Saturday, March 8, 2014

The City Commission Yields Control of Industrial Corridor Development to United Brownsville

Pat Ahumada, right about United Brownsville
Former mayor, Pat Ahumada, had his warts, but he was correct about the Imagine Brownsville/United Brownsville scam.  He saw it as a fake, "unelected" governmental entity without "accountability."  He said at the time that the pretentious, unenforcable board would never "walk on water" to implement the pretty drawings in the so-called comprehensive plan.

But, now, a half decade later, we have the United Brownsville Coordinating Board beginning to flex its muscles as a player in the development of the extremely lucrative industrial corridor, including the Port of Brownsville.  It was bad enough to see United Brownsville as a $200,000 annual Chamber of Commerce-like cheerleader, taking pictures, inventing slogans and "promoting" Brownsville.  That was tax money down a rat hole, to be sure, but things changed dramatically at the March 4, 2014 City Commission meeting when City Attorney Mark Sossi strode to the podium to introduce agenda item 17:  17. Consideration and ACTION on Resolution Number 2014-034, in support of the creation of a Bioned(sic) Coordinating Board to be made up by Equal Representation from United Brownsville, Imagina Matamoros, and the City of Harlingen in order to promote and plan the development of the Bi-Ned Zone. (Commissioners D. Portillo/R. Gowen)

This subtle move officially put members of the United Brownsville Coordinating Board, yes, unelected, unaccountable individuals in charge of Cameron County's most lucrative area, the industrial corridor including the Port of Brownsville.  The binational plan was presented at BiNed 2014 seminar December 6th at UTB with most of Cameron County's elected leaders NOT invited. Payment for the plan, $454,592.08, had been approved earlier by the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, the expense to be shared by GBIC, the Port of Brownsville and P.U.B.

Tony Martinez, United Brownsville's mayor
The inexplicable angst vented by Tony Martinez and Rose Gowen at the March 4th commission meeting toward Pete Gonzalez, may very well have something to do with his presentation of a 5 year Capital Improvement Plan WITHOUT consulting the major players in United Brownsville. For those still wondering why Mayor Martinez flurry of behind-the-scenes real estate purchases and other deals seem totally unrelated to actual needs of the City of Brownsville, please understand that Martinez is not acting as the Mayor of Brownsville, but as the Mayor of United Brownsville or, more accurately, United Brownsville's mayor.  From Day 1 of his tenure, Martinez has been about placating his mentors on the United Brownsville Coordinating Board; Juliet Garcia, Fred Rusteberg and Carlos Marin.  Actual city needs are not on his agenda.

Actually, the Wysk Company Profile lists the physical address of the United Brownsville Coordinating Board as 1001 E. Elizabeth Street, the actual City Commission building.  That may not be too far-fetched as this scam, much like an insidious computer virus penetrates vital areas of control, including the region's development.

Now, back to the $454,592.08 plan paid for by the taxpayers:  The Greater Brownsville Infrastructure & Development Plan designates where manufacturing, light and heavy industry, etc. can be located, both at the Port of Brownsville and in the so-called industrial corridor along FM 550.  Power and water usage requirements factor in to where certain types of enterprises will be placed.  Obviously, the relative value of land in this area will be greatly affected by decisions made relative to the implementation of this plan.

Agenda item 17, cited above and passed by the City Commission without discussion, puts those decisions in the hands of individuals, not elected or accountable to the taxpayers.  That was the United Brownsville Master Plan all along.


  1. It would could be very interesting to find out who owns the land included it the plan, IMHO nobody would be surprised!!!

  2. Since Tony Martinez is incompetent as mayor, he seeks to turn over the policy making of the city to his "budz"....Julieta Garcia and the United Brownsville group. Unfortunately, unless all entitlement payments are suspended, the people of Brownsville don't give a rat's ass and will not make any effort to learn about what is going on in this city administration.

  3. Deborah Martinez-Gowen-Portillo sure hit the ground running with her agenda. She left her glorified secreterial position at United Brownsville to be on the commission but she seems to still be working for Rusteberg, Julieta, Marin, etc. If you look closely, she has strings attached to all her limbs. Puppet perhaps? She hired, or better said, the mayor hired his campaign team to run Deborah's campaign. Rose Zavaleta-Gowen (who works for Marin's wife - Su Clinica) was behind her at all her campaign events along with the usual ally rats like Jude Benavidez (a rubber stamp for Gowen on the BCIC and whose wife works for Marin - Ambiotec) and Sandra Langley (who kisses the ground Martinez and Gowen walk on and probably eats their shit for dinner). C'mon, its easy to see she's a paid-for rubber stamp. Grow a brain little girl and represent those who elected you, not those who paid for your campaign. Your bullshit reports don't fool anyone. Maybe on your next report you can tell us how many of our tax dollars you, mommy and daddy spent in Mexico City. Because that really benefited us, right?

  4. Very much agree. All Portillo has done is nothing but go to Mexico City and come back to brag about it at a city commissioners' report.
    Just in case she has not figured it out- Mr.Amigo Association is nothing but a rip off to Brownsville .
    How about taking a real interest in her district?

  5. Every single one of these corrupt ASS HOLES ARE DEMONCRATS COMMUNIST.

  6. @ 6:41

    Isn't Langley a rubber stamp for Martinez and Gowen on the GBIC board as well? She has also been criticized for traveling to Columbia to ride bikes with the mayor at our expense. Why should Brownsville taxpayers have to pay for that? She doesn't even live in Brownsville, she lives on the Island! Martinez is traveling all over the world, literally. He is using his travel allowance - and more than is budgeted by the City of Brownsville - as Mayor. He is also using more than is budgeted for him over at PUB as a board member, non-voting by the way. Martinez has also traveled to Columbia, Turkey, China, and dozens of other places around the world and around the US using BEDC money. What fucking business has he attracted by taking those trips? Maybe more "chinitos" for his downtown revitalization efforts is all I can think about. He is probably scaring potential business away by introducing himself to these investors. Stay home, Tony.

    1. You democrats need to "TEA PARTY" your pathetic leadership.

  7. GBIC is a criminal enterprise!



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