Monday, June 23, 2014

What Is the Real Story Behind the G.B.I.C.? How Do "Studies" Get Funded? Are We Robbing from the Poor to Give to the Rich?

G.B.I.C Board Member,
County Treasurer,
David Betancourt
B.E.D.C. Board Member,
Ambiotec Engineering, Inc.,
Carlos Marin


  1. If you follow the money, it ends up in Marin's pocket. Where are the Feds on this?

  2. David Betancourt is a leach on the public and is dumb as a stump......except how to covert public funds to his funds. Carlos Marin has managed to worm his way into the "scene" downtown because he is said to have lots of money. To date, we have seen nothing that Carlos Marin has done for the city....and we don't know what the city has done for him. Any issue that is supported by Betancourt and Marin probably offers them a "kickback".

  3. Go away......stick to subject story or start your own blog.

  4. No one would read it. That is why all the spewing here.

  5. Mr. Barton. Was there only 1 GBIC member involved in voting this in or are you protecting your friend Commish, Jessica and her new partner in crime Al Villareal that are on the GBIC board? Jessica and Al voted to give away our money and you only pick on David Bentacourt. Looks you only put one picture of Davic and not Jessica nor Al. If your going to try to be a reporter you need not to impartial not protecting your friends.

    1. Learn how to wright David, and leave Jessica alone, you are the one that told everyone to vote for this.
