Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Tardy Wendy Davis Welcomed by Overflow Crowd at New CCTDW Headquarters

It can be difficult to gauge the expected attendance of an event promoted on Facebook.  I've been quoted a rule of thumb that a third of those clicking the button to indicate their plan to attend actually show up.  62 indicated on Facebook they would attend the Wendy Davis Meet & Greet associated with the grand opening of the Cameron County Texas Democratic Women's headquarters.  Actually, I thought I saw the same 50 folding chairs set up that were used at the final Democratic Party meeting last month at the Larry Jokl complex in downtown Brownsville.

Arriving ten minutes early, all 50 of the folding chairs were occupied with perhaps another 150 standing in the room's open space.  By the time Wendy Davis arrived, 30 minutes after the start of the program, maybe three or four hundred filled the building and stood outside.  

Starting the program was a loquacious lady who seemed ready to give Cindy Hinojosa, the event's organizer and president of the newly formed CCTDW, her own star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  "Cindy is just too humble," the cheerleader said.  "She would never want me to say this," she said as Ms. Hinojosa beamed from the sign-in table.  Then came brief comments by Cindy herself, thanking Sergio and Delores Zarate for funding the stage backdrop and call banking to invite locals to the program and the omnipresent Constable Abelardo Gomez for providing security. Hinojosa was followed by State Representative Eddie Lucio III. 

Lucio III was easily the most gifted public speaker of the night, speaking conversationally, but
earnestly with the necessary pace, pitch and power to hold his audience.  He started exactly as he did at his own event two years ago, sharing how the birth of this daughter had changed his outlook, enabling him to conceptualize women's issues.  That was a natural segue to a quick bio of Wendy Davis, who lifted herself out of an uneducated background and single motherhood to a Harvard Law degree and distinguished public service. Lucio and his wife have added a 5 month old since we last observed him, the baby squirming almost on queue as Lucio III gestured toward his young family.  

Newly elected Cameron County Chairwoman Amber Medina(elected by a 13-12 vote of precinct chairs last month) gave an introductory speech before the candidate took the podium, using the opportunity of the large crowd to implore participation in the local party.

Davis gave what must be a version of her basic stump speech, reminiscing how as a young girl writing letters for her speech-impaired grandfather, she learned the importance of having a voice. She promised to be that voice for South Texas.  

Unlike the Greg Abbott event two weeks ago, no observable media were in attendance.(Channel 4, 23 and the Brownsville Herald covered that event which was actually held in a taxpayer supported office at the BEDC.)  While this event easily exceeded the other in attendance, both gatherings were in venues far too small.  

According to a University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll, Wendy Davis currently trails Abbott by 6 percentage points, down from 12 just last month.  I ended up standing next to former Election Administrator Roger Ortiz.  "What are you doing now Roger?" I asked.  "Nothing and enjoying it," was Mr. Ortiz' response.  


  1. Those chairs are way too close together for your typical Brownsville behemoth. And, by the way, a victory of 6% is considered a landslide. The only way Wendy Davis could win the governorship of Texas is if you let Tamaulipas and Chihuahua vote.

    1. Lmao! that's some funny shit

    2. (is if you let Tamaulipas and Chihuahua vote.)

      Thought that was already a well established fact. Not funny, though. Not in my opinion.

  2. The turnout for this event was enormous! This should have taken place at Sams Memorial Stadium.

  3. This crowd was enthusisatic, happy, and diverse; in contrast, the handful at Abbots' gathering were mostly old disgruntled tea partiers with only hatred of Obamacare to unite them...I'll take this crowd any day, thank you.

    1. "...I'll take this crowd any day, thank you" YEP A CROUD OF BABY KILLERS GOING GAGA FOR ABORTION BARBIE LOL LOL LOL LOL

    2. BTW based on the above pic the crowd looks pretty old fuglies lmao lmao.

    3. old fuglies who vote, dumbass. That's why republicans lose elections in Cameron County.

  4. I still take this crowd any day, over yours at the few who gather at Abbot's ha ha ha.

  5. I believe the Mayor invited Wendy Davis to Brownsville to speak and in fact, first met with him at his house with along a select few people before coming to speak at the Democratic Headquarters. The Hinojosas , I think, were trying to make the large and enthusiastic crowd believe that they were the ones responsible for bringing Ms. Davis to Brownsville- which was not the case. Anyway, that night was all about Wendy and not the Hinojosas ( What little,nasty worms they are). I feel this is the perfect time and opportunity to elect this marvelous, intelligent and compassionate lady into the Governor's Mansion in Austin.I think she can do it.



At the Roy De los Santos event last evening, blogger Jerry McHale told me once again that my writing had improved.  That's so funny! I...