Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Juliet Garcia's New, Unapproved Self-Promo Film~MMB Looks At Awards in General

Donald Sterling, "NAACP Lifetime
Achievement Award" Winner
Awards and accolades may get confusing to young and old alike. Obviously,  Donald Sterling's 2009 "NAACP Lifetime Achievement Award" had more to do with his monetary contributions to the group's Los Angeles chapter than any real contribution to civil rights.

Of course, someone has to take the bull by the horns, getting someone nominated, but that's what underlings, hey boys and subordinates are for.  

Occasionally, the potential honoree takes matters into his or her own hands, as did County Clerk Joe Rivera in commissioning a set of  $2,500 portraits of himself
Joe Rivera, Self-Honored
and Aurora De la Garza to being hung at a county satellite office in San Benito without first getting a purchase order.  The names of the two long tenured, but unaccomplished county officials also graces the outside of the satellite building.

Brownsville's most notorious self-promoter, outgoing UTB President Juliet Garcia, may end up being our most decorated citizen if Garcia herself has anything to do with it(and she does).  An Austin source reports that personnel from the "UTB Office of Public Information have been observed around Austin working on an unapproved promotional film about Juliet Garcia."  

Juliet Garcia
We report this as a rumor, but it comes on the heels of CNN's inclusion of Juliet Garcia among the "World's 50 Greatest Leaders just behind New Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter.(Jeter was 21st, Garcia 27th)  This award required an application.  Juliet graciously supplied CNN with the names of two persons familiar with her work.

Notre Dame University recently honored Garcia, along with Brownsville Bishop Daniel Flores.  Garcia was given the "Champion for Education Award."  

The American Council on Education added a "Lifetime Achievement Award" to the accolades.

In fairness, Juliet Garcia should share the awards with the Brownsville Herald, the local newspaper that has NEVER covered the story of Juliet's near criminal attempt to cede $200,000,000 worth of local taxpayer assets to the ultra-rich University of Texas system.  

It will fall on parents to explain to their children that people like Donald Sterling, Joe Rivera and Juliet Garcia sometimes get recognition based on self-promotion, not merit.


  1. Right on Jim. Juliet started her path of self-promotion with the help of Mary Rose Kardenas and the Kardenas Klan. They had never met a situation that they couldn't manipulate, cheat or pay their way out of. Juliet adopted that philosophy and continues to have tremendous Kardenas support. Juliet was a dictator at UTB and UTB-TSC. She manipulated the TSC Board so that it was under her control. She shifted faculty positions (for pay purposes) to administration to form a band of "assholes" who were totally loyal to her and her dictatorship. She had a hand or finger in every appointment to committees and boards....even down to the parking ticket review board and the student government. She decided what the students would write in the UTB newspaper and she got rid of any student or staff who violated her wishes. She use faculty loyal to her to get rid of other faculty (deny tenure or not re-hire). She formed a "Juliet Garcia faculty"....one that would not flunk students and who would defer to her for all decisions. She ignored cheating allegations and tended to side with students over faculty. She cared more for the gardens and lawn than for the classrooms and faculty support equipment. Juliet was the voice and face of UTB......and would not allow anyone else to advertise.....all self promotion. Juliet never really honored successful UTB students, she tended to look to old TSC students from the past who had been successful and were her peers. Juliet was far more focused on the "perception" of excellence than she was the "reality" of poor performance by her students. Juliet was
    loyal to herself first and manipulated everything else to support her self-serving nature. The Herald never questioned her and most of the Herald articles were probably written by Letty Fernnandez, her public relations officer and loyal ally.

    1. Excellent synopsis of the tyranny rained down upon the peons by la cacique. I think we would be remise in not mentioning one other fundamental characteristic of our "leader". It is axiomatic that those who use the ethnic card to work their way up the political hierarchy show in their real lives an inverse appreciation for the ethnicity and culture they so handily manipulate. "Que tanto me gusta Rio Viejo."

  2. There is only one position less important than the president to the success of a university and its students, the head football coach. Since there never was a football team, Julieta, you are number one.

    1. What a fucking dickless comment that is, anony! You fuckers are in immediate need of an enema, preferably with gasoline. Go get some pussy and stop acting stupid, baboso! LOL!!!!

    2. You must be a university president. Congratulations.

    3. Naw, from the knee-jerk response spewing gutter talk, must be a football coach.

  3. In case you missed it, here is a little booby prize left by "La Cacique":

    "The regents will also propose the process of hiring tenured and tenure track faculty. When UTRGV opens in fall of 2015, both UTB and UTPA will be abolished and so will the tenure of the faculty of both institutions."




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