Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Cesar to Elizondo on How to Stay on the Good Side of Mayor Martinez: "Just Don't Give Him A Hard Time for Everything He's Stolen"

Quote in headline from NETA website transcription


  1. Is for or against the alleged stealing?

  2. LMAO 😂😂😂
    Freaking HILARIOUS
    Hello people you all haven't heard of SARCASM!!

  3. (All the while, Elizondo's local and cyber sycophants continue to work the race card to divert attention from these obvious and  egregious abuses of official power.)

    1. I would love to do an article which takes down Elizondo. I stood against him during his run for BISD. Now many of the bloggers who attacked me for telling the truth are against Elizondo. But here is a reality. The only thing anyone knows for sure is what Cesar said. If Elizondo belongs in jail then we need the evidence. Personally the current investigation under Saenz is not trustworthy. An independent elected DA from outside the Valley needs to be assigned to do the investigation.

      But for now distracting to Elizondo, who may be guilty as sin, will not change one damn word said by Cesar - so stop with the distractions.

    2. Shut your trap up, Bobby! You're not doing any writing about this worth a shit, so shut up!

    3. This POS Elizondo and is guilty of rerouting 911 calls. People died because of his actions. He and his brother Mario Elizondo which worked for Intercity Ambulance Services are stock holders in the company. They had a vested $$$$$ interest in diverting the 911 calls. Coincidentally, the Gringo CEO of the company is the lead instructor of the BISD paramedic/EMT program at the high schools. This smells every bit of dirty kick backs and money hungry bottom feeder that never get enough, always hungry for MORE. Maybe you need to think about that Bobby even our DA with phone records to support the diverted calls and death certificates of the lives lost playing the money game can get a conviction this time. Unless, he will use this as another opportunity to go after personal vendettas, and allow these two thieves to get away with theft and the blood of the innocent on their hands!! Now is the perfect opportunity for DA Saenz to show that he is more interested in prosecuting these criminals than his relentless revenge.

    4. This POS Elizondo and his brother Mario are guilty of rerouting 911 calls. People died because of his actions. He and his brother Mario Elizondo which worked for Intercity Ambulance Services are stock holders in the company. They had a vested $$$$$ interest in diverting the 911 calls. Coincidentally, the Gringo CEO of the company is the lead instructor of the BISD paramedic/EMT program at the high schools. This smells every bit of dirty kick backs and money hungry bottom feeder that never get enough, always hungry for MORE. Maybe you need to think about that Bobby even our DA with phone records to support the diverted calls and death certificates of the lives lost playing the money game can get a conviction this time. Unless, he will use this as another opportunity to go after personal vendettas, and allow these two thieves to get away with theft and the blood of the innocent on their hands!! Now is the perfect opportunity for DA Saenz to show that he is more interested in prosecuting these criminals than his relentless revenge.

  4. WOW!!! That is some SERIOUS SHIT!!
