Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How the Mayor and City Commission Are Destroying Democracy in Brownsville

What school children are taught about our form of government turns out to be a lie in Brownsville. The so-called democracy or people rule is simply not practiced by our city government.  A tangible symbol of the anti-democratic bent of the mayor and city commission is the Ahumada-initiated/Martinez-reinforced ban of the broadcast of public comment at city commission meetings.  The words of the mayor and commissioners, however foolish and misguided, are considered worthy of broadcast, while the comments of the people who supposedly "rule," are not.  When the principal players in the city's democracy step up to the podium at the City Commission, the microphone is switched off and the camera is turned to focus on a still shot declaring "Public Comment Period in Progress."  Once the inferiors of the citizenry have finished babbling their nonsense, the microphones and camera again focus on the wisdom and perspicacious speech of the mayor and commissioners.

Brownsville Matriarch
Tony Martinez
Illustrative that Brownsville is governed by a monarchy and court jesters, not democracy, are the two town hall meetings held in 2014.  Both meetings were advertised as democratic opportunities for Brownsville taxpayers to clearly state their position on important issues facing the mayor and city commission as if the COB were interested.  

Mayor Tony Martinez did not attend either town hall meeting, obviously viewing interaction with his constituents as beneath him.  He clearly stated to City Manager Charlie Cabler he would not be available despite not knowing the actual date of the events.

Martinez Heyboy Ramiro Gonzalez
The mayor's heyboy, Ramiro Gonzalez, set up and conducted the first town hall meeting at Market Square 1/14/14 to consider the proposed tripling of downtown parking rates.  The Gonzalez presentation used half-truths and recommendations from a book he'd read; "The High Cost of Free Parking" to give the impression that the downtown area was choked because of inexpensive parking.  His assertions were untrue and 18 of 20 citizens and downtown business owners totally disagreed with young Gonzalez.  Ramiro, true to his Martinez-assigned role, told everyone within earshot that downtowners favored a parking meter increase.  What no one was told at the time is that the parking meter increase had nothing to do with freeing up downtown parking, but was part of an agreement between Tony Martinez and Juliet Garcia to gift any increased parking meter fees to the ultra-rich University of Texas.  The City Commission signed off on this agreement two years ago as part of the package gifting Lincoln Park to UT.

Despite the pretense of scheduling a town hall meeting to solicit citizen input on the proposed increase of downtown parking rates, the city commission ignored everything spoken by local citizens and downtown business owners and unanimously approved the rate increase.  So much for representative democracy!

The town hall meeting held 10/30/14 at the Tony Gonzalez Gymnasium to discuss the future of Lincoln Park was another exercise if futility for taxpayers. 300 citizens crowded the gym, about half representing Valley Interfaith.  All of the half a hundred speakers, except IBC President Fred Rusteberg and Chamber of Commerce President Maria C. Hall, spoke out against the sale of Lincoln Park.  Even District Attorney Luis Saenz and former Mayor Pat Ahumada chimed in with the citizens.  While legally, the sale of a public park requires a city wide vote, the citizens clearly voiced their opposition.

Commissioner Rose Gowen,
Revealing a Profound Ugliness Inside
Mayor Tony Martinez and commissioners Estela Chavez-Vasquez and Deborah Portillo cowardly avoided the town hall meeting at Tony Gonzalez. They knew how they would vote regardless of citizen input and chose NOT to face their constituents. Oh, they will all have excuses, but nothing good enough to not be there to hear Southmost cry about losing a park worth $20 million plus because of a backdoor deal between Tony Martinez and his evil twin sister, Juliet Garcia.  Tuesday night, without a twinge of conscience, the City Commission voted 4-3 to sell Lincoln Park to the ultra-rich University of Texas for less than half its value.  The dumbass mayor did not even have an appraisal done.  

The odor of human excrement that users of the replacement park will suck into their lungs is almost fragrant compared to the human stench of the four voting to deprive us of Lincoln Park for no good reason; Martinez, Gowen, Chavez-Vasquez and Portillo.  Commissioner Rose Gowen did attend the town hall, but her body language was that of a surly teenager being someplace against her will.  Gowen, a pleasant looking young woman when first elected, aging rapidly, has an ugliness inside that can't be hidden, her body language and posture revealing an insufferable arrogance beyond redemption.  Gowen was observed "texting" during citizen speeches and clearly muttered "fucking dumbass" after an impassioned speech by District Attorney Luis Saenz.

The textbooks BISD uses to describe our country's form of government need to be amended for Brownsville.  In our city the people have no voice. They are merely tolerated, a nuisance to be ignored, overlooked and NEVER heard.  Yes, this is the poorest city in the country monetarily, but we also have a poverty money can't cure; we have no voice, no say in our government.


  1. In response to your comment regarding the initiation on the public comment ban on TV is in my opinion ludicrous. First of all, it happened when I was mayor, but I did not introduce the ban and it was introduced due to some perceived liability by the city attorney. You need to take it up with the city attorney or challenge it through the judicial process like others do when they feel their rights have been taken or restricted. In my opinion the not televising public comment is not the issue, but the restriction that prohibits the public from making comments on agenda items that are being addressed by the commission and voted on. This restriction in my opinion is an effort to shield the commission from controversial discussion on agenda items to be voted on, as was agenda item # 8 on the conveyance of Lincoln Park. It was obvious the Mayor did want to hear citizen's input on this issue. When I was mayor, I allowed speaking on agenda items, but we were not allowed to respond to comments made, as per the city attorney's instructions. I spoke on the Lincoln Park issue in general terms before the issue was to come up for a vote. I can say the appraisal I submitted changed two votes, which was Commissioner Longoria and Villarreal, but unfortunately it did not change others on the commission thinking and vote. I did not need the camera to make my point as you are pointing out that it is needed, but I did find disturbing that the Mayor would not allow comments on an important issue, nor does he allow comments during the Public Speaking portion of the meeting on related items to be voted on. My entire political life has been based on transparency and accountability, as I was the one who introduced televising the city meetings in 1991 and have never been afraid to hear citizens speak out on the issues. I attended all Public Hearings and never hid from the public on the issues. So, blaming me when it was people and blogs like this one that promoted change in our city government is not taking responsibility for the results achieved that now is found unacceptable. I was transparent, was not afraid to stand up for citizen's best interest and never allowed what is going on now with fraudulent real estate purchases or special interest controlling city government. Don't blame me, blame yourself.

    1. Both the ban on the broadcast of public comment and the prohibition of commenting on agenda items are foolish. I'm aware of the history involving the ban and Sossi's sensitivity about being called out for giving legal work to his previous law firm for stealing their money. Your appraisal may have had some influence. John tends to follow Rick as he's not grown up enough to form his own opinion. As for the origin of the ban on the broadcast of public comment, it DID originate in your administration. OWN IT! It may have been Sossi's idea, but it occurred on your watch. I appreciate the work you did on Lincoln Park, but I'll reserve comment on the rest of your diatribe.

    2. Pat you darn fool. Shouldn't you be feeding your dogs instead of writing your delusional rants on blogs? John Villarreal hasn't been in favor of this project since before the town hall meeting where you showed up late and still tried to steal the show. Please don't try and take credit for swaying Commisioner Villarreal when you had NOTHING to do with his decision. You may have convinced that NACO DJ Longoria- but that shouldn't be something to brag about.

  2. In politics, you win some and lose some. Deal with it, Jim. You lose and you whine. Happens all the time with you, dude!

  3. "the Ahumada-initiated/Martinez-reinforced ban of the broadcast of public comment at city commission meetings". I do not know what your point is in blaming me, but so be it. Yes, the ban happened during my administration, as many things that I did not agree with and some I agreed with, but that does not mean I am responsible for everything that happens when I cannot control the outcome of everything that happens. I detect your frustration regarding Lincoln Park, but I too am just one citizen who does what he can. Hopefully, an attorney will file an injunction based on the illegality of the transfer.

  4. Government karaoke, Jim? Is that what you want? You know the history of Public Comments at the city commission. LETTY, ROMAN, DAGS, YOU. Blah, blah, blah killed the radio. LOL!!!!

  5. “There is no greater icon of our region then the Vaquero,” Bailey said in support of his decision. “Vaqueros are the horsemen and cattle herders who lay the foundation for the North American cowboys and cowboy culture.”

    Crazy! There has not been a significant cattle economy in the Valley since the late 19th century. It is an area of FARMING, MONEY LAUNDERING and SMUGGLING. Therefore, the most appropriate mascot would be the COYOTE. Additionally, vaquero is sexist, an image of machismo!!!

  6. Regarding the removal of televised public comments, I find former Mayor Pat Ahumada's pass-the-buck response as ridiculous. Ahumada states it wasn't him who proposed that public comment no longer be televised and blames city attorney Mark Sossi. However, why didn't he oppose it? We all know Ahumada does not bite his tongue with issues he vehemently opposes. He did not oppose this issue, because he supported it. He supports/not supports issues of convenience for him. Just like you were outspoken in your stance against 8-liners as mayor. But, that stance quickly flipped when you realized it was a way to make a quick buck. Matters of convenience are a catalyst for slithering out from under your rock.

  7. Some lose focus of the issue. which is Lincoln Park. I was mayor, the people chose to elect the present mayor, which has nothing to do with the ban on public comments. The public comments ban was of major concern based on the liability being imposed on the city by the commentators who had made some comments that raised his concern and it was banned not by a vote, but by the attorney's decree. Take it up with him. This does not affect me, nor is it an issue since I am not an attorney in charge of protecting the city from liability. Being on television should not be the basis to speak your opinion on the issues of the day, but being censored from speaking should be the issue. The ban from speaking on any agenda item that is on the city meeting agenda in my opinion violates the ability to speak openly and freely on decisions that will be made that affect our city. Is this censorship legal? I don't know, but I do know is that I allowed comments on agenda items to be taken up, because the comments could provide guidance to the decision making, which should be allowed and welcomed. However, it is obvious, the mayor does not want to hear citizens input by not allowing comments on agenda items. And, on the 8-liner issue, mine was not an 8-liner, it was sweepstakes. I was told sweepstakes was legal and paid the comptroller's taxes, obtained all permits, and operated openly based on the approved standard. I invested heavily to open a business that was allowed to operate for over 10 years or more in Brownsville and is operating in Houston and Dallas/Ft Worth area supposedly legally.

  8. The issues may be unrelated, but the point that is to be made concerns your quick-changing, pass-the-buck stance on issues which is demonstrative of an individual who lacks integrity. Your long-winded comments here, and elsewhere, are nothing more than words your keyboard spews and not genuine words that come from an honorable man.

  9. "Also discussed in the meeting was Bailey’s recommendation to convert the UTPA Athletics Program to the UTRGV Athletics Program with continued membership in the Western Athletic Conference. UTPA athletes will automatically be on UTRGV teams, and UTB will honor the scholarships of UTB student athletes. They will have opportunities to try out for athletics teams at UTRGV." BH today

    So, there will be no atheletics at the Brownsville satellite campus. Students have to "try out" for teams in Edinburg. That will work out about as well as comuting to classes in Edinburg. I guess it would be possible to have half the baseball team workout in Brownsville via video conferencing.

  10. "Cascos said he’s hoping to apply new pressure to finish the West Rail bridge, a 10-year project punctuated by delays on the Mexican side of the first international bridge built between the two countries in more than a century." BH today

    The Pharr Bridge was built in 1994. If he is suggesting rail bridge, he is wrong as well. The Laredo rail bridge was built in 1920.

  11. How am I passing the buck, when I am not the city attorney? Interesting that you can attack and that you do not want me to respond. Then, if I respond you attack my character and integrity. You deserve this mayor, so quit shinning.

  12. This is th he first time I h as be been called a waffle on the issues. I have repeatedly been told that they always know where I stand on the issues. Maybe you know more about my record on the issues. You easily attack my integrity hiding behind anonymous, I can only wonder what kind of coward with integrity you may be or if you know what integrity is?

    1. It's Cris Valadez, Pat. Has to be. Who else?

    2. I wouldn't call you a waffle......but I sure as hell will call you an obnoxious drunk.

  13. So Pat, if you plan to run for an elected position in the next election, when are you going to announce your intent ? Which available spot will you be vying for if you
    intend to run? Curious minds want to know.

  14. There is a petition being circulated for me to run. I am speaking with potential financial-pledges. If, I feel the commitment is there, then I would announce after the holidays. I don't Need to be mayor, but there are plenty of people who regret being taken by empty promises and are asking me to run for mayor. We will see..... ES MEJOR POR-CONOCIDO-QUE-POR-CONOCER. If, I do run and win, I will put on the table airing public comments. The issue or concern was keeping speakers from making statements that would subject the city to liability, as was done by a couple of speakers in the past. I dont know ehat the solution is, but maybe one can be found. Thank you for asking.

    1. Let it go, Pat. You have been Bartoned; that is, he has thrown you under the bus. His loyalty is to city parks, parking garages, and, now, speaking at City Hall on obscure Cable-TV.

    2. Coming from a man who had 900 votes in a population of 200,000 people!!!! Pat, please don't forget how embarrassed we all were for you.

  15. Looks like more than just rockets get high at Space-Ex.

  16. Anonymous 2:31 pm- You are absolutely right. I made the mistake in believing he had objectivity and professionalism. Thank you!

    1. Don't worry pat, we assumed the same about you.

  17. Pat, you are toxic! I would stay as far away from you as possible!

  18. Cris valadez sure does have a lot of hate for Pat....maybe Duardo is right about cris being teased as a young kid and growing up all sick and demented only a county judge could tolerate him.



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