Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Melissa Bachman Kills for the Thrill~"What An Incredible Hunt!" Bachman Exclaims

The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
(John Lennon/Paul McCartney)

Hey, bungalow bill
What did you kill
Bungalow bill?

He went out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun
In case of accidents he always took his mom
He's the all american bullet-headed saxon mother's son.
All the children sing

Hey bungalow bill
What did you kill
Bungalow bill?

Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lies
Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise
So captain marvel zapped in right between the eyes
All the children sing

Hey, bungalow bill
What did you kill
Bungalow bill?

The children asked him if to kill was not a sin
Not when he looked so fierce, his mother butted in
If looks could kill it would have been us instead of him
All the children sing

Hey, bungalow bill
What did you kill

Bungalow bill?


  1. Lame, Jim. real lame.


    1. BUNGalow Bill, huh? I'd love to meet him.


  2. Killing innocent wild life is no sport, Jim, please, their has to be something better to post.

    1. Nena told me that by simply printing these pics and the lyrics of "Bungalow Bill," I was overestimating the intelligence of my audience. She may have been correct.


    2. Some of us get it. Hang in there Mean Mister Brownsville

    3. Typical Liberal concern of the killing of innocent wild life but the MURDER OF OVER 55,OOO,OOO + MILLION INNOCENT HUMAN BABIES via ABORTION IS GREAT THING FOR MURDEROUS WOMEN TO DO!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Not really. I respect life period, including the unborn, but have no need to emote an ideology in all caps. I don't fit conveniently in a label as you likely do.


    5. 110 to 1 10:52 is a man. I just don't get it. Republicans used to want government out of their lives. Oh, unless it's abortion, and the plethora of other shit you want the government to control. You can't pick and choose hypocrite. If that skank had any philanthropy in her soul she'd be helping people with the monies used on that hunt to help the poor and indigent here at home. WWJD? I hate bible thumping hypocrites. Look up all the sex scandals your wholesome republicans have been caught up in and explain to me how they can do these things while being such devout Christians. What about the alter boys molested? Explain to them how they must forgive and and move on. Would Jesus have raped them? NOOO. Don't hide behind idealogy to pick and choose the areas where you think government should be involved. When men start giving birth and have to single handedly care for children while the mothers go out and hoop it up with a new man......then males have a say so. I'm personally against abortion, but in no way would I as a man hold judgement over a female for what they do with their bodies. Our GREAT nation is suffering from unfathomable number of single numbers having to tough it out on there own. HYPOCRICY IS A SIN. UNLESS IT COMES FROM THE FAR RIGHT

    6. To much bullshit written here all I see is a hot educated woman hunting ,my kind of girl doesn't mind getting dirty every now and then .it's just a picture people
