Wednesday, March 25, 2015

News Release from Christ the King Church, Southmost: Immigration Outreach with U.S. Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services

Christ the King Church, Southmost
March 25, 2015

Immigration Outreach with US Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services
Brownsville, TEXAS--Christ the King Catholic Church and Christ the King Young Adults Group (Knights of Christ) have invited U.S. Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services to visit our community. Immigration Services will be here to answer questions about how to become a citizen or permanent resident. We invite our parish community and all of Brownsville and Southmost to come learn more about the immigration process and how to become a citizen or permanent resident. Your questions will be heard!

Refreshments and pan dulce will be served.

WHAT: Immigration Outreach

WHERE: Christ the King Catholic Church Parish Hall

WHEN: Thursday, March 26th at 6:00 PM

CONTACT: Christ the King 956-546-1982

Alcance de Inmigración

Cristo Rey y el grupo adultos jóvenes Cristo Rey (Caballeros de Cristo) han invitado al Departamento de Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos para visitar a nuestra comunidad. Immigraion Servicios estará aquí para contestar preguntas acerca de cómo llegar a ser un ciudadano o residente permanente. Invitamos nuestra comunidad parroquial y todos de Brownsville y Southmost a venir a aprender más sobre el proceso de inmigración. Se escucharán sus preguntas.

Refrescos y pan dulce serán servidos.

Qué: Alcance de Inmigración

Dónde: Salón Parroquial de Cristo Rey

Cuándo: Jueves, el 26 de Marzo a las 6 de la tarde

Contacto: Cristo Rey 956-546-1982


  1. Certainly no candidate would use this as an opportunity to shill for votes.

    1. And certainly not Roman who suddenly became active there just before declaring his intent to run...

    2. Roman will join the ranks of Roberto Uresti, Leticia Perez-Garzoria and Kinky Friedman in running 10+ times and never winning.

  2. Matamoros Televias under granade attack for second time, red alert.

    Free bontanas at eight.
