Monday, September 11, 2017

Brownsville Herald Prints Reverend Alex's Goofy Predictions for 9/11/2017

From the editor:  We've featured the public goofiness of Reverend Alex Resendez in previous articles:  his claim that he exorcised demons at the Brownsville Public Library or his repeated claim that Barack Obama was the biblical anti-christ.

Today's "Brownsville Herald" contains yet another doomsday warning from the reverend with several screws loose, featuring mindless numerology and threats of Armageddon:

Reverend Alex Resendez

History repeats it self sometimes.

On Sept. 11, Hurricane Irma could be causing great disaster.  It could also happen that on Sept. 11 North Korea attacks the USA with a nuclear missile, just to test Donald Trump's theats of fire and fury.

All this could also be spiritual prophesy.

The Holy Bible tells us the number of the beast, or the anti-Christ, is 666.  Add the numerals and you get 18; add those numbers and you get 9.  The twin towers formed the number 11.  

Barack Hussein Obama's name has 18 letters, or 6+6+6.  And now President Trump rides in an armored car nicknamed the Beast.

Let's pray that God saves us from Armageddon and catastrophe on 9/11.

Rev. Alex Resendez

1 comment:

  1. I see that he signs his name as Rev. Alex Resendez. That has 18 characters. 18= 6+6+6 therefore, based on his numerology, Resendez is the devil. Further proof is that the name Resendez has 8 letters as does "the beast". This is unassailable evidence. May he burn and may the Herald editor that decides to print this drivel burn alongside him.
