Thursday, February 5, 2015

Pat Ahumada Speaks At Cobbleheads Meet and Greet February 5, 2015


  1. What a crowd!
    Could not even find a seat
    Great job team Ahumada!

  2. It is so disrespectful for those people to be talking so loudly while Pat is speaking. Did your parents teach you manners?

    1. no voy a votar por martinez pero pat te robaste 28000 y luego lo regresaste. ya no trates de enganar a la jente. oye el video la jente ni te pelo.

  3. There has to be a better mayoral candidate than the ones running. I've voted for Pat at least five times but like a sixth finger voting again for Pat would be excessive and unnecessary. Voted for mayor in 1990s once, commissioner in 2001, congress in 2000, and mayor twice in 2007. No mas.

  4. Thanks for sharing the video Jim. It looks like everyone had a great time. I wish I could have attended.

    1. You missed a great event!
      We had a great time!
      It was awesome, food drinks and great company.

  5. Let's give Brownsville back to the people !!! Run pat run !!! Good luck !!!

    1. y el cheque de 28000 dlls apa!!

  6. Now that I have had the chance to view the video in its entirety, I liked what Pat had to say but damn, what the hell was wrong with the people in attendance? Let me say tjis to the people in the audience,"Do you all not know
    how inappropriate all that chatter was that was
    going on while Pat was speaking?" If I would have had the chance to attend, I probably would have been kicked out from telling people to
    When Pat has another political function for his
    mayoral campaign, I hope everyone that attends has the
    decency to keep quiet while he is speaking to
    the crowd. He was asked to run. Let us give
    him the respect he deserves. So next time Pat addresses a crowd of supporters, KEEP QUIET and pay attention. You just might learn something.
    Remember" Calladita se ve mΓ‘s bonita!"

    1. Jim was there he knows the reason there was so much noise was just that there was way too many people in attendance, when he began to speak there were people arriving and a big line of people waiting to sign in. There was also alot of people at the bar, i wish Barton wouldve showed the amount of people in attendance

    2. It also doesnt help that the place is so small!

    3. fueron a la botana gratis no a ver hablar pat 28000 ahumada

  7. My friend asked me to go with her to this meeting at Cobbleheads. I dont know how she found out about it. Then she told me she just wanted to go because it was a free supper so I am questioning did Mr. Ahumada pay from his own pocket what was served in that meeting? Anyway, my friend told me she invited a relative to go with her and the relative told her she was not voting for Ahumada so she was not interested in going so my friend ended up not getting her free supper. Personally, I think too many people running for the position is only going to split the vote and make the current mayor win again. I DO NOT like any of the people running; it seems like in Brownsville all the politicos are already BURNED by their own actions and some bloggers instead of helping their cause are really making it worse for them (like McHale with his support for William Garza and pushing "Capitain Bob" to run)

    1. I agree with you McHale thinks hes helping Garza and Sanchez and then attacks Pat, all hes going to do is get Martinez reelected. .
