Thursday, November 20, 2014

Judge Nelson's Unexplained Ruling May Cripple, But Not Kill Democracy in Brownsville

Judge A.C. Nelson
138th District Court Judge Nelson, who files his campaign finance reports as Arthur C. Nelson, but runs for office as Arturo Cisneros Nelson, today(11/20/2014) denied the restraining order on the sale of Lincoln Park. Nelson gave no rationale for his decision, rendered one day after a hearing on the matter in his court.  

As we wait to see if citizen Luis Saenz appeals the decision, arguments presented by City Attorney Sossi at the hearing as well as an alerted citizenry in Southmost and throughout Brownsville, could still make city government more responsive to the people. At least several hundred more people than before the October 30 Town Hall Meeting about Lincoln Park know that Tony Martinez and three city commissioners do not listen to the people.

While pro bono Attorney Michael Cowen shared six ways with the court he felt the sale could be legally blocked, he mentioned in the elevator going down from the court's third floor that he'd found yet another, a seventh, in his research.  Will he continue the fight?

City Attorney Mark "It's Legal!" Sossi
City Attorney Mark Sossi, in his arguments before the court, claimed the City Commission had not agreed to sell Lincoln Park, but merely agreed on a resolution to enter into negotiations to sell it.  

Lincoln Park, November 9, 2014
That means the actual sale of the park should come before the commission yet another time.  Will the commissioners protect taxpayer interests by insisting on fair market value? The Ahumada appraisal values the land alone of the park at $11,000,000.  That does not include utilities, paving, two ball fields, two nature trails, an amphitheater, a garden center, basketball courts and barbecue area, all of which increase the actual value of the park to around $20,000,000.  What business do city commissioners have letting the park go for a mere $6.5 million?  Aren't they under oath to protect city assets?

District Attorney Luis V. Saenz
District Attorney Saenz was quoted in today's Brownsville Herald that, if you agree with the sale of Lincoln Park, you should vote for Tony Martinez for Mayor, but if you disagree, you should vote against Tony Martinez.  That's great, except Trey Mendez and Daniel Lenz aren't running.  Our alternatives so far seem to be former Mayor Pat Ahumada,  P.K. Patel's right hand man, William Garza and restaurant owner Bob Sanchez.  Some have tried to convince Ahumada that he could be elected as Commissioner At Large, but he insists on being the quarterback, not a blocking lineman.(It would be great to have an adult counterpoint, like Ahumada, on the commission.)  His 9% popular vote showing in the last mayoral election make being voted in as mayor unlikely.

As suggested by Luis Saenz, how the mayor and commissioners voted on Lincoln Park may become a litmus test to determine which elected city officials listen to the people.  Jessica Tetreau was warmly received at the Valley Interfaith "Accountability" Meeting for her vote against the sale.  Commissioners Ricardo Longoria, Jr. and John Villarreal both voted against the sale November 4 after voting for it February 25.  Of course, Rose Gowen, Deborah Portillo, Estela Chavez-Vasquez and Tony Martinez voted to sell the property.

Nurith Galonsky
The Lincoln Park issue will especially dominate the race for City Commissioner in District 1, Southmost where Ricardo Longoria, Jr. is the incumbent. Roman Perez, who has filed for the position has been a leader in the fight to keep Lincoln Park. Urith Galonsky, the daughter of Abraham Galonsky, has also been rumored to be considering a run for District 1.  Her dad, who has already sold La Casa del Nylon to the city for $2,300,000, triple its value, hopes to sell the city a 30 acre tract he owns next to the proposed location for the new Lincoln Park.


  1. What a loser you are, Barton. Prior to the ruling, you were pumping up Judge Nelson. He rules against you and he's shit. Fuck you!

    1. That was because he expected a reasonable, just decision based on the law. Barton was disappointed, so Nelson is shit. Makes sense to me, so fuck you, instead.

    2. No, fuck you, plebe! The park will be sold, pendejo!!! Get with the program.

    3. If I understand your reference then by law the issue must be a plebiscite, so once again, fuck you instead.

    4. Only effeminate assholes would use a word like "plebe".

    5. Yeah, why should we expect a border pendejo to know the word? LOSER

    6. @8:11: Roman Perez wouldn't say "plebe".

  2. Will this neglect for the will of the people wake up the sleeping giant of non voters? Remains to be seen. All indications seem to point towards that the eligible voting citizens of Brownsville will continue to take it up the a$$ like the ignorant fools they are. They appear to insist on living in a dictatorship to their demise.

  3. Tony Martinez used every politiquera in Brownsville to get his 50+ percent votes the first time around. They are now all either locked up or hiding underground like Bin Laden. I seriously doubt he will take it so easily in the next go round. He has burned bridges with everyone who supported him financially before so it'll be interesting to see if he gets any contributions and if he'll dig into his own pockets to pay for his campaign and those of who he hopes to get elected with him. Soon Gowen and Portillo will be left alone and be insignificant voices on the commission. Hopefully the new commission will dissolve United Brownsville and cut the lifeline to blood-sucking crooks like Rusteberg, Marin, Garcia and all their cronies. I can't wait! We not only have to save Lincoln park but the entire city from these self serving pendejos.

  4. At the city commission meeting Nov.4, the terminology was changed from "sale" to "conveyance" because a "sale" would require a referendum, is that correct? And now the terminology used by the city has reverted back to "sale"? This switcheroo in the terminology has me confused.

    1. "What is in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

  5. Lincoln Park seems to be the matter of the day.
    Tony Martinez consults with Carlos Marin

  6. Tad Hassee's opinions regarding what slot I should run for on the city commission are his opinions, which are being repeated here by Brownsville Mister, Roman Perez, and anyone who listens to Hassee, but that is all it is an opinion. Just because it is repeated does not make it so. This is a total different election from the previous mayoral election in which voters believed Tony Martinez, because they want to make Pat Ahumada their whipping boy. And, in doing so the blogs and voters went like sheep and voted in Tony Martinez and now the same voters and blogs who voted him in are all against Tony Martinez based on his record. I will put up my record any day in comparison to anyone, but some people prefer to vote for personalities instead of the issues or the candidates record to get things done, which are the results we are living with now today. The city of Brownsville has lost a voice for transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility and the voters popular personalities has given them four wasted years to move the city forward, but if you still insist on voting for personalities and want to use Pat Ahumada as a whipping boy based on pure opposition, just to oppose, then you have William Garza who left me over a $2.0 million deficit in my first term as mayor and my friend Bob Sanchez who is also their for your choosing and vote against me again to get what we have today. I was always accessible, always standing up on the issues whether it was Imagine Brownsville, Border Wall, Lincoln Park, or whatever, and was always fiscally responsible by making developers pay impact fees. Never would have I supported purchasing the Nylon Building or selling the Sports Park. You all say this is what you want, but you do not want Pat Ahumada for personal reasons, then don't complain when you get what we have today. Efforts to criminalize me failed with a no guilty verdict on the check, the same with the DWI, not guilty, but none of this has to do with my voting or speaking out on the issues. No skin off of me if you prefer followers over leaders as mayor, like Tassee suggests. I will take my chances with the voters who have approached me and have asked me to run. I believe in them, not the chismes some prefer to believe in. Thank you!

  7. Meant to say Lincoln Park. Thank you!.

  8. I think William is a good guy. I think William cannot beat Tony.

    I think Pat is also a good guy. I think Pat can beat Tony. But with William in the race, that will split the votes.

  9. Judge Nelson has proved to be just another Dumbokrat and is willing to do anything to protect his "party" and his friends. Too bad for the public that a judge will render a decision but will not say "why" he rendered the decision. Judge Nelson is just another corrupt politician.

    1. Like they suggested to you in the other blog: maybe if you stop using your term "Dumbokrats" you would be taken seriously. come off as annoying and ignorant. Republican Bush is the reason judge nelson didn't have to explain his ruling. ....don't be dense.

  10. Time to bring Pat Ahumada back to local politics. At least he was honest in his actions and is more related to the public than Tony "The Elitist" Martinez

  11. Judge Nelson's ruling is in line with what took place in the court room, but there is no doubt the sale of Lincoln Park would have been consummated had it not been for the DA, Luis Saenz intervention with the TRO. The ruling is understandable based on the right out lies by Mark Sossi who changed the Lincoln Park sale game plan by making contrary statements to the facts that led up to the TRO and court proceedings. When Sossi intentionally misrepresented the facts and dynamics of the sale up to the point Luis Saenz intervened by saying that the sales price on Lincoln Park had not yet been negotiated and that their was no contract to sell Lincoln Park when all their prior actions was to sell the park based on the information provided to the commission, discussions in executive session and public hearings. Therefore, Judge Nelson had to find that the DA, Luis Saenz acted prematurely with his lawsuit to stop the sale when UT has not signed a contract to buy the park at an amount yet to be determined. However, we all know the mayor and those who voted to sell the park are just taking action to cover their misdeeds by blatantly making misleading statements in court. In my opinion the DA should change the game plan on them by acting in his capacity as a DA and filing criminal charges of fraud on the Nylon Building, as it is the same players who are trying to defraud the taxpayers with the Lincoln Park Sale at a "discounted bargain price". The DA should subpoena the minutes from executive session on the Nylon and Lincoln Park discussions. The DA should also subpoena all the commissioners who were involved in discussions outside the commission meetings prior to the public hearings and the latest action to sell the park to UT. Judge Nelson had no choice to rule against the plaintiffs in this instance given the lies promoted by UT and Sossi.

  12. In my opinion all the actors involved in the proposed sale of Lincoln Park and the sale of the Nylon Building have committed crimes in need of prosecution. Their arrogance and impunity is the epitamy of corruption in government. These individuals fiduciary blatant abuse is costing taxpayers millions and they sat as my moral judge for a check wrong check wrongfully deposited by a incompetent bank teller into my account. What I did by mistake cost me approximately $200,000 and my mistake pales in comparison to the blatant fraudulent actions taken to defraud taxpayers.

    1. So, why is the DA not prosecuting? ??

  13. epitamy?
    Try "epitome," Pat. You'll at least sound more intelligent.

  14. Anonymous, thank you so much for worrying about how I sound. My hat is off to you, after all you are about as intelligent as they may come, but I prefer to stay the way I am. I am afraid if to get to the level of intelligence that allows and justifies stealing from taxpayers, going around being moral judge of us not as intelligent as them, but without a moral compass or values that you can trust in our city government. Again, thank you for your concern, but this shrimper is intelligent to govern twice and will do it again with the help of those who want to see transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility in the City of Brownsville.

  15. Barton, ay mordida, as they say in Matamoros.

  16. Mary Rey said...
    are you ready to rumble Mr Ahumada??
    I am!!! Let's go getting tiger......
    LET'S RE-INSTATE THE public Audience, and immediately get rid off certain "attorneys"
    What sayeth you dear??
    Mary S Rey

  17. Let's get ready to rumble Mary Rey! I'm with you!

  18. Mary, I am with you! I am for forming alliances with whomever wants to restore transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility to our city government. My track record from 1990 to present has been those three primary principals for a healthy city government. People now see that money cannot buy good government and now they can compare on promises made to get electing and governing for, of, and by the people. Let's take our city government back from those who think they are entitled to governing and can do whatever they want with taxpayers monies. Vote for Pat Ahumada for Mayor! Thanks!

  19. Ese juez no es "Chicano" es un pinche Danes!!!



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