Monday, March 3, 2014

From the Archives, 11/20/12~Did Cameron County Immortalize County Clerk Joe Rivera Too Soon?

Cameron County always seems in a total rush to immortalize, recognize and reward Joe Rivera for his long tenured, but mediocre service as County Clerk.

First, we learned of the co-naming of a satellite judicial building for Rivera and Aurora de la Garza, followed up with an extravagant $2,500 portrait of the rule-bending duo not authorized by purchase order.

As if the portrait and building identification were not enough in the way of unearned recognition and reward for Joe and Aurora, County Commissioner Dan Sanchez tried to issue the two raises through a sleight-of-hand last minute addendum to the Commissioners Court minutes authorizing raises totaling nearly $6,000 for the two.

Now, a just received report indicates that Rivera has still not developed the necessary respect for proper protocol or taxpayer dollars:

"Hi Jim.. . . . . Just keep my name confidential. At the
courthouse...2 nd floor...not sure of district. But county workers are soliciting attorneys to buy raffle ticket for $25.00 each. They say its for their Xmas party BUT the ticket says "Campaign and Xmas Party". I asked a worker and he verified it was for campaign of Joe Rivera and some funds for their Xmas party. It appears.all workers are required to sell tickets."

In Cameron County, likely the most impoverished county in the United States, our public officials continue to show no respect for the way they use staff payed for by tax dollars nor the use of facilities, paid for, heated and cooled and maintained by the taxpayers. If the above report is accurate, Rivera needs to be immortalized in a far different way than with an expensive, unauthorized portrait.

Just received a confirmation of this report by a second party:

"have you seen a copy of the raffle ticket? I have one. I noticed it said "campaign" also. Thought it was weird. Every employee got 5 tickets to sell. i bought 2 yesterday AM. Please leave my name out of this"

The type of conduct by the staff of Joe Rivera needs to be immediately investigated. We recall County Sheriff Candidate and former bailiff Joe Cisneros being terminated for so-called campaign activities perhaps less blatant than this.


  1. Joe Rivera is a crook which is why Gilberto Hinojosa chose him to run for county judge. Hinojosa is dead set on keeping this county as dirty as ever so he can keep pulling strings. Smiling scumbag should be be jailed for making county employees raise his campaign money on county time.

    1. Mediocrity and waste are cherished commodities in this city, Jim. Surely, you knew that. As a result...the portrait.

  2. Let's not forget all of the pseudo nonprofits as they continue to support the DemoRatic regimes, past and present.

  3. remember Conrado Cantu? Same deal, illegally coercing county employees to campaign for him.

  4. Joe Rivera has never demonstrated any "leadership" and to be a part of Cameron County for so long, he has surely demonstrated a lack of moral courage by " going along" with the corruption in county government and failing to stand up for the people. Joe and Aurora de la Garza are "two peas in a rotten pod" and both should be investigated for their complicity in corruption. Aurora de la Garza is surely a "rotten apple" and likely that Joe has long been aware that his party has taken advantage of them and the citizens....usually for personal gain. Aurora has probably decided to step down in lieu of going to jail...which she deserves.

  5. Pictures like the one of Aurora and Joe demonstrate how local officials kiss each other's asses. We name too many things for living people that we may regret tomorrow. These dedication photos are one to give county officials raises is another. Why do we need to institutionalize these officials....they get paid, let them buy their own photos. A nice black and white for a cheap rate is all they deserve. Aurora's picture deserves to be hung at the Pest Control office....their biggest "raton", or at the dog pound....where she would never be adopted. Too much honoring of corrupt people who have long sucked on the public tit, hired their family and friends for jobs, paved roads for political purposes (caliche politics) and kissed each others butts to protect their own corruption. And this isn't Third World politics????

  6. State election code forbids the sale of raffle tickets that in turn funds an election campaign. Call them. Bottom line --- illegal.

  7. "Leadership", he don't have no stinkin leadership......he just does what Gilberto Hinojosa and the Dumbokratic Party tells him to do. Joe Rivera makes me think of Joe Biden.....they are both arrogant clowns who aren't very smart. But, at least Rivera's hair is real.

  8. yea but look he got elected, And he will get the democratic nomination because this is what the people in Cameron county like. Unless you work for the county do you really know how corrupt joe is.



Paid-for-political writer Juan Montoya of El Rrun, Rrun , starts his umpteenth article promoting Adela Garza puppets Edward Camarillo and ...