Thursday, October 19, 2017

Serious Implications from the October 3 City Commission Meeting

City Secretary Griselda Rosas
Perhaps it's something in the cadence of new City Secretary Griselda Rosas that threw Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa into a state of puzzlement at the October 3 City Commission meeting.  Ms. Rosas tends to unwittingly "take over the chair," at times, from Mayor Tony Martinez.

Commissioner Tetreau-Kalifa
But, after several viewings of the YouTube video of the October 3 City Commission meeting, it's obvious that Commissioner Tetreau did not vote during Item 7:  Consideration and ACTION to appoint one member to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.

Perhaps, Commissioner Tetreau-Kalifa intended to vote on Item 7, but simply lost her bearings, becoming momentarily confused.  That happens.

In any event, she did not protest the Mayor's claim that the vote for Esteban Guerra, who had applied of the board position only that morning, was 2-2, a tie.

Then, when Commissioner Neece made a motion to table the item, because of the tie, Tetreau-Kalifa readily acquiesced, one of 5 voting to table the item.  


Yet, a section of the minutes from the October 3 meeting, shows a vote on Item 7 with Tetreau-Kalifia listed as an "aye" vote:

7. Consideration and ACTION to appoint one member to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation. Commissioner Ricardo Longoria, Jr., moved that Mr. Esteban Guerra be appointed to the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Joel Munguia. 

At this time Griselda Rosas, City Secretary requested a roll call in regards to the vote. Ayes: Commissioner Longoria, Jr., Munguia, and Tetreau Nays: Commissioner Neece and Mayor Martinez Abstained: Commissioner de Leon Absent: Commissioner Gowen 

Mayor Antonio Martinez stated that there was a 2 for and 2 against vote therefore there was a tie. Mayor Martinez motioned that the item be tabled. 

Upon motion by Commissioner Ben Neece seconded by Commissioner Cesar de Leon this item was tabled and carried as follow: Ayes: Commissioners Neece, de Leon, Munguia, Tetreau and Mayor Martinez.

The October 3 minutes, contained in the binder for the October 17 meeting, reflect not a 2-2 tie, but a 3-2 vote, including the vote of Tetreau-Kalifa.

What happened?

Commissioner Tetreau-Kalifa presented a sworn affidavit to City Secretary Griselda Rosas, who, in turn, perhaps swayed by the "legal" document, altered the vote in the minutes to reflect Jessica's vote.

This is serious stuff.

Not just perjury, if Tetreau-Kalifa lied about her vote,  but altering a government document is fraud.  There is also the matter of official oppression, when a public servant uses the weight of the office to pressure another to perform illegally.


  1. I voted for Ben Neece because I thought he had integrity and class, but after watching the video on Erasmos page It's safe to say I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR BEN NEECE AGAIN. Not only was he disrespectful to a woman but he has made the commission a full blown circus the same way Pat Ahumada did. I've never been a fan of Jessica Tetrau or Ricardo Longoria until I saw that video. She stayed cool and calm and never resorted to yelling the way the men did. I might be old school but my parents raised me to know you do not speak or treat a woman in that manner.

  2. here is the problem with the tape. It is not admissible evidence. The record as you point out is confusing as to the written recordings. The tape is a mess. Because the custodian of the tape cannot swear it contains every word of every city commissioner or a clear picture of the city commission during every vote, it would be inadmissible. Martinez knows this and fails to mention same. I have no problem with the city secretary making mistakes, court transcripts are changed all of the time based on challenges when compared to the recording.

    What should have been an issue of each side just explaining their position and then dropping it, Tony Martinez allowed Ben Neece to intimidate Tetreau with a bogus criminal claim, and then when she and Longoria tried to get what they wanted said he shut them down to the point of threatening Rick. Neece and Martinez both crossed the line with threats against their fellow commissioners. That is the story. I have taken no position as to how Tetreau voted, I was not there and the tape as a matter of law has no value for what did not happen because it is incomplete by nature. The city secretary by her actions show she is easily moved. If we had law enforcement in this town I would say time to sit her down and ask her if Neece or Martinez approached her as to how to record the vote. But we all know there is no law enforcement in this town for public corruption unless it is for political reasons.

    Finally I wish I could say Neece knows the law, but he does not. But any lawyer of minimal experience knows you cannot get a perjury charge off of an incomplete recording. And his action to intimidate tetreau on a claim of a bogus perjury charge is a crime. But we know the police chief will do nothing out of fear of angering Martinez
    Bobby WC

    1. So says the disbarred lawyer.

    2. Always the same from the trolls. If you cannot respond distract. IN the case of Cata presas garcia the reason the case continues is because Judge Hanen, not me, ruled the tape of the Executive Session was not clear enough in all respects to be evidence of what was and was not said. Neece knows this, buy he loves to play to the camera and fools.

      Bobby WC

    3. For the record: That troll was right.

  3. Does Luis Saenz know?

  4. The tape is not a mess, Bobby. Jessica didn’t vote. Jim says she didn’t vote. Did you see her hand go up? No. Did you hear sound from her lips like every one else one way or the other? No.

    The custodian is Griselda. Jessica intimidated her to change the record. That’s the problem. Tony admits he and other city staff met with Griselda to watch the video. What we don’t know is if meeting was before or after release of the draft.

    1. You can close your ears all you want but the sound will not cease. My point is not whether she voted or not. My point is as a matter of law the tape is not evidence. As I noted about in the case of Cata Presas-garcia they faced the same problem and federal judge Hanen would not allow the tape to be used against Cata Presas Garcia because it was not reliable. Maybe she did not vote. That is not the issue. My issue is Neece tryinig to throw out this intimidation issue of perjury when he knows the tape cannot be used as evidence as to whether she voted. We can agree she did not vote, but it does not change the fact Neece's use of the perjury threat was intimidation against an elected official.

      But when you cannot respond to the issue you can always go to the distraction which is not the issue.

      Bobby WC

  5. She didn’t vote. Clear as the day is sunny and gay.

  6. Bobby, you disingenuous jackass, there’s a difference between admitting a AUDIO tape and a VIDEO tape with AUDIO in full NBC living color into evidence. Jessica didn’t vote unless spinning to and fro on a chair counts as voting. It wasn’t even a barstool. That’s the issue.

    This shit with Ben is a distraction from you, and only you. She gave a sworn affidavit making it tampering with government records. That’s the problem. If you’re so concerned, why not ask Griselda what happened? And while you’re at it, why after botching a vote did Ricky and Jessica move and second NOT Steve? They went for Nurith. They were rushing to be first and second. Again they were distracting when bitching about the vote and minutes. Why didn’t not Steve? Because it fail this like it did last time on the VIDEO tape (in color).

    Now quit blog-squatting (defined as when one squats in the comment section of someone else’s blog. If one wants any shred of relevancy, they should resign from blog-squatting and go home.)


    1. The blogs share and enhance one another on occasion. You are clueless as to the law. You refuse to accept I am saying we can assume she did not vote, but the tape still does not get in because the custodian of the record cannot guarantee every thing was recorded as said. This was Judge Hanens ruling in the Cata case. This is standard. Tapes or recordings are use to prove a fact which cannot be disputed because it is on the tape [ such as a bank robber holding the gun on the teller], they cannot be used to prove something did not happen. You do not like the law write judge Hanen and tell him he got it all wrong. You still cannot tell us what document she altered. You know nothing about this system, Commissioners have done the same in the past and then the commission decides if there was a mistake end of story. Had Martinez and Neece not gone with the threats then there would be no story, issue raised, issue discussed, Jessica loses, end of story. But that is not what happened. You refuse to accept how a professional would have handled this. I am not saying she voted. I am saying how it was handled was wrong. It was not professional. I will not dispute her votes were confusing. Hell it happens in Congress all of the time and people pay a price for not paying attention. Like I said, all Martinez and Neece had to do was allow her her say, overrule her complaint and then vote. There was no need for threats. Tony and Neece turned it into a needless circus when they could have been professionals and still won the day with no one having a beef.

      Stop changing my story and tell me how you defend the conduct of the Mayor and Neece which is my issue even if Jessica never voted. Stop with the distractions. here is a shocker I get to say what I am saying, not you. You can challenge me by defending Martinez and Neece's conduct. But changing my argument only makes you look desperate. And for the record I have given the most detailed information on my blog. My readership is fine. But I like to feel out the mood in the community so I read the other blogs to feel people out and sometimes get educated when they take me straight on.

      Yes in American my troll we have the right to converse with one another even if you dod not like it.

      Bobby WC

    2. Si, pero yo no soy joto.
