Saturday, February 28, 2015

Immigration Conference Panelists, Correa-Cabrera and Villarreal

Associate Professor Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera
and Rio Grande City Mayor Ruben Villarreal


  1. On TV they refer to Correa-Cabrera as an "expert" on the cartels in Mexico. She now is called an "expert" on immigration. What are her qualifications or "bona fides" for her being termed an "expert" in these areas. She iOS an academic but what academic credentials make her an "expert" in anything????? Other than academia does she have any experience in the "real world" (non-academia) that gives her the credentials as an "expert". She may have a Ph.D (Pile it high and Deep) but what real credentials does she have to be called an "expert"??????????????

    1. This comment comes from a jealous this personal Mrs. Z? Haters only waste time thinking bout other people's life. Certainly you are an expert in nothing and have a lot of free time and hatred. Think about yourself and leave others alone, especially productive and smart people. Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera seems very smart and knowledgeable about a variety of subjects. She is also very young and beautiful. Maybe this is why you are so bothered and jealous. One suggestion: "mind your own business and be productive instead of wasting time criticizing interesting people." The path you are following will just lead you to mediocrity...which is a trait you already have.

    2. You need to fix your shortcuts. Every time you comment and write "is" it autocorrects to "iOS." Plus all your comments suck so just don't write anything period.

  2. Well, I do believe she is an expert, an expert on border issues. I heard her speak last Friday and I was impressed. Reporters look out to her, because she knows her stuff. She has done extensive research on the border and many people recognize that. Look at her CV. She is well accomplished and brave. She has experience and makes excellent comments. Correa-Cabrera is indeed an expert on many subjects.
