Saturday, December 24, 2016

Ahumada Stonewalled by P.U.B., City of Brownsville in Public Information Request About Tenaska Deal


  1. Its incredible..ahumada is not mayor and is still more involved and knowledgeable than our cheap excuse for a mayor...very sad.

  2. I learned from President Reagan that if you cannot get your elected officials to act and you have tried to get something done and cannot when it is the public interest, you must bring the matter to the attention of the public for them to act, because the voice of many can force those who shirk their responsibility to act to take action. This is the case, people must write the Attorney General in support of releasing the information being requested on Tenaska from PUB, a public entity in the public's best interest. We as a community have a right to know who the players were, how much they were paid and for what. We have the right to know how much was spent on this project and what we have gained by it. We also right to petition our elected officials to roll back the rate increases to what was when I was in office, because the Tenaska project does not justify raising the rates, as it is not a feasible project and never was.

    This project was crammed down the citizens of Brownsville by the current Mayor Tony Martinez and Eddie Trevino, PUB board council who in my opinion has benefited a great deal from a project that was never feasible and the reason why, they do not want us to know the cost to the citizens of Brownsville.

    The AG address is in the letter, please take time to write a short letter stating you want the AG to release all information on the PUB/Tenaska project. Tell him the public has a right to know and that the Open Records is meant to provide transparency and accountability on the use of public monies. The transparency far outweighs their purported reasons for secrecy, especially when it has already been publicized the project is not feasible and that there is no time frame stipulated to build the power plant that was never feasible to begin with.

    If you the citizen takes the time to write the letter, I am sure it will have an impact on the decision. I believe the PUB Board and attorneys are misleading the AG into believing some harm will come to PUB if the information is released and the information will be detrimental to building the power plant, which again is in my opinion a scam.

  3. Totally! Vote out all incumbent commissioners,

  4. Mr. Ahumada, many of us do not have the ability or knowledge of how to write a letter with enough impact for the AG, it would be greatly appreciated if you write a template for us to use, I would gladly sign a well written letter.

    1. I second this, please help us help ourselves by giving us an example letter to submit to AG.

  5. I do not always agree with Pat Ahumada but I thank him for staying on top of PUB and Tenaska. He seems to be the only one who cares. Thank you Pat.

  6. Anonymous 10:09 pm, you are more than welcomed. Thank you for not always agreeing with me. LOL! The world would be dull if we all agreed 100% of the time with anyone. Each one of us is different and will sometimes have different points of views, which is not always wrong. It is a given that people will agree and disagree on the same issue, but it does not mean one is wrong and the other is right. The plastic bag ordinance is a perfect example, with some loving the proposal and others hating it for different reasons. This shows how there are differences of opinion and agendas, but as a leader one must balanced the proposal for the over all common good, which I found to out weigh the naysayers opposition to the proposal. But if you talk to some, they will express very convincingly why they hate or support the bag proposal, all we can do is agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

    In this instance, hopefully many will write the AG in support of the Open Records request in an effort to roll back utility rates, as they should be. I believe PUB has already spent over $40 million on this project with no hope of recouping the investment, just like the Bridge to nowhere, the Casa Nylon and other real estate deals.

    Happy New Year.



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