Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Judge Murray Rules in Frank Morris "Resignation" Case

Frank Morris
Judge Menton Murray, Jr. found that neither of Frank Morris' attempted resignation emails met the legal standard because they were unsigned. That was his ruling in a case heard at 9:00 AM today in the 445th Court.

Of course, email letters, unlike handwritten or typed communications, cannot be physically "signed."

"Until someone tells me differently, I have to find that Mr. Morris resignation email was not legal because it lacks a signature," Judge Murray stated.  102 Precinct Chair Tad Hasse had asked for a declaratory judgement affirming the Morris resignation.

Morris inital email sent at 12:36 PM May 14 to Cameron County Secretary Ida Stacy among others seemed permanent, indicating, that while he'd "enjoyed the ride," he felt "free at last."  Morris gave the "new chairman" 30 days to pick up the records.

Evidently having second thoughts, Mr. Morris sent another email 11 hours later at 11:59 PM on May 14, limiting his resignation to his current term.  Judge Murray noted that email was also unsigned, therefore illegal in his ruling.

Tad Hasse
Morris also asked for $7,500 in sanctions against Hasse.  Murray found that request to have "no merit."

Hasse will appeal.


  1. Another loss for Tad Hasse! This guy just cannot win. Loses at the ballot box and loses job that went to Chris Davis and loses this one. Sad.

  2. Time stamp must be screwed .. hearing didn't start til 9 .. yet you posted results at 8:00 AM and first comments came in at 8:14.

  3. Google is on Pacific Time. I posted the story at 10:00 AM Central Daylight Time

  4. So why don't you adjust your blog's time settings internally, with just one click?

  5. "For the record, Barton and Montoya were not in the courtroom so any information they have is one sided from Hasse." (Brownsville Voice)

    Is your information one sided with Hasse as proclaimed by the Brownsville Voice? Why is your fellow blogger so critical of your blog?

  6. I can't speak for Mr. Wightman's motivation. The report we received on today's hearing did not come from Tad Hasse as he claimed on his blog. He is simply in error.

    1. Wightman had this to say about your statement. "Barton knows my motivation - it is called truth. He has no use for it which is why he cannot see it."

  7. Judge Menton Murray is a political DICK! He obviously sets a precedent that you can't resign by e-mail, because it is not signed. How sad for our county.....Thanks for nothing Judge Murray!

  8. Then obviously, the e-mail resignation of Pete Sepulveda at Cameron County is not legal, according to Judge Murray, because it wasn't signed.

    1. ^ 2 anonies sharing the same brain, or 1 sock puppeting? You decide.

  9. Section 201 of the election code, dipshits. The very sword Tad lived by and then tragically died by. Fucking Google it if you have to, but it clearly reads: "Must be in writing and signed by the officer".

    Ball game.

    1. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries! Now go away before I taunt you a second time!

    2. Please continue your game of pocket pool with them. Did anyone say the suit was dismissed? No. If the judge thought his ruling would stand, wouldn't the dominos fallen right then and there? Yes. Did they? No. The suit is still there and not simply because someone "forgot to ask that it be dismissed" Where is the Morris Victory Party being held? There isn't one? What a fucking surprise! No one got invited because all he is doing is drawing out the inevitable and creating compounded error that will have to all be fixed. His fault. Cheerlead all you want. You are a. part of the problem as well and will be the first one to bitch and moan and throw outrageous drama fits when the work comes to clean up the mess left by Morris's hussy fit tantrum and your pathetic need to go down with the ship, except you will not do that. You'll just cry,bitch, and moan like the world personally discomforted you and not lift a finger to fix a thing.

    3. Written by an Aggie. Hey Ag, are you going to be counting votes for your suegro?

    4. Remember folks, when the truth is inconvenient in an argument, the ad hominem is usually used by the guy with the weakest position.

    5. Take special note of the above, especially if you support the illegality of Frank and Ida.

  10. Here we go....now every single person who did not fall in step with what Hasse & Co. demands will get the retaliation of a thousand anony posts and the torture of infinite fleas. Time to take to the bunkers, folks, because the bullshit is about to fly indiscrimately.

    1. Morgana the Victim to the anony rescue.

    2. The patron saint of the anonymous victim poster. Seriously....

  11. anytime a comment ends "SERIOUSLY' we know exactly who that is. Roman adds that word when he talks too.

  12. Wrong again NoMan.

  13. Why is Davis' nose still so far up Morris' ass?

  14. Every person who won't buy into the circled wagons, spying, betrayal, and total ineffectiveness of the Frankites will get hurried under a sockpupet maelstrom. There, I fixed it for you.

  15. Someday y'all got to explain this weird Republican religion you got where Morris is the Grand Pooba. It has to be a religion 'cause its based entirely on faith, not fact, and has absolutely nothing to validate its exixtance that has any solid basis in the real world.
