Monday, December 15, 2014

Future Downtown Police Substation Gets Temporary Duty As Art Gallery

Future Police Substation at 615 E. 11th Street
Local artist Lourdes Argueta currently displays several examples of her art in what she calls a "pop up art gallery" at 615 E. 11th Street. 

Ms. Argueta gave us a quick tour of the gallery, including a laminated wood sculpture, a piece utilizing wire coat hangers and wall art made from a piece of an antique chair recovered from a Brownsville alley.

Art Director Lourdes Argueta
The current exhibit, entitled "The Giving Tree," will be followed by a new exhibit each week  featuring a local artist according to Argueta.

"This will be an art gallery until February when the Brownsville Police Department takes over the space," stated the artist.

Brownsville Downtown Redevelopment Director, Ramiro Gonzalez agreed: "We didn't want to simply leave the space empty.  We have enough of that already in downtown.  Lourdes approached us with this idea and we think it makes good use of the space."


  1. Nothing wrong with the cit doing this, unless Lourdes is a major campaign contributor or she is related to Martin sarkis, Letty Prez-Garzoria or the pest Roman Perez. ArT GaLlErIeS are okay, jim!

    1. Reading comprehension is so critical. The article did not say or imply what you infer.

  2. Como ai gente pendeja, que no comprende lo que lee.

    There is a lot of stupid people who don't comprehend what the read.

    1. Chess, der eees, pendejo!

    2. Is "ai" a word? Shit no, pendejo, es HAY!!!

    3. Duh they're called democRATS LMAO LMAO

  3. We have some very good artists and musicians in this community. Unfortunately, the general public doesn't support museums, art venues, and artistic presentations....even though most are free. The city is forced to provide large sums to keep the arts alive in Brownsvlle. The general public will not pay for culture or the arts, especially when presented downtown. It's time the mayor and his cronies realized that Brownsville is much larger than downtown....Why not use the Events Center or other venues outside of downtown to take the arts to the entirety of the city. Even if its free downtown....we don't want to risk having our car stolen to see any event.

    1. "...The general public will not pay for culture or the arts..."
      Could it be it doesn't put FOOD ON THE TABLE???????????
      Fu@k the ARTS!

    2. Wow such an ignorant comment.

  4. I think the writer understood exactly what you said. He/She was just expressing a possibility, probably based on experience and well earned low expectations. I had they same thought --"I wonder if she is related to someone in city government?" I hope she isn't. This is a good idea.

    1. Jim is dyslexic when it comes to News, always seeing the wrong side of the story.

  5. I went to the Libary today and researched this: We have over $18 TRILLION in National debt we can never pay back. Most Citizens Cities and States are broke we have State Pensions on the verge of implosion across the Country underfunded by $4 TRILLION an aging population and a shrinking workforce (I.e. tax payer base) 3,650,000 go onto the Govt rolls every year. We have 47 Million people on food stamps more than the ENTIRE population of Spain never mind we have yet to add enough jobs to actually recover which is 300,000 every report. We now have 86 million tax payers supporting 148 million people. We have a college debt bomb of over $1 Trillion. We have China and Russia making trade agreements with France England Australia Brazil and 30 other Countries that eliminates the U.S. dollar in trading between those Countries. Our entire Govt. has become the biggest Ponzi scheme in our History. We print our own currency to buy up our own debt so our Govt. can keep spending while our politicians tell we the little people they cannot cut spending and in fact need to raise taxes I.e. cash flow to keep the scheme going. The only Ponzi scheme bigger is the entire Globe is now engaged in the same scheme. Not to mention the elephant in the room the $1 Quadrillion derivatives market. Vote democrat vote republican it won't matter the genie doesn't go back into the bottle. However it ends, the end result will be the standard of living in America is being forever changed.


    1. The "Libary"? Chinga tu madre, dags. Eres un analfabeto, buey!

  6. Dags --"Reading comprehension is so critical. The article did not say or imply what you infer."

  7. Who is paying the rent? What are the terms? Will others be given the same opportunity or treatment?

  8. Fuck you Dags! Wrong forum for your "sky is falling" views. .....Go away!

  9. If the tiny mind in a big ball of lard has any thing to do with that, it is a guaranteed failure.



At the Roy De los Santos event last evening, blogger Jerry McHale told me once again that my writing had improved.  That's so funny! I...