Wednesday, December 4, 2013

With Gilberto Hinojosa Injecting Himself into the County Judge Race Supporting Joe Rivera, Dominoes Fall, Candidates Angry

Gilberto Hinojosa
With newly elected County Chairperson Amber Medina, along with officers William Skaggs, Teresa Saldivar and Sergio Zarate working their tails off to restore the county Democratic Party, current Texas State Democratic Chair seems hellbent on destroying it.

As we reported November 30, Gilberto sweet-talked veteran politico County Clerk Joe Rivera to run for County Judge.(Rivera will reportedly announce Friday.) Hinojosa has likely never recoved emotionally from his 2006 defeat for that same position at the hands of Republican Carlos Cascos as he allegedly pulled out all  the stops, legal and otherwise, in support of John Wood against Cascos in 2010.

Not only is it entirely inappropriate for a State Party Chair to inject himself into a local Democratic primary, in doing so Hinojosa betrayed, backstabbed and undercut Sylvia Garza-Perez, who Hinojosa himself had announced as a Democratic County Judge candidate.

Sylvia Garza-Perez
Hinojosa's attempted manipulation of the county judge race set in motion an almost comical musical chairs game among county candidates.  Here is where things stand as of Wednesday afternoon, albeit a very fluid situation:  Former County Chairperson Sylvia Garza-Perez, originally backed and announced by Hinojosa for County Judge is now running for County Clerk. Enrique Escobedo, who half-heartedly announced for County Clerk at Cobbleheads, is now considering switching to run for County Treasurer.

Meanwhile, Otis Powers is reconsidering his plans to run for County Clerk as is David Betancourt his decision to run for County Judge.

Gilberto, when you make a mess, you make a big one!


  1. If the voters turn out, none of these scumbags will be elected. Votes will go to fresh blood, new names with solid credentials. We've all had it with the same old sewer rats.

    1. Dittos aside from solid credentials how about an honest person is badly needed.

  2. Why would Sylvia move out of the county judge race. As the only woman on the ballot, a repeat of how she won the last race.

    1. Just because she's a "woman" suffice as a credential? Remember she had politiqueras steal the election for her.

    2. I hope another woman, any woman, throws her hat into the county judge race (I nominate Nena Barton). Even if she doesn't campaign or spend a nickel. The point is, with a strong female Wendy Davis for Governor drumming up "women's issues" and pulling the women out to vote in this primary, there is a strong chance an unopposed woman Sylvia Perez will make it. If there were two women's names on the ballot, at least it would split the vote. Even better, bring on a discussion about corruption from a female perspective and how cameron county needs to move away from that. With this blog, Nena would have the perfect forum to document the challenges a clean candidate faces when running in Cameron county.

  3. Only in the State of Texas Democratic Party can you accomplish the ignominiously impossible of losing an election to a Republican in Cameron County and be rewarded with the State Party Chair. That's kind of like going straight from last place manager in the East Brownsville Little League to manger of Yankees.

    1. Hinojoto got the "State Party Chair" because of his CORRUPT reputation which is the only way dumbocRATS can win elections

    2. Only in Cameron County can Ruben Cortez loose at BISD, to be introduced as an Atty and a fake Dr in Hidalgo by the Sucios and win an crooked election as an SOBe?

  4. Hinojosa paid his way to the top of state Democratic Party with cold hard cash.

  5. Some of your information is wrong !! just don't know what to believe from you blog !!

  6. Some of your information is wrong !! get some of the facts straight !! don't know what to believe from your blog !!

  7. I dont know where your getting your sources but Abel Perez was never Sheriff and Letty Perez does not own any interest in the Toddle is owned by ex Sheriff Alex Perez and his son Mark Perez. Just because Letty Perez doesn't mean that case my last name is Garcia so I guess I own Garcia's of Matamoros...

  8. Voters do not go out and vote! Plain and simple!
    The RGV is in a vicious circle:
    we do not vote because the same crooks get elected,
    and the same crooks get elected because we do not vote.

  9. The taxpayers need to clean house aka get rid of Armando, Solis, Limas, Tony Y, Joe R, Aurora DLG, and all the corrupt so called officials and try and start from scratch.

    If we go out and vote and encourage everybody to vote,
    we might get rid of the crooks "Ernie, Erin, Sylvia, Enrique, Ruben, Dan and Daniel S., Martin, Lucios,Olivieira who was santioned and should have been removed?



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