Friday, January 19, 2018


From the editor:  We've largely ignored the inarticulate rants of Cameron County Judge Candidate Robert Sanchez AKA Captain Bob.  

To almost anyone reading his grammatically-challenged rants, he's unsuited for public office, seemingly without enough cognizance to function as an adult, father or business owner.(We sincerely hope he gets the help he needs.)

His latest rant threatens local bloggers, saying he will "stop them forever."  "Trust me," Sanchez promises.  "I will silence them."

Certain Bloggers must Go Away

Sanchez, holding a basket of his favorite fruit

"So when I become Cameron County Judge, I promise to rid the community of filth. I will promote Agenda Item to stop and eliminate certain bloggers from local blogosphere. Even though everyone has freedom of speech, there are three to four bloggers that have surpassed the freedom. I will be first County Judge in The United States of America to stop the filthy absurd nonsense of silly 60 year old devil following fools. These bizarre humans that spew hate and nonsense will be stopped forever. As Cameron County Judge, I and my fellow commissioners will police blogosphere for proper freedom of speech blogs. No more McHale following blogs that think they are cute and humorous. No more dis barred attorneys that want to dictate all court hearings. No more freaks calling their blogs with Brownsville’s name only to criticize all the citizens. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THESE NON BORN BROWNSVILLE HUMANS DESTROYING THE COUNTY. Trust me, I wil silence them."


  1. Lorrie was so lucky to get free of this lowlife. She seems so happy now and actually in love.

  2. Amanda gives it good, real good.

  3. Is there anyone dumber in Brownsville besides any woman that would be with him?

  4. Robert has not been well for a long time. Just ask Chris.

  5. OMG! Sanchez just made a terroristic threat!

  6. robert gonna swallow some big black popsicle in prison

    1. Eduardo Paz Martinez wants the editor of Brownsville voice to penetrate him in a sexual manner. And Maria would love it.

  7. I'm starting to think that avocados destroy brain cells.

    1. No. Avocados are OK. Cocaine kills brain cells.

  8. That bow legged, slut banging, nutcase is perhaps the most entertaining piece of shit to come along since Pat.

    1. I will make love to your women hermephrodite or should I say woman. She was your cleaning lady that would travel across from Reynosa, but you took advantage of her. Your woman is a maid sir. No wonder you hate President Trump. You do not want her deported hermephrodite.

    2. You mean “hermaphrodite,” right? I have no idea who you think I am, Robert. But it sounds like there’s more than one person banging a woman they pay.

  9. Jim... we know you are technology challenged but if you would ask your son Diego to check the IPadresses of all comments above.... and reference them to the IP Bobby has of the Hermephrodite orange hair typing monkey Eduardo Paz
    .... you will see that they are all from him. Thank you sir.

  10. Anonymous 10:28 and 10:30 are the same person Mr. Barton. It is the hermephrodite typing monkey. He writes rhetoric and answered himself....and he callls the captain crazy? If Avocados kill brain cells then orange arangutan color hair paint does also. Enough of the devil blogs. Mr. Barton sir, you are not considered a devil are ethical not like Mchale, Paz and Weightman who write all lies. Thank you sir.

    1. Sign your name, Bob.

    2. Sign your name hermephrodite Eduardo Paz Martinez. Your women are old and their wombs are all dried up. Vultures will be dinning on monkey soon sir.

    3. EduRdo Paz Martinez is bald. If you analyze the way he let’s his hair grow and brings it from back to front , humans would quickly see the baldness he is trying to cover up. To funny and bizarre. Too much.

    4. It’s hermAphrodite you moron. Damn....

  11. Ground control to Capt. Bob. Commencing countdown, engines on (five, four, three)... Check ignition and may God's love be with you (two, one...)

  12. What made me piss my pants from laughing is when he blames me for his decision to terminate his parental rights, when I did not even know about it until well after the fact. Now he blames me for missing his children. He signed it. and nows blames others for his own actions.

    Sanchez presumes the Commissioner are as ignorant as he is. No court can ban anyone from speaking in social medial, through the press or publicly. This is well established law. My first win Grigsby v. Coker reaffirmed Prior Restrain is unconstitutional.

    Instead of going on one of his melt downs, I defy him to state one lie I ever told about him, and then I will publish my proof it was not a lied. He paid Montoya to do this, and then I published the truth with documents. It got him nowhere

    He tried this with Montoya and ended up being held in contempt of court. For someone who never finished the university, it blows my mind he claims he knows more about Freedom of Speech than someone who actually has won Freedom of Speech cases before the Texas Supreme Court.

    What he is doing is verifying for the police he is unstable.

    Keep typing bro. We all know you will never reference any lies I posted against you because they do not exist.

    You are a daddy's boy. he feels sorry for you and keeps on helping you out instead of saying "son it is time you stand on your own two legs."

    Bobby WC

    1. Gays don’t make it heaven blimp

    2. Duh, of course they don't make it to heaven. They wander around in hell waiting for a hookup.

  13. You have two blog squatters Putz and Tubbs now, Jim.

  14. Shut up Orangutan hermephrodite grandma looking typing monkey. Pat Ahumada is too perturbed to know all the bad things you wrote about him and Pat thinking it was Chris Valdez.... you told me and would laugh at what you would do. You said Pat Ahumada was a piece of shit you hermephrodite. You also would tell me that you would drive Mr Barton crazy when you would be mean to Nena. You are an u ethics hermephrodite. Your mother would be so upset at your u ethical ehIvior. Shame shame shame sir.
