Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Do West Brownsville's "No Road!" Petitioners Actually Believe Tony and Rose Listen?

Martinez, Gowen Confer During Town Hall
Meeting on West Rail Corridor Usage
Mayor Tony Martinez and City Commissioner Rose Gowen have absolutely zero interest in the opinions, needs or concerns of the taxpayers of Brownsville.  The FOUR town hall meetings scheduled to solicit the comments of taxpayers are merely designed to enhance, solidify and validate Rose and Tony's preferred use of the land under the old Union Pacific tracks and thwart Cameron County's plans for a road that would greatly enhance proposed subdivisions beyond Alton Gloor and land fronting the river adjacent to Amigoland.  The unethical pair are merely using the "No Road" petitioners as pawns in their game.

No, Mayor Tony is not a listener.  He CHOSE to avoid the town hall meeting on the proposed tripling of the city's parking meter rates leaving hey boy Ramiro Gonzalez to deal with the angry downtown business owners/taxpayers who opposed the increase.  Mayor Tony CHOSE to avoid the town hall meeting on the proposed giveaway of Lincoln Park to the ultra-rich UT system.  Martinez DID listen to former UTB President Juliet Garcia, who likely suggested Lincoln Park be included in the ransom for the satellite campus staying in the city. 

With respect to Commissioner Gowen, consider her ugly, condescending remarks framed to taxpayers who objected to her plan to reduce E. 6th Street, one of Brownsville's two principle arteries for truck traffic into the city, by one lane to allow for a bike lane: http://brownsvilleobserver.blogspot.com/2014/07/rose-gowen-pulls-out-all-political.html

Like the hypocrite she is, Rose Gowen addressed the West Brownsville residents assembled at the Oliveira Park Gymnasium with these phony words:  "We want to listen to you and know what you want. We're trying our best to listen to you."

1 comment:

  1. Brownsville needs that road. If they want to install protected bike lanes in the same right of way, tats great, but the road is necessary to improve congestion at the intersections of 802, Price, and Boca Chica at the expressway.



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...