Saturday, October 7, 2017

Ernie Hernandez, Jr. for City Commissioner At Large, Place A. . "Deja Vu All Over Again?"

Ernie Hernandez, Jr.


  1. Not this rat again!

  2. You have got to be shitting me. Just when you think Brownsville couldn't stink any worse, out from our rotting woodwork, in plain daylight, crawls Our Town's fattest and crunchiest cockroach, "Honest" Ernie Hernandez, looking for crumbs, nothing big, just a bite here and a bite there. This is exactly why Brownsville rots. Because we have political scavengers like Ernie who take advantage of the fact that we talk a lot but we are too lazy to get off our collective asses and do something about it. Instead, like an old and tired housewife, we just roll over and let him do his thing once in a while and hope he doesn't take too long. It's just so disgusting to think that there's nobody out there except slime like Ole Ernie.

  3. He hasn't announced. What's this about? FAKE NEWS

  4. What a bad joke. Is he going to start helping people pass the civil service test at the city?
