Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mike Hernandez III Tells Brownsville Herald He's Not a "Kingmaker"

Mike Hernandez III, (Photo by Miguel Roberts,
Brownsville Herald)
The puff piece on Mike Hernandez III, written by Reporter Steve Clark, published in Sunday's Brownsville Herald, focuses on the car dealer's "philanthropy," but also deals with criticism Hernandez has faced locally.

The Brownsville Herald states:  "OP10.33 also has a political action committee. Hernandez said he has no interest in being a “kingmaker” but won’t shy away from backing local candidates for elected office if he thinks it will move things forward. His backing of Raul Villanueva and Ed Rivera in their challenges, respectively, to Ralph Cowen and Sergio “Tito” Lopez on the Brownsville Navigation District Board did not pay off."

What Mike Hernandez III did not say, nor did Steve Clark report is that OP 10.33 actually backed FIVE candidates in the recent local elections, losing all five races.  Yes, they backed losers Ed Rivera and Raul Villanueva in the Brownsville Navigation District elections, but also backed losers Daniel Pizana, Tony Juarez and Beatriz Hockaday in the Texas Southmost College races.  In all, Hernandez spent $140,000 to influence these elections, losing every single time.

Carlos Marin, at Recent Meeting of United Brownsville
(Photo by Nena Barton)
Local voters seemed to take notice of the attempted outside manipulation of their elections and, for once, pushed back hard.  Perhaps, this had something to do with local bloggers almost unanimously exposing the attempted manipulation, but, another factor was the fact that Hernandez aligned himself with Carlos Marin of Ambiotec, Inc., an individual recognized for two decades as trying to control local elections and city boards for his own personal benefit.  

It was Marin that penned the Imagine Brownsville Comprehensive Plan, selling it to the City of Brownsville for $900,000.  The plan, never implemented, sits on city shelves like an out-of-date comic book, its pages yellowing.  

Mike Hernandez III says his interest in Brownsville and Cameron County is purely philanthropic.  As the Brownsville Herald reported:

“I don’t have a dog in this hunt,” he said. “I’m not down here to make money. I make my money in Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and in Austin — in the major markets, not down here. 


  1. So then why so interested in Brownsville? And why so involved with LA rata De Marin? And why does he and Jose Angel Gutierrez keep hiring people to go canves house to house and get information if these low income family's have internet and get person information about them? Why so shaddy that the employees have to sign a contract about what they are doing? Why is every personal information being store in a data base? Why is Mike Hernandez paying for all this? What is his mission to gain personal gain!!!! MONEY MONEY MONEY, WHY NOT DO THIS IN DALLAS, WHERE HE IS FROM... OP1033 IS SHADDY, WITH V3 ORGANIZATION..

  2. Here is the kicker and con to Mike's claims " I came looking for villains, and there aren’t any" Really Mike?, so our indicted tax Assessor is innocent and a victim of a bad DA, wouldn't that make the DA a villain? Mike has to say there are no villains because he has pledged his allegiance to the biggest villain in Brownsville and Cameron county - Carlos Marin. Marin is associated with every bad elected official there is - Jesssica Tetreau, Presas-Garcia, Carlos Elizondo, Tony Martinez, Rose Gowen, and on and on - even poor old Cesar de Leon - Ed Rivera got him to join Hernandez based on De leon's ambition - this cost him all credibility. Ambition can kill even the most honest of politicians.

    Bobby WC

    1. What is your obsession with Jessica Tetreu?!?!?

    2. Tetreau is like a bad wreck, you can't look away even if you try.

    3. Watch out or Jessica will call the Pope on you!

    4. First learn to spell her name, and how about addressing the issue - obviously you agree engaging in a cyber mob against the mentally ill is acceptable - now show you are not a coward and put a name to your post. There is no obsession. I report facts which you do not like - deal with it or challenge them with your name

      Bobby WC

    5. First learn to spell her name, and how about addressing the issue - obviously you agree engaging in a cyber mob against the mentally ill is acceptable - now show you are not a coward and put a name to your post. There is no obsession. I report facts which you do not like - deal with it or challenge them with your name

      Bobby WC

    6. Bobby,
      Mike doesn't live here. He didn't know Carlos Marin from Cheech and Chong. Obviously, he got some very bad advice and didn't have the connections to verify. He probably gets his news about the city from the Brownsville Herald.

    7. No one says he knows Carlos in the real sense. It is Mike who posted he has confidence in Marin, not something I made up. I do not believe Pat Ahumada that Mike had Robert Sanchez introduce him around. Mike has a lot of words to use when he describes his cousin Robert and none of them are nice or indicate intelligence. The brother Sergio is his front man for intros.. Mike was warned by a lot of people to stay away from Marin. He has been given the evidence and ignores it.

      Look at today's BS article - he says the problem is the political entities do not work together - we can agree on that - well over a million dollars has been spent on Carlos Marin's Imagine and United Brownsville and nothing and I mean nothing has been gained. So Mike has right in front of him the man who oversaw the fleecing of over a million dollars from the taxpayers and he says there are no villains. Don't be naive - how can he have these well documented facts with his own claim the entities are not working together and then claim ignorance about Carlos Marin? He cannot - but he is arrogant and cannot simply say - "you know what some bad people misguided me, let's start again and I will begin by meeting with those with their ears to the ground and go from there." and for the record, I have no list of these people. I think there are good Republicans, Democrats and Independents who can give Mike a real education. Many of these people and I agree on not much, but they still have an insight into Brownsville politics and need to be heard. The rationality of their argument will move Mike or not. You do not do business with a man and then complain, oh I did not know him. You do not makes millions by not knowing your business partners.

      Bobby WC

    8. I agree that Bobby Loco is an articulate way of describing who you are.

    9. Cesar de Leon is controlled by Carlos Marin? Really, Bobby?

    10. why can't Da Blimp just stick his own blog? Because every time he doesn't get attention he gains 10 pounds... This explains his thirst for attention.

    11. "why can't Da Blimp just stick his own blog?"

      Take your own advice Duardo. You're the "author" of a bushel basket of these lame trolls. Grow the effin' up boy!

  3. Quit the negativity, check out what Wikipedia has to say about pidgeon toes.

  4. "I don't have a dog in this hunt."

    Mike Hernandez sounds like the north Texan he's become. One of his mistakes was to not get the lay of the land in Brownsville before forming allegiances with those who've betrayed our city. Carlos Marin???? Gawdamit! How could Mike be so stupid, so misinformed, so out of touch?

  5. He had five dogs in this hunt, and they all got slaughtered(politically speaking)!!!! His only dog that survived was Trevino, God help us with this money thirsty PUB Vampire. Mike, I smell a rat!!!

    1. Dumbass Mike Hernandez opens his mouth to the Brownsville Herald while thinking none of in Brownsville can even read. I've never met this guy, but I'm already tired of him. Go help Del Rio you opportunist!

  6. By the way I have been wanting to know how many St. Joe Academy graduates hold a political position or serve our boards here in the city of Brownsville and Cameron County. Everywhere I turn I see or read about someone being from The BROTHERHOOD, and being appointed or selected by them to serve this other city/county boards. Why???

    1. They come from the families of position and power. How is it a surprise that the rich and powerful control things?

  7. How is JT engaging a mob against the mentally ill Bobby and what is your proof? Those are serious accusations.

    1. i poster her claims in her own words. i jave neighbors who are not happy with her efforts to force these mentally ill people from our community

    2. Wightman is a looney toon. I feel very badly that Jessica and her baby have to live so close to this idiot.

    3. Bob Cervantes has never been a credible man. This type of discord he causes is hiss way of finding pleasure because he can't find it any other way.

    4. Da Blimp; Bobby Dim-Wit man; Bobby Loco; Booby Fat Man every single name for this loser is self explanatory

    5. Mr. Wightman can't prove his allegations.

    6. Wightman is a nincompoop. Why is he always using other blogs for the floor? Because nobody reads his and he writes allnofnhis own comments.

    7. He has to piggy back off of Jim Barton Jerry Mchale and Juan Montoyas success. When do you see these bloggers comments on Da Blimps Page?

    8. Bobby Wightman-Cervantes only rarely comments on this blog, but he's welcome to do so whenever he wishes.

  8. I come here because Mr Barton has my respect but Bobby I dislike you

    1. I feel the same way.

    2. Bobby comes here and to other blogs for attention. If he was such a good blogger, he wouldn't have to troll other pages for content. His blog is incoherent ramblings against op33 and local women.

  9. "He had five dogs in this hunt, and they all got slaughtered"

    Wonder if next time Mike will try to buy advertising on a couple blogs.

    1. He will probably start his own blog. Anyone can write a blog.

  10. Mike Hernandez is absolutely right. He's no kingmaker. $140,000 can't even get him a single trustee position.

  11. Unfortunately for us, Hernandez is no different that others who pretend to be able to lead this city to prosperity. Most voters believe the campaign bullshit of Tony Martinez....who has never been a mayor of the people, but a mayor of the Brownsville elite. Tony, like Mike Hernandez tried to form a coalition of candidates for office that would do what they were told if elected. None of these people represent the citizens....they all represent themselves, their elitist friends and their own personal agendas. So, Hernandez is just another man with money who wants things his way.

    1. "So, Hernandez is just another man with money who wants things his way."

      True, but he met with some resistance. Or, do you think he just picked all these terrible candidates, threw money at them and still lost? I'm hoping that Brownsville voters had a little bit to do with Hernandez rejection.

  12. Is it true that Hernandez from OP 1033 is gay and his partner wants to get into politics or is that just BS?

    1. Harambe, The Bullet Lobotomized GorillaJune 11, 2016 at 10:21 PM

      Bobby WC has been involved with politics for some time now.



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