Thursday, June 12, 2014

Our Public Information Request to BISD About Cause or Causes of School Bus Fires Sent to Attorney General

Photo by Miguel Roberts, Brownsville Herald
This past October two BISD school buses caught fire within a week, carrying 29 and 30 student passengers respectively.  Since both buses catching fire were made by the same company, a team of inspectors hired by, but independent of the International Corporation, known also as IC or Navistar, flew in to inspect their buses.  BISD Superintendent Dr. Carl Montoya also brought in an independent inspection team.  Neither team's report has ever been made public by BISD.

Photo by Miguel Roberts, Brownsville Herald
Even before the two reports were finalized, human nature could explain the attention given to the specific manufacturer of the two buses catching fire, as in BISD Trustee Presas-Garcia's comment at the time:  "We have to face the battles, but we overcame that. We all understood it was Thomas buses and Thomas buses were purchased. So International buses were not purchased this time around. We want whats best for our students and safety is priority for our district."

Had the reports identified a manufacturing defect, one could expect a quick national and international reaction, recalls, lawsuits and probes into the manufacturer's methods, techniques and quality control.  

Drue Brown, BISD Public
Information Officer
Still, without being able to examine the actual reports, anything said about the cause of the fires is simply speculation.

Our initial Public Information Request to obtain both reports as to the cause or causes of the school bus fires of October 2013 was filed via email with Drue Brown, BISD's Public Information Officer.

The ten business days public entities have by law to respond expired today and I called Mrs. Brown.  

BISD Staff Attorney Miguel Salinas
Mrs. Brown indicated she was aware of my request, that it had been sent to BISD's legal department.   Brown mentioned possible "pending litigation," stating that I would likely receive some paperwork from Staff Attorney Miguel Salinas.  

Just to clarify things, I reiterated that my request was for two reports, one initiated by the International Corporation, the other by a firm hired by BISD.  To forewarn me, Mrs. Brown indicated that one of the reports may not have been submitted to writing.  When I questioned the reasonableness of such a report not being written, Mrs. Brown thanked me for my interest and ended the call.

Of course, a report is not complete until it is submitted in written form.  No check would even be issued for a mere oral statement that could not be corroborated.  

Below are the two documents we received today from BISD.  Can anyone seriously question that knowing exactly what caused these school bus fires is necessary to protect the district's students?


  1. Waste of time for all concerned. Get a job, Jim.

    1. One risk of writing an article is that not all will understand. When the lives of Brownsville's children are involved, you take that risk. Now, go back to your Game Boy.

    2. You likely have no children or grandchildren attending BISD or you would not be so flippant.

      Nena Barton

  2. "On report ..." or "One report ..."? Seems as though this attorney employs the proof reader who also works for the Brownsville Herald. One expects better from, not just an attorney, but one employed by the school district!

  3. BISD administration is obvlivious to your FOIA requests....whether about burning buses or corruption in the school system. Since most parents don't care as long as BISD provides babysitting and meals, nothing will change. Since the faculty and staff seek to protect their jobs; they will not take any action either. So, no matter how much we put in the blogs....BISD administrators and trustees are not likely to take any real action.....they are as corrupt as any of our unseated elected officials.

  4. Mr. Barton,
    BISD's Public Information is still operating under the dinosaur era. For a school district this size
    they are far behind . I've attended the superintendent's golf tournament 3 years in a row.
    It has not grown in sponsorships but declined in its sponsors and contributions. Not to say
    the lack of PR skills in general
    So what was the outcome the administrator for this department administrator a very comfortable raise
    while the teachers in the front line did not get anything.

  5. Too many lawyers! Since lawyers take up lots of space in legislatures, we know they make laws to benefit lawyers. These days everything must, because the laws and policies are made by lawyers, go through more lawyers. And those lawyers not in jail for corruption....enter the equation. Our system is bogged down by lawyers and red-tape put in place by lawyers.

  6. (Now, go back to your Game Boy.)

    Just a suggestion: Now, go back to your game, boy.
