Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Monday Downtown~El Tapiz Elevator Finally Working, Tony's Downtown Office Idea May Be Shelved

The plans for the recently purchased trio of small buildings along E. 11th Street seem to be changing weekly.  Now, the window sign makes no mention of yet another downtown mayor's office, just a police substation, Downtown Revitalization "Headquarters" and a MUSEUM.  A museum?  Where did that come from?

Two of the properties were purchased during the City Commission's speculative real estate buying spree of two years ago, with a third bought during the mayor's inappropriate tapping into the AEP Texas Settlement Fund.

Work on the project will have to be greatly accelerated to meet the announced completion date of "April 2014."

Oh, BTW, El Tapiz finally has an operative elevator, making the building that houses the Fire Administration, City Planning and MPO office compliant with the American Disabilities Act of 1990.
Plans Now Call for Police Substation and "Museum" at 609, 611, 615 E. 11th


  1. Calm down, Ramiro.

  2. "Museum" at 609, 611, 615 E. 11th

    This will be one of the rare occasions when the "Museum" building will be older than the objects on display.

    Translation to English in parenthesis.

    “My compliments to the UT Board of Regents for their inclusive selection process, which surfaced excellent candidates for the inaugural presidency of UTRGV,” Garcia said in a statement. (The Board did a poor job of "surfacing" top level Hispanics candidates. The choice of the word "surface" shows distain for the process, indicating it was underwater from the beginning.) “I am confident that Guy Bailey’s wide-ranging experience will serve the students of the Rio Grande Valley well. ( This guy is a job hopper and I wish him all the luck in the world. Lubbock and Tuscaloosa prepare one very well for the ambiguities of the RGV! "I am confident" is giant red flag, synonymous with "I am highly doubtful" and don't really care. )This announcement should be one of great celebration for the entire region because it ushers in the next phase of designing and planning for the opening of the new UT Rio Grande Valley. (The use of the conditional, "should be", always indicates a high degree of sarcasm in bureaucratic prose. The indicative tense "would have" shown at least halfhearted support.) ”

  3. City government at work escapes you, Barton. Things - and plans - change. If you don't like the way things unfold in town, run for office! Barking from a dead mesquite ain't cuttin' it, dude.

    1. You have a strange conception of the first amendment, as if it only applies to office holders. Oh, wait. You learned that from watching City Commission meetings.

  4. A Pharr man has been charged with animal cruelty after he allegedly beat and tried to freeze his girlfriend's dog. Hidalgo County jail records show 20-year-old Seth Michael Morales was being held Tuesday on a charge of cruelty to non-livestock animals/torture. Bond is $25,000 for Morales, who was booked April 24. Police said police were called to a residence about an upset man and a confrontation. According to a report, a woman who lives at the home went out, returned, couldn't find her pet and then located her injured small dog in the freezer. She took the animal to a veterinarian for treatment. Jail records don't list an attorney for Morales.

  5. Regardless of whether you call yourself Hispanic, Latino or something else, if you can trace your family to Latin America, there is an overwhelming chance that you “come from family clans that stretch back for thousands of years of Indigenous tradition.” This part of the conversation needs to have a larger part of the “Latino identity”question.

    1. I have a question about the "No Public Restrooms" sign. Does mean that if a "Public" taxpayer needs to take a shit while doing business with one of the government entities that are house in the "El Tapiz" building they are shit out of luck?

  6. Thank you for covering the story on the elevator. I can imagine how many citizens actually visit the third floor of the Tapiz building on a weekly basis. I'll bet I can count them on one hand. Between your moronic speculation on the Pct. 2 appointment and your play by plays of the televised City Commission meetings, you've reached a new level of irrelevance. Congratulations!

    1. However "light" the actual use is for El Tapiz, it's certainly used more than the taxpayer leased Downtown Brownsville Revitalization Information Center or La Casa del Nylon, the $2.3 million dollar boondoggle that sits idle, decaying.

      As for "moronic speculation," I was simply reporting a rumor, but thanks for your careful readership.

  7. The above comments clearly indicate that ignorant people read and respond to this blog. Why is it that people with no brains, content that they know everything. Brownsville is full of ignorant people and they all seem very happy displaying their ignorance on the blogs.

    1. "The above comments clearly indicate that ignorant people read and respond to this blog."

      Please see above comment.

    2. The only one ignorant on this blog is you my friend think about it

    3. Try using punctuation, it does wonders for writing skills. If anything connotes ignorance, it is comments like yours, which present no thoughts, arguments or information. Your ad hominem attacks are as childish as your grammar.

    4. You take yourself way to serious my friend you must be really bored with yourself.why don't you create your own blog ,instead you criticize .oh your so better than everyone because you no how to punctuate get a life be a solution mamon!

  8. Maybe one of those former hole-in-the-wall bars could become the "Juliet Garcia Center for Leveraged Studies" BCIC could fund the hell out of it, BEDC could call it a sucess, and GBEC could could find a new place to stuff in someone leeched to Carlos Marin's butt.



Paid-for-political writer Juan Montoya of El Rrun, Rrun , starts his umpteenth article promoting Adela Garza puppets Edward Camarillo and ...