Monday, January 19, 2015

Rose Gowen Chairs BCIC Board Meeting Illegally, Gets Angry When Things Don't Go Her Way

Rose Gowen
Rules simply do not apply to Rose Gowen. Her ego, her agenda transcends even the bi-laws of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, where her role as board member, board chairman legally ended December 31, 2014.  

When the BCIC reconvened for the first time in the new year, January 8, 2015, fellow former board members Jude Benavides and Blanca Perez-Moreno recognized their term of service had legally ended, did not participate in the meeting.  No so for Rose, who parked her hybrid in the City Commissioner-reserved free parking slot along E. 10th Street, made her way up to Human Resources on the 4th floor and assumed her role as BCIC chairperson illegally.

The City Commission has known for months that three terms on the BCIC would expire at the end of 2014 just as the term of Sylvia Berry on the Brownsville Metro Advisory Board would, but they dropped that ball by not caring for the appointment of new members in their December City Commission meetings.  Berry, Benavides and Perez-Moreno all accepted the legal termination.  Gowen did not.

San Fernando Building, Purchased by the
City of Brownsville in 2012 for $315,000
The driving force behind Gowen's unlawful appearance on the board was Agenda item #9:  Consideration and Action for the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) to consider the City of Brownsville request as follows:
*For the BCIC office/staff to be housed at the Historic San Fernando Building and
*To enter into an agreement with the City of Brownsville to contribute $225,000 toward the renovation of the Historic San Fernando Building and house the BCIC rent free for eight(8) years.

Ramiro Gonzalez, Director of Brownsville
Redevelopment and Special Projects
Gowen and Martinez heyboy Ramiro Gonzalez presented the item in his newly created role as Director of Downtown Redevelopment and Special Projects.

Initial discussions found board member Elizabeth Hollmann favoring the idea, but when another board member suggested simply buying the San Fernando building from the city, Hollmann liked that idea as well.  The city purchased the historic building, that formerly housed La Movida, El Domino and Mary's Place cantinas, for $315,000 in 2012.  

With the discussion floundering, "Chairman" Gowen called for a simple motion to adopt the agenda item. Dead silence.  No board member made a motion.

A comment was made that this might be a matter for the "new" board to consider.  Gowen, visibly angered said:  "I can't believe this."

San Fernando's interior, showing decades of
paint colors(likely leaded)
A not very well kept secret is that Gowen wants to close the streets around Market Square to vehicle traffic, eliminate parking on one side of Adams Street for a bike lane, making the square a pedestrian mall, of sorts.  Pushing that agenda propelled her to ignore the expiration of her term as board chairman as dictated by the bi-laws.


  1. We must remember that Rose Zavaletta Gowen is first a "Zavaletta" and that makes here superior to all other humans and exempt from the laws of lesser men and women. Rose, like other "Zavaletta/Zavaleta" bring to the table an extraordinary ego and superiorority complex. Just being born a "Zavaletta/Zavaleta" gives them the self-ordained ability to dismiss all others as inferior and take control of any situation. We see her "superiority complex" in the way she conducts city business....and assumes a power that legally she doesn't have. She and Tony Martinez make a great paring for this city......they don't need no "stinkin' badges" or any term limits to stop their egos from flaring.

    1. I guess we'll see how much her ego and " superiority complex " help her the day the feds finally catch up with her fat ass! Uugh!

  2. Is there nobody courageous enough to stand up to this woman?

  3. Jim,

    Have Ahumada do an appraisal on this dump. Looks like it has all the markings of another inside deal for that price. Don't forget to factor in the hazardous waste issues.

  4. She has also used money from the bag tax for here bike and walk trails. Why haven't they use this money for recycling like the ordinance states.

    1. Covered bus stops with benches and sidewalks and street repair.

  5. Jim,
    We, (3 of us) are more than willing to take a position on this board to make a difference. This Zavaleta woman needs to go NOW.

  6. I thought peter goodman was the downtown development director. Is this a separate/ different position than the one created for Ramiro Gonzalez?

  7. Brownsville citizens don't care how " their" city is run. Take a drive to Mcallen and compare the two cities. Brownsville is a joke

  8. "ugh" --- Rose Gowen

  9. -A comment was made that this might be a matter for the "new" board to consider.  Gowen, visibly angered said:  "I can't believe this."-

    Believe in Brownsville!

  10. ROSE!..UGH!...yeah..WHAT IS SHE GOOD FOR?...absolutely nothin'! Say it again...YEAH...

  11. You do not put all coments only what please you how bias is your thinking

    1. Did you have something to say in favor of the bike crazy bitch? Some proof perhaps that more feel good toadies instead of real growth is not the reality, merely a planted perception? Bring it.

    2. She bent over for bikers cause she figured out that they VOTE ,so everybody that's bitching get your families asses off the couch and go VOTE !

  12. who is on this stupid board?

