Thursday, November 30, 2017


Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
Adding some intrigue to what's been a somewhat dull political season is the hint by Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, in his blog, the Brownsville Voice, that he's considering a run for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 3, a position currently occupied by Mary Ester Sorola.

"I'm not announcing for JP 2-3, but I want to," states Wightman in a subheading in his blog.

"So far I have a commitment of $500 towards the filing fee. I have accepted no money. I am merely in the feeling out the prospect of running," continues the blogger.

According to the Dallas Observer, Mr. Wightman ran for Dallas County District Judge in 1998 and then again for the U.S. Senate in 2000, both times as a Republican.


  1. Maybe Wightman can shake some shit up.

  2. I ran as a Democrat for Senate after being recruited by the Mexican American Democrats. The judge run as a Republican was well understood because I was only feeling out the campaign process. Dallas at the time did not even have a number the Democratic party. It was a practice run. Running as a Democrat was no an option because there was no one available to provide me help or even the form. My primary voting record since age 18 with one exception shows I have always voted in the Democratic Primary.

    From the observer: "And yes, he is now running for the U.S. Senate seat held by Kay Bailey Hutchison as the first openly gay Democrat to seek that office."

    And everyone knew I was accepting no donations because the purpose of the run was to draw in the press as a Latino gay to run against George W. Bush. I was quoted many times on this. Had Molly Beth Malcolm not tried to block my run and I was allowed to tell the truth about Bush II, he may have lost, and there would have been no wars for 16 years.

    Bobby WC

  3. I will shake shit up. My commitments are at $3,000. Not enough for a viable campaign. I will make a decision when I get back from NY. And for the record, I have always been vocal against the Republicans since after Carter/Ford. No one campaigned harder than I did just before the election 13 years ago which turned Dallas County Democrat. My work against the Rpublican Judiciary was well known and a big issue in delivering the judiciary to the Democrats.

    My political writings in the Texas lawyer are well document as being extremely anti Republican.

    Bobby WC

  4. He may have a chance, running Vs any other JP but not Vs Mary Ester.

  5. Remember, on his blog he recently called for a military led coup against the current federal government. I think this reflects his belief in democracy. If you don't like the government then get rid of it at gun point.

  6. run bobby run. but not for jp. dont get stuck in some rinky dink jp corner. run for city commish! we're sick of same faces doing nothing. no insult, but if an empty head like tetrau can get elected the city's yours for the taking. the mayor needs a bruiser like you. there's plenty people out there pissed off at the same old feces but too timid to stick their heads out to run.

  7. First of all I never called for a military coup. I have a lot of support to run against tetreau which includes money. But the JP courts are a mess and the issues need to be tackled otherwise we will never fix the problem. If Mary Esther refuses to address the issues she will only look bad. If by running even if I lose by forcing the discussion the people who own the court win. It is about the people not the candidates. I can hold my own against the evil duo and their lying drunkard mouth piece. There will be mailers with her lies and disinformation with court excerpts. The mailers will prove she is unfit for office. This is why I am holding on the money issue.

  8. Mary Ester is an attractive woman, but, in a debate with Wightman, she will look like a novice. Bobby is odd looking, gay and currently disbarred, but he will run circles around Mary in a formal debate. My guess is that, if a debate is arranged, she will be a no-show.
