Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Right-Wing Blowhard Rush Limbaugh Claims "Major Hurricanes" Are Liberal Conspiracy to Push Climate Change, Sell Bottled Water, Batteries

Rush Limbaugh
As proof that severe political bias can literally warp the brain, loudmouth commentator Rush Limbaugh is now advancing the delusion that Category 5 Hurricane Irma, now threatening the Florida coast is part of a liberal conspiracy to push a climate change agenda, sell bottled water and batteries.

“Here comes a hurricane, local media goes on the air, ‘Big hurricane coming, oh, my God! Make sure you got batteries. Make sure you got water. It could be the worst ever. Have you seen the size of this baby? It’s already a Cat 5. Oh, my God, oh, my God, it’s bigger than the island of Haiti. Oh, my God.’ People run to the stores, they stock up everything, and they hoard. And they end up with vacant stores, nothing there. And it’s a big success. TV stations got eyeballs, the advertising businesses have sold out of business, gotta restock and the cycle repeats.”

Limbaugh also repeated a claim he made last year about hurricane reporting as simply a ruse to promote the concept of climate change:

“People in all of these government areas” are “hell-bent” on proving climate change.

“You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic,” he said. “You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.”

Hurricane Irma
While Limbaugh chooses not to accept the science associated with so-called global warming, the Palm Beach resident would be wise not to ignore the science of meteorology with a 185 mph storm threatening his locale.


  1. Get back to local news Barton, this wasteland of a blog isn't the slightest about the human nature behind the news in Brownsville

    1. Concentrate on improving ur umpteenth unpopular, irrelevant, dead blog, duardo. Rigor mortis has set in yet again. Why don't you try cutting grass? You have no future in journalism.
