Thursday, September 18, 2014

El Bowman, "La Bowman," Una Bowman or No Bowman~When Candidates Claim Ethnicity

Shirley Bowman, Candidate for BISD Trustee,
Place 4
We're used to it in the valley, understanding the motivation.  Arthur C. Nelson becomes Arturo Cisneros Nelson, Jessica Bradshaw uses Jessica Puente-Bradshaw.  Gilbert becomes Gilberto and Mike assumes Miguel, reminding us, plainly and subliminally of their ethnicity.

As noted weeks ago by blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes of the BROWNSVILLE VOICE, Shirley Bowman, a candidate for BISD Trustee, Place 4, remembering that students often referred to her as "La Bowman," incorporated the article "La" into her official campaign name.  Our readers can decide if Bowman was simply reminiscing or making a feeble attempt to appear Hispanic.


  1. Every woman in Brownsville goes by La Nalga.

  2. BISD voter for Elizondo, Rodriguez, and Pacheco. No more nitwits!

    1. Robert Rodriguez, Juan Pacheco, and Mary Rey.
      No more Cadillacs, or Mercedes for Board Members

  3. You left out the most notorious, Tony "Antonio" Zavalet(t)a. The Zavalet(t)a clan go both ways, some want to be Mexicanos and others Italians. In reality, they are Basque.

  4. Vote for Mrs Rey, the only candidate not connected to to the current ratas

  5. We can see her attempt to grab the Hispanic vote. Aghhhhhhh
    Vote for Ms Mary Rey, the only hope for students and teachers....

  6. your cartoonist is a sicko.

  7. Candidates position themselves as best they can "to win" the election. Down here being or appearing to be Hispanic is important. Why, because Hispanic candidates know that many, many people will only vote for a Hispanic. Running as Arturo Nelson caused folks to he a "coconut"? We have seen it too with folks like Patricia Williams......who re-named herself Patricia Guillermo to appear to fit in. In high school, Julieta Garcia was "Julie", and Federico Pena was "Freddy". Times have changed. After Aurora de la Garza's son Joey stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from a local hospice, he reverted to his mother's maiden name and Cameron County hired him.....despite his fraudulent past. And in the end, people change their names because they know or think that no one locally will care and that it doesn't cause anyone to question them.

    1. "...Patricia Williams......who re-named herself Patricia Guillermo to appear to fit in..."

      Thank you, um, Tony... for that hirsute lesson in Nomenclature Evolution Theory. You appeared to fit in then, too. #knowwhatImean?

  8. "Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said he'll accept a debate invitation from his opponent Ted Cruz under one condition: that the debate be in Spanish." Here is one of your newly minted "Hispanics" who was afraid to debate a gringo in Spanish. At least he did not change his name to Eduardo. I would like to see some of our local "Hispanic" elite speak extemporaneously in Spanish. What a joke that would be. It must be one hell of a "trastorno" to be so conflicted.

  9. Why is this not in the local press?

  10. Because it's from RIGHT WING Breitbart!!!!!

  11. Has Bobby Wightman-Cervantes always used the Cervantes portion of his name, even when in Dallas area, or did he begin using it when he came to the valley?

  12. Yes. The "Dallas Observer" article of 2001 detailing his U.S. Senate run use the name.

    1. You use the phrase "Senate run" loosely. He was never a factor. I'm sure he remembers those days as his time on Earth when he was less than zero

  13. I will not vote for nicknames. Period. I find the use of such unprofessional when seeking professional positions.

  14. I am voting for La Bowman... just because she is a brave Lesbian in this Community....
