Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Pat Ahumada's Oppressive Plastic Bag Ban May Soon Be Over! 4th Court of Appeals Strikes Down Similar Law in Laredo

Plastic Pat Ahumada
Six or seven years ago, the "Fickle Finger of Fate," as they used to call it on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, in the form of a plastic bag, slapped Pat Ahumada  on the chest while he was riding his motorcycle.

City Attorney Mark "The Sossi" Sossi
Likely, after the dramatic, life-changing incident, Mayor Pat immediately dropped to his knees to seek celestial guidance from the green gods and goddesses of the universe, whose spirits likely directed him to seek spiritual guidance from City Attorney Mark Sossi in co-drafting an ordinance banning demonic plastic bags from the city.

BISD Trustee Cata Presas-Garcia Speaking Against Ban
Despite the "diversity" of public "commenters," speaking out against the proposed ban of plastic bags in the city, including school board trustees, preachers, political advocates, truck drivers and even shoppers, the city's self-proclaimed "quarterback" at the time, Pat Ahumada, along with his much-maligned "blocking linemen" on the the city commission, passed the ban.

Soon, Brownsville shoppers were walking out of H.E.B., pushing shopping carts of loose grocery items, unprotected meat and ice cream in the 100 degree Fahrenheit heat, with eggs in styrofoam cartons tumbling from the bottom of the cart to smash on the hot asphalt.  Oh, bags were available for a single George Washington, that is, a dollar, greenback or buck.

When asked why poor people should pay a dollar for a sack to take out their groceries, Pat Ahumada replied:  "Poor people litter too!"  Had Pat made  that profound statement in 2016 someone would quickly have founded the organization "Poor People's Lives Matter."

The Texas 4th Court of Appeals may have given the poor in Brownsville a helping hand.  They just swatted down Laredo's copycat version of Brownsville's anti-plastic bag ban, citing the law as "unenforceable."  The Laredo Merchants Association had challenged the law in 2015.


  1. I doubt that the ruling kocking down the Laredo Ordinance will impact Brownsville's ordinance. You have different interpretations and good or bad judges. We will see how it plays out. Regressing to a third world standard is ludicrous. The ordinance is not a ban and it has been enforced, just like the no smoking ordinance in restaurants that I introduced way before others and it has worked. You can also blame me for the no texting while driving

    1. Pat, you would have been a decent mayor with just a minimum of people skills. I liked some of your ideas; the weir project, El Jardin restoration, etc., but you just could never build a consensus, which is politics 101. I guess, once a shrimp boat captain, always a shrimp boat captain.

    2. Cata looks healthy.

    3. There is NO ban on plastic bags. They're there, they just cost money.

    4. Says the guy who hit a curb and blamed it on his texting while driving. Dumbass hypocrite.

  2. My favorite story my friends at the city tell is the one when you declared martial law during a hurricane and ordered buses for dogs, but not for people!!!

  3. Pat why the ban of plastic bags and not the ban of corrupted politicians? I don't hate you but have you seen the joke of politicians we have now days? We have a sorry bunch of candidates as well. With the exception of Rigo Bocanegra Victor Cortez Phillip Cowen Whittemore and Miller we are forced to choose from Erasmo or Laura LA India Loca Reyes. Op1033 buying out whoever they can. Please Pat vindicate yourself and get these losers out.

  4. Pat A. And Herpes are the gift that just keep on giving!!!

  5. Ahumada is a sick man, he needs help

  6. Pat saliste mas chisquiado que tu tio el del carreton aquimichu con su burrito

  7. Pat one of your biggest problems is you hold grudges to the point of HATE. It is obvious by your non-stop comments about Gowen Atkinson Trevino Martinez Troiani and Longoria, et cetera, et cetera. If someone does not buy into your ideas or gives into your bullying THEY become your mortal enemies or devils in your mind. That is not leadership. That is a child throwing a tantrum or worse yet, perhaps it is a sign of someone that is not stable, is on something or has some mental issues. If you ever want to accomplish anything you need to start by mending fences and recognize that you are not the only one with some good and bad ideas. All of these leaders start and end with some GOOD and some BAD ideas. They also have the ability to MOVE ON and not make fools of themselves on blogs by stating that they came up with a no-brainer idea like no texting and driving. No-texting and driving is a common sense idea not something you should take credit for. You just were on America's bandwagon that time. That just shows que no se te quita lo pendejo.

    1. Ahumada also invented the internet.

    2. Anonymous at 5:36. Everyone SHOULD comment and take notice about all the shenanigans committed by all the usual suspects : Trevino,Gowen,Martinez,Longoria , etc..It's not hate....It's speaking out against all the corrupt officials destroying our community . If you can't see that, perhaps , You're the pendejo ?

  8. Pat Ahumada is a miserable individual

    1. Seems like you are also. Let it go! The truth shall set you free!

  9. Ahumada no solo es pendejo sino tambien ojete

  10. Pat you are your worst enemy

  11. Pat quien se mete con mis amigos se mete conmigo pendejo

  12. Pat, the day you start having respect for others, they will respect you, Pendejo!!!!

  13. Pat, the day you start having respect for others, they will respect you, Pendejo!!!!

  14. The real problem with Pat, is that he needs attention all the time and the only way he can get it is by writing about himself

  15. Bring Back The Bags!

    1. You have elected your governing body with people skills, which has gotten you what we have. The political correctness and people skills you speak of is not for me. I want my elected official to be transparent as I was, restore integrity to governance, be engaged as I was and be willing to commit the time to the position they are elected to, all of which is not. So, yes I was a shrimper, which prepared me for the brutal political arena you tend to ignore is lacking the people skills that you can trust will protect the best interest of and for the people. Look what they gave me to work with, Atkinson, Gowen, Camarillo, Troiani and Longoria who possess the people skills you talk about, but do nothing for the citizens of Brownsville and are more concerned with what is in it for them. Thanks but no thanks!

    2. Anonymous 5:36 AM, I do not hold grudges, but I am not stupid. I will not roll over for the likes of Carlos Garcia who was a vindictive and corrupt police chief, or Atkinson, Tevino and others who worked to undermine. You can bend over all you want, but I will not. And, I could care less, as I do not need them, nor do I need the position. I went in to do a job and did it. In spite of the dark forces working against what I tried to do, we got a lot done. And, I was the gate keeper against the Shannigans you see now happening. So, if you call standing up to those who would do the city harm holding grudges, then yes I hold grudges. I rather think of it as protecting the citizens best interest. If they did their jobs as elected officials, upheld the good standards of governance, and were the professionals they should be, disagreements would be civil, but they prefer to push self serving agendas, which requires only one way to deal with them and that was to expose them as I did when they tried to get past me. I exposed Imagine Brownsville, the compadrismo and opposed hiring people like Sossi who have cost us millions.

    3. Anonymous 12:17 AM, you are the example of ignorance. I never declared Marshall Law and buses were for people and pets, both of which I represented and have no regrets, but this became a moot issue when Carlos Cascos seized all the buses, but had no drivers and put people at risk. He was like the Mayor of Louisiana that if we were hit with a Katrina, he would have the buses standing in water, while people were perishing. You see, unlike you, I believe everything living deserves our protection and care when they depend upon us as leaders to provide that protection and care. For you to try and minimize because I cared about the animals, says a lot about you and it is not good. I tell you one thing, pray we do not have a dire emergency like a big hurricane, because those in charge of Emergency Management have shirked it off and are not prepared. We were prepared not in theory, but in actual planning, which included major evacuation of people and pets.

    4. Anonymous 12:30 AM, the voters prefer corruption than good government. It is not my responsibility, but it all our responsibility to elect people who are not self serving. The people have chosen and I am fine with their choice. I am at peace and amused at their preference.

    5. Anonymous 8:15 AM, you talk out of you know what. You and your friends do not intimidate me and you are to cowardly to do anything. You will not even sign your name. You know where to find me...

    6. Anonymous 5:36 AM, if the facts show these people you elect making bad decisions, representing special interest, and being self serving and you criticize me for exposing them and call me a bad leader, then I am a bad leader. I stood for transparency and opposed the deals you see today that has cost you approximately $40 million with the Tenaska project to nowhere, the millions spent on inflated legal bills, purchasing real estate at inflated prices, and hiring compadres, all of which is hurting our city, then I am a bad leader. But, I challenge you to name one elected official on the city and county that dedicated the amount of time I did to the position and was engaged? I challenge you to name one elected official who introduced the many different types of initiatives as I did to improve out city and the answer is disappointing. Yes, I am not the only one with ideas, but I am still waiting on theirs. So, you blame me for working hard for you and trying to make our city better. You deserve what you got.

    7. Pat get a life loser !!!!

    8. Louisiana has a Mayor? Learn something everyday. Thanks Pat for sharing your political acumen with us followers.

  16. I back Pat Ahumada. Estos pendejo que llegan aqui a chingar que vayan a chingar sus pinches putas madres!!!!!

  17. I support Pat Ahumada. You all go back to the barrio and keep plucking those stolen chickens. Babosos!

  18. Prefiero a Pat que a los candidates que tenemos hoy en dia. Son unos imbeciles! La Changa Reyes y mira a todos los demas!

    1. Ok queda claro prefieres la mierda, pues bueno ATASCATE

  19. My grandfather was also in the shrimping business but repairing nets. Its an honest job nothing wrong with it.

  20. thank you Pat for trying to clean up brownsville with the garbage of people who post here it is impossible to get rid of all the trash

  21. Pat Rick Longoria is much better that you, he is still in office and we love him

  22. Pat keep your head up high. Funny how you only get attacked on the blogs noone is man enough to tell you to your face

    1. I don't know about keeping his head up high, apparently you haven't gone out with him in public.

  23. "Oppressive Plastic Bag Ban" Oppressive? By this measure, traffic lights and speed limits are oppressive. Look around the city. You are deluded if you do not think that the restriction on plastic bags has given us a cleaner city. Now, I understand the sense of entitlement that government should do it all and the populace should not have to contribute but I think it is wrong. Is it really too onerous to take your own tote bag to the grocery. The argument that it is a hardship on the poor is facetious and plays the poor as unconcerned and unwilling to contribute to the city. This is a low expectation and an incorrect one. Repealing the ban is regressive and wrong. So, I guess we will. I was born in Brownsville and spent my working life here. I can't wait to leave. I want to go to a community that is willing to move forward not look for opportunities to fail.

    1. Funny....because the argument about the poor worked to create avenues for people to vote without any kind of state issued photo ID.

  24. Yeah, Rick is better than me and he is in office, but I don't need to be in office. I went to serve and not for the title that Rick has to have. Remember when I called out Rick publicly for saying he did not care if anything I proposed he would oppose, even if it was good for Brownsville. You can have him and he is the one that goes along with what is wrong, including Sossi's hiring,illrgal contracts and raises for Cabler, Imagine Brownsville, squandering BCIC monies and basically does little. You deserve what you got. I don't need the title or to be there.

  25. i cant stand the fact that our city has so many ordinances but when you realize the bag ban is in place because an abundance of our population (not everyone) have no respect for our city and don't give a shit where their trash ends up. It isn't pat Ahumadas fault even though he is a complete moron. Drive around... Mattresses, T Vs, tires, sofas litter the side of our roads and only because people have no fucking respect for the place they call home. We should to have to buy bags, but we also should increase the dumping fine to jail time!

  26. Anonymous 11:21 PM, you calling me a moron says alot about you. You voted and elected the smart ones to steal and do little for our city. I get the last laugh. LOL!

  27. Ahumada you are pathetic

  28. Why do you call Pat pathetic? I do not agree with him, but I respect his opinion. I do not like the bag ordinance, but i realize the negative long term effect all those plastic bags would have on the environment of our community. At least Pat has tried to make a difference. What have you done to make a positive difference in Brownsville?


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  My reputation as an unpaid blogger of simple truth is a valuable asset to be sure. Sure, Juan Montoya carries ads for the self-proclaimed...