Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pat Ahumada Endorses Mickey Mouse for City Commission

From the editor: Former Mayor Pat Ahumada posted the comment below to my article on the anti-LNG meeting.  The tone of my article was critical of the level of participation and interest of Brownsville residents.  

I wrote the article late Tuesday night, then pulled it Wednesday morning, viewing it as too negative. But, when I read it to Nena Wednesday afternoon, she said it was OK and I reposted.

It's obvious to me and others that Brownsville cares little about whether LNG plants will be built.  Actually, most know nothing of the issue. They are simply too busy making a living, raising their families and in some cases, worried about deportation to concern themselves about the health and economic threats posed by LNG.

It took me years to finally figure out that Brownsville does not care. In fact, it was just recently that I came to the same conclusion you just stated. Two friends wanted to run for office and I asked them why? If, Brownsville does not care and thrives with a corrupt culture in leadership, why can one think one can make a difference? Brownsville does not care and we deserve what we have on the commission. I am voting for Mickey Mouse at Large and Mickey for Place 3.


  1. Ahumada is the Lost Pachuco of Brownsville. Of course he would vote for Mickey Mouse. That's what they say about his style of governance! (But, really, he walks like Minnie Mouse. heh heh)

  2. A few of us who were at the meeting thought your article was harsh - but I felt you were trying to rattle Brownsville citizens; make them mad, wake them up, and get them to react and in fact CARE and start joining the fight. You are also correct, I think, in your comment today, that so many are too pre-occupied with just making a living for their families, and worrying about deportation. But there must be others, good citizens, who care - aren't there?

    1. No, the only loose-kneed, khaki-wearing slacker available for meetings is, uh, Pat Ahumada. He's like shit; he's everywhere!

    2. I read a great article about how the boomers created the mess we are in by demanding more government services while demanding tax cuts which lead to record deficits. The boomers were and are the generation of ultimate greed and short sightedness. Now there is nothing for their children in terms of opportunity offorded them and they ask why the millenials are still living at home at age 30 saddled with impossible student debt. The boomers turned this nation into a nation of self. I lived through it and was lectured all of the time I was wasteing my time by working for the community and needed to worry more about my retirement and building a life for myself. It is not just here. I have a neice who lives in the township of Brookhaven in NY. They will not let her sell a lot. When I worked with the administrator at the county level which oversees the townships,. which oversees the towns, the county administrator said "we are familiar with the problems of Crookhaven and are doing our best to address them." No one cares. This is a national problem. A few protests here and there is not evidenec of caring. there remain a hand full of people who understand we must fight to protect our liberties, environment, and justice system - but life for most is reality TV - it is only interesting if they can cheer for a player from the safety of their home.

      Bobby WC

  3. Meant to say Minnie Mouse for At Large and Mickey for Place 3... I think both would be better than what we have and those who wannabe, because all are connected to Carlos Marin and Mike Hdz or will immedately sell themselves once elected to special interest.

    It use to be that one ran because they believed in themselves and sought to promote their platform with volunteers, fund raisers, and supporters helping to fund your campaign. Today, it is not about what platform you have to offer, but who can get to the King Makers first and cut a deal to get their funding to win the election for the shadow government Eddie Trevino, Carlos Marin and Fred Rusteberg created. Today it is not about making the city the agenda, but about special interest and what they want. My write in vote for Minnie and Mickey as a protest to the very best this city has to offer, which is the bottom of the barrel.

    The bicycle agenda is for 1/10th percent of one half of a percent in our population at the expense of the entire community and the sports park is the same that has straddled us with high annual maintenance for a park that is used by a miniscule few. Then we have all the special interest deals that is ripping us off that will lead to a financial crisis in years to come, but our elected leaders could care less as long as they get what they want.

    Do not get me wrong, the sports park is nice and the bicycle trails, but at what price and who benefits? The price tag is not affordable and the few that use these great amenities is not enough to justify sacrificing the entire city.
