years.

But, the main event was Oliveira vs. Dominguez for the prized District 37 House of Representatives position and it was a dud.

Oliveira displayed some passion when he reenacted his fight on the floor of the Texas House against a bill banning sanctuary cities.  

Dominguez promised that, if elected, he will fight to remove sales tax on tampons.  Not exactly visionary, but you pick your battles.

Oliveira had the line of the night:  "Would any Cameron County parents whose child needed brain surgery call on a doctor who'd never even performed surgery?" a not-so-subtle jab at Dominguez' inexperience.

Some in the audience laughed while meek Alex Dominguez simply blushed.

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